다음 에디터 고장 난 모양..다시 돌아왔..
현재 이스라엘은 육로 해로 영공 모두 봉쇄 당한 상태..
누구? 미국 친러 펜타곤과 러시아 에 의해..
이미 이집트는 자국의 공군기지를 러시아군을 위해 내준 상태라고..
리비아도 마찬가지..
이스라엘에 대해 공격 감행을 도와주는 셈..
민간인 살상으로 압박을 가하는 것은 저질 양아치들의 수준..
댓가를 받아라..
이스라엘의 탈무디즘 주의자들, 카쟈르 하수인들, 사바타이 마피아들은
선량한 99% 유대인들을 인질 삼아 세뇌된 일부를 앞세워 만행들을 저질러 왔고
결국 세계 지도에서 사라질 운명을 스스로 자초한 셈..
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Thomson Airways flight from London Stansted airport only took the evasive action after the pilot spotted the missile, according to the media. The aircraft landed safely, and the passengers were not informed the plane had nearly missed the crash, the media said.
The airline company confirmed that the event was reported by the crew of the flight, according to other media reports.
The reports come in the wake of the downing of a Russian passenger plane in the Sinai Peninsula which crashed on October 31 en route from Egypt's resort of Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg. All 224 people on board were killed in what has become the largest civil aviation disaster in Russian and Soviet history.An Egypt-led investigation is working to determine the cause of the crash with the help from Russian and other foreign experts. US and UK intelligence reportedly suggest a bomb was planted in the Russian airliner before take-off. Russian authorities said it was too early to draw any conclusions on the exact cause of the crash.
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