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러시아 민항기 참사: 이스라엘의 소행임이 드러나는가 ?

by 煌錦笑年 2015. 11. 8.

이런 고발과 지적의 기고문들에 앞서

터키 에도간을 먼저 실각을 시키는 것이 더 개선의 여지가 있지 않은가...

반대파 언론인들을 쿠데타 누명을 씌어 전부 감옥에 쳐 넣는 이면에

배후로 ISIS / ISIL 및 사우디로부터의 지원을 통해 부수적인 이익에 혈안이 된 에도간과 그 가족들..

예를 들면 이런 소식..

Washington Post Confirms: ISIS Supplied Via Turkey, a US Excuse to Seize Syria 
By Tony Cartalucci
Nov 6, 2015 - 12:08:42 AM


너희들도 Prof. Madsen 이 언급했던 던뫼 (The Dönmeh) 의 후손들 이더냐 ?

전부터 글로 기록 했었다만, 터키는 카쟈르 계열들이 너무 많아..

뭔가가 흥하면 사이드에서 서포트 하는 그룹이 반드시 있기 마련...

Political Information 

Nov 6, 2015 - Russian Plane Crash: Was Israel Responsible? 

Ron: The Brits and the Yanks say Fl.9268 was bombed so we can rule that out. The scenario suggested here seems very plausible especially as even when the Jews are found out, they are NEVER forced to pay for their filthy deeds; presumably so that they can continue doing them... Also, remotely hacking the plane would have made it possible to cause the disaster to occur exactly where the "ISIS" film crew was located to film the event. Sabotaging the plane's hydraulics may not have allowed for such precision. But who knows. No doubt the Russians know as they must also know about MH17, MH 370, Germanwings and all the rest. Meanwhile, humanity remains confused and ignorant, and swamped in an ocean of lies and false information for which it is somehow collectively responsible. In the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is king.

Russian Plane Crash: Was Israel Responsible?



Did you know that a plane, through its computer system,
can be hijacked remotely by cyberhackers and made to crash?

This is an an edited version of “Suspicions about the Russian plane crash” from this sitewhich is based in turn on an article with the same title by Christopher Bollyn, here.

With an extensive endnote and commentary by Lasha Darkmoon


An official in the Egyptian Air traffic control has told local reporters that the last communication with the pilot of the Russian plane was while he was flying at 30 thousand feet. The pilot complained of malfunction in the wireless devices and he asked for an emergency landing at the nearest airport.– “Russian plane crash,” The Telegraph (UK), October 31, 2015

It remains to be seen how the U.S. and other nations supporting the mercenary forces fighting in Syria will respond to the Russian intervention. Unlike chess, this game has no rules. – Christopher Bollyn, “Syria: The Russian Move – Changing the Game,” October 6, 2015, bollyn.com/changing-the-game-the-russian-move-in-syria/

The October 31 crash of the Russian Metrojet passenger aircraft in the Sinai Desert, near the border of Egypt and Israel, raises some well-founded suspicions of foul play being involved in the downing of the plane. Although it is too early to say what caused the crash, there are some clear indications that suggest the plane was remotely sabotaged – via its connection to the Internet.

FACT : The Russian aircraft went down south of Al Arish, near the border of Israel, very close to Israel’s main signal intelligence facility, Unit 8200, located on Kibbutz Urim.

LD: This Israeli signal intelligence facility, staffed by Israel’s most accomplished computer hackers, is located 60 miles north-east of the location where the Russian plane was downed. These hackers could easily have gained access to the plane’s computer, taking over the plane without the knowledge of the plane’s passengers or of the pilots in the cockpit. Computer hacking is indeed the main function of the Israeli operatives stationed at Unit 8200 on Kibbutz Urim.

See map HERE.

We already know for a fact that the Israeli signal intelligence facility, known as Unit 8200, has “rows of satellite dishes that covertly intercept phone calls, emails and other communications.” This Israeli spy facility would have had the ability to monitor and communicate directly with the aircraft’s navigation system – without the knowledge of the crew.

The fact that the pilot’s last communication, from 30,000 feet, reported a malfunction in the airplane’s wireless devices and that he asked for an emergency landing, indicates that the airplane may have been in the process of being hacked externally through its satellite wireless connection.

Secondly, the fact that this was the pilot’s last communication is significant.

Even if the plane had stalled, as it seems to have done, and fallen from 30,000 feet, the pilot still would have had several minutes to communicate with air traffic controllers in Cairo – unless his communications link had been cut, which appears to have been the case.

LD:  The anti-Zionist website smoloko.com has no hesitation in pointing the finger of blame at Israel’s espionage agency, Mossad. It calls ISIS (or ISIL) Israel’s “proxy Jew terror army.” It adds the significant fact that ISIS has never done Israel any harm. On the contrary, it has spent all its efforts ethnically cleansing the region of Arabs in order to expand the borders of the Jewish state and give the Jews their hearts’ desire: Eretz Israel, or Greater Israel, a “promised land” stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates.



Egypt’s Civil Aviation Authority reported that no Mayday signal was sent from the plane and that communication with the aircraft was normal until the aircraft disappeared from radar. This suggests that the normal communication links with the plane had been cut before the plane was remotely hijacked and sabotaged.

Last contact with the flight from flight tracking website Flightradar24 shows the aircraft climbing to 30875 feet, after which it showed erratic altitudes and speed indications. Last altitude recorded was 27925 feet at a speed of just 62 knots. Apparently, the plane had lost all engine power.

These reports seem to indicate that the plane may have been remotely hijacked by an unauthorized “ground pilot” who hacked into its flight system through its satellite connection to the Internet, something I discuss in “Why Did Crucial Computer Systems Fail?” in my book Solving 9-11.

LD: Here is another smoloko.com picture. Please note that none of these admittedly anti-Semitic pictures appear on Christopher Bollyn’s excellent website.


The plane then reportedly broke up in flight. This break-up may have occurred as a result of the extreme forces the plane was subjected to as it went through radical dives and climbs in the last twenty seconds before it disappeared from radar.  This scenario is very similar to the crash of Egypt Air 990, which went down exactly 16 years earlier on October 31, 1999, over the Atlantic Ocean, 62 miles south of Nantucket Island with 217 killed.

The wreckage suggests that the plane disintegrated at a high altitude.

“All signs indicate that the destruction of the aircraft structure occurred in air at a high altitude,” Alexander Neradko, head of the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency, said on November 1. Neradko said debris from the Airbus A321 was scattered across an “elongated ellipsis” of 3 miles in length by 2.5 miles in width.

A plane with a satellite connection to the Internet can be hijacked from the ground by an external hacker breaking into its computer system.



Did you know that a plane, through its computer system,
can be hijacked remotely by cyberhackers and made to crash?


There is a conspiracy theory going the rounds that Israeli security firms have access to, and ultimately control, most airports in the world — apart from airports in Iran and North Korea. There is little evidence for this theory, though Israeli security firms have indeed attempted to spread their tentacles far and wide into countries thousands of miles away from Israel, including airports in the US, Canada and the Netherlands. Smuggling a bomb onto a plane obviously would not be difficult: (1) if Israel wished to do so, and (2) if an Israeli security firm had foolishly been given full control of a particular airport in a foreign country.

Any foreign country that entrusts its security to Israel is therefore running a grave risk.

Israel and Egypt have pretty close ties. Theoretically, a bomb could easily have been smuggled onto the Russian Metrojet passenger plane at Sharm el-Sheikh airport in Egypt, but only (1) if we assume complicity between Israel and Egypt, or (2) if security at the Egyptian airport was so lax that an ISIS [or ISIL] operative could have smuggled a bomb on board the Russian plane. It has now been suggested by British prime minister David Cameron, the first international leader to do so, that an explosive device was placed on the Russian plane by an ISIS terrorist in Egypt.

This allegation, according to Christopher Bollyn, is worthless, since it is supported by no evidence whatever. What the allegation does, however, is deflect attention from Israel by finding a convenient scapegoat in ISIS.

If the British prime minister claims that ISIS was responsible for planting a bomb on the Russian plane, we can be almost certain that this is a lie: pure and simple disinformation. It is an unsupported allegation clearly designed to take the heat off Israel and make the Russians think that it was ISIS, acting in revenge for Putin’s intervention in Syria, that was responsible for the death of 224 Russians on board the plane. The suspicion that Israel might have been responsible for this act of terrorism must on no account be allowed to take root in anyone’s mind.

If we ask the question, Cui bono? or who profits from the destruction of the Russian plane, it is clear that Israel profits most. Israel has a strong motive for attacking Russia covertly. Israel is incensed with Putin for interfering in Syria on behalf of President Assad. The Israelis want Assad gone. They want to extend the Golan heights. They want more land in Syria. They want a pliant Zionist puppet to replace Assad. Above all, they want Syria to go the same way as Iraq and Libya—to reduce it to rubble with the help of ISIS and their “moderate” rebels against Assad’s rule—and they want to do this as a preliminary to the destruction of Iran.

Only then will the Israelis feel secure: when every country in the Middle East is forced to bend the knee in bondage to their hegemony. What better way to punish Putin for his “meddling” in Syria than to bring down a Russian passenger plane and pin the blame on ISIS?


Here is a significant quote from another important article by Christopher Bollyn—”Sinai Plane Crash: Four Theories”—that offers a new perspective on this whole matter. To my mind, it proves beyond any shadow of doubt that the Russian passenger plane was remotely hijacked by cyber hackers, turning the plane effectively into a drone, completely at the mercy of the same hackers.

The fact that the most sophisticated hackers in the world were located in Israel, a mere 60 miles north-east of the site of the plane crash, speaks volumes.

“There is no mention whatsoever by the BBC,” Bollyn writes, “or by other controlled media of the very real possibility that the plane could have been hijacked remotely and flown by an external pilot who caused the destruction of the plane.

This is a blatant omission of the most obvious theory.

It is as if the BBC and the controlled media are unaware of drone technology, although the United States and Israel use remotely-controlled drones on a daily basis in the Zionist fraud known as the “War on Terror.” For a remote hacker to hack into an airplane’s flight navigation system and take control of the plane from the cockpit crew is to turn a passenger plane into a drone.

For the BBC and the Zionist-controlled media to omit the possible theory that the plane was hijacked remotely using drone technology reveals the key role the media plays in the Zionist-bankster deception being foisted on the American people and the world. The controlled media’s omission of the remote hijacking theory is meant to hide that possibility from the public, which suggests that it may very well have been how the plane was brought down.”

— See here

Well, that more or less wraps it up as far as I’m concerned.

Suspect Number one: Israel.


34 thoughts on “Russian Plane Crash: Was Israel Responsible?

  1. Two articles in a row about this subject matter is a bit much. We can speculate all we want to, it really doesn’t matter what we speculate. What the Russians conclude about the Russian plane crash in the Sinai is all that matters, and we’re all just going to have to wait and see what the Russian findings turn up. In the meantime, there’s other subjects we can explore. The important thing is [ as I know you all will continue to speculate until you’re all blue in the face ] , the thing to remember and keep in mind as you all speculate : The Russian plane crash in the Sinai hasn’t stopped the Mighty Russian Bear from bombing USrael ZOG jew owned ISIS-ISIL-ALNusra-ALQaeda targets in Syria and in Iraq. The Russian Bear advances and the Russian Bear continues to stomp on USrael ZOG jew-owned “Islamic” Jihadist groups in spite of losing a plane. Keep that in mind as you all speculate.

  2. ” It is an unsupported allegation clearly designed to take the heat off Israel and make the Russians think that it was ISIS, acting in revenge for Putin’s intervention in Syria, that was responsible for the death of 224 Russians on board the plane. ” Somehow I don’t think the Russians are that naive…

    1. It is an unsupported allegation clearly designed to take the heat off Israel, but it is not to make the Russians think Isis is responsible, really, Russian Intelligence is way ahead of the game, but to make us, you , me, Joe, and the rest of the hoi polio think so.

  3. What’s the difference between Israel and ISIS anyhow? ISIS means “Israeli Secret Intelligence Service” , so there’s really no difference between ISIS and Israel. Like Putin doesn’t know “ISIS” means “Israeli Secret Intelligence Service”, :) . Putin doesn’t know USrael ZOG started AL Qaeda, Al Nusra, ISIS, ISIL, lol. on reason they were started by USrael ZOG — not the only reason, but one of The Major Reasons — one of The Major Reason USrael ZOG started all the “Islamic” Jihadists groups was/is to undermine Russia. To encircle Russia with Islamic Jihadists, with the hope that Islamic Jihad would spread into Russia itself and cause civil war and massive turmoil and violence in the heart of Russia. But Putin doesn’t know that, lol, so let’s not say any more on that matter. The “alternative” media is a hoot!

  4. If the connection between ISIS and Israel (cite the captured colonel, et.al.) has been established, it would make no sense for Israel to create an elaborate and subject-to-suspicion ruse just to avenge themselves on Russia’s interference with their designs. In fact, the deliberate destruction of a civilian airliner would certainly arouse unwanted consternation against their cause (as it already seems to have done). I doubt they are that bold and reckless – especially if they seek the assistance of their ally, Uncle Sam. The conclusions drawn by this article are too convenient, and certainly would be anticipated by Israeli villains, if their intent was to conceal their participation in the tragedy. I believe we should rely on them being more sophisticated.

    1. Gilbert,

      Nowhere did Lasha actually say that Israel was definitely behind this Russian air crash. Her last sentence in the article reads: “Suspect Number one: Israel.” In his latest comment, Paschn lists three countries capable of mounting this attack: Israel, the US, and Britain. I think most people here would agree that Britain is the most unlikely of the three suspects. Which leaves only the US or Israel.

    2. Seriously? You believe the lunatics’ acts are generally more sophisticated? C’mon. Their attacks are blatantly obvious. When the world does not immediately see their deeds as theirs, they follow-up by admitting to the world their actions.
      Why would they take this plane down?
      Why do they attack Palestine?
      Why did they blow up the Liberty?
      WHY did they do 9-11?
      — because THEY CAN. Because, even when they are found out, they are NEVER forced to pay for their filthy deeds; this IS why they do such despicable things.
      I can, in my mind’s eye, see a moddadnik sitting at controls, laughing and stating, “here’s your no-fly zone.”, and taking out the Russian plane with a laugh. These people are disgusting and, guess what!? They are NOT that bright. They are, “blessed”, with a lot more hubris than are they with intellect.
      Sometimes the most obvious thing IS the thing.

      1. one does not need to control a bbc a fox a security firm by having it registered or based in tel aviv.
        one only has to look at g4s and serco anglo based with total mossad infiltration.
        one can take control of news agenda in tv company with 2 or 3 hasbara sayanim.
        maybe the invaders was code for the jewisher instead of mars man.
        it is not ironic simply masonic.
        do the police or security service destroy the organs they infiltrate no more often than not feed and guide.
        infiltration of all areas destroy resistance.
        this is not super human beyond all reason just logistics and planning.
        key leading roles in the organisation one can even get the goy to do the heavy lifting.

        israel control cctv directly or indirectly in most of the areas that count.
        providing fake footage when needed turning off or faulty frying cameras when needed.

        today on the bbc a tory minister said we need to bomb syria because of the plane bomb on moral grounds.
        the crimes in the sinai are so great we need to use depleted uranium billion year munitions on that ancient soil.

        outrage in padophile central westminster for crimes against russian rampant activity while cancelling flights and leaving british tourists stranded.

        the brits and the yanks say russian plane was bombed so we can rule that out.
        malfunction in the wireless devices sounds drone takeover.

        the 9 and 11 talmud event was a long time ago using planes as drones imagine the computer power today.

        question now is does putin disclose or negotiate and come to a quite private agreement.
        the downing date and the deaths are food and succour and power for these satanists.
        not to mention classic mafia mob hit.
        maybe the great italian actors and directors of those great mob movies are really closet jewisher.
        hyman roth indeed
        just as oirish kerry is kohn cohen
        infiltration deception and war

      2. Charles –

        “..the 9 and 11 talmud event was a long time ago using planes as drones imagine the computer power today.”

        Yep…. And waaay before then as well.

        Joe Kennedy was killed in remote control plane operation ‘Aphrodite’ in 1944.

        Aphrodite and Anvil were the World War II code names of United States Army Air Forces and United States Navy operations to use B-17 and PB4Y bombers as precision-guided munitions against bunkers and other hardened/reinforced enemy facilities such as those targeted during Operation Crossbow.
        The plan called for B-17 aircraft which had been taken out of operational service – various nicknames existed such as “robot”, “baby”, “drone” or “weary Willy”– to be loaded to capacity with explosives, and flown by radio control into bomb-resistant fortifications such as German U-boat pens and V-weapon sites.

        ALSO… March 9, 1962:
        Proposed ‘Operation Northwoods’: US Military Would Conduct Terrorist Attacks, Then Blame Them on Cuba to Build Support for War Against Cuba … In March 1962, Lyman L. Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, submitted a plan to create a remote-controlled drone aircraft to be destroyed by’MIG type planes.
        JFK rejected the plans.

        Later…. The RQ-4 Global Hawk is a high-altitude, long-endurance program was developed for the United States Air Force (USAF) by Northrop Grumman in the 1990s.

        Remote control planes and drones have been around since, at least, WWII.

      3. Anne …… Well said. I agree 100%. “Because, even when they are found out, they are NEVER forced to pay for their filthy deeds; this IS why they do such despicable things.”

        And any revolution against these people who are disproportionately jews will not be televised by the jewish media or written about by the jewish press.

        John Swinton

        “There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.

        There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.”

      4. Cont… John Swinton

        ‘There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. The business of the Journalist is to destroy truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals for rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.’ ~ John Swinton, former Chief of Staff, The New York Times, 1953

      5. Well said Anne! Every bit. “israel” is a rogue entity completely off the hook and OUT of control. They will do ANYTHING to get what they want even with all eyes on them. And as you and our mutual friend Lasha, correctly stated; they are a Prime Suspect in such matters. Unit 8200 was mentioned by another knowledgeable analyst in this field of conspiracies involving the so called ‘jewish State’, one Jonathan Azazaiah on his website Muqawama Music. He would know about their machinations as well. is An Iraqi from his mother’s bloodline and firmly ensconced in all things Middle East. Unit 8200 , another branch of the Mossad has all the where with all and motives to carry out such a vile act. An act of War actually. They are furious over their proxy mercenary Janus force of Hollywood ‘Goy Golem’ Destroyers being driven out of Syria by Russia. Prime $u$pects indeed!!

  5. Although they haven’t found any concrete evidence to support their involvement, (and likely won’t),one thing is evident (to me). There are only three nations who, under every-day conditions could/would create animals capable of doing this or even slaughtering their own to further their bank balance, obtain a pat on the head from a superior or that coveted promotion;



    United States

    I doubt The Christ labeled them “The Synagogue of Satan” off the cuff. Where Russians/Germans chaffed under control of Talmudic demons, the west revels in it.

    1. A Possibility re the Russian airliner crash plus a bomb?
      “…..Many electromagnetic weapons do, indeed, look like radars, at least to non-expert eyes. America’s air force is developing a range of them based on a type of radar called an active electronically scanned array (AESA). When acting as a normal radar, an AESA broadcasts its microwaves over a wide area. At the touch of a button, however, all of its energy can be focused onto a single point. If that point coincides with an incoming missile or aircraft, the target’s electronics will be zapped.
      “…..Though disabling an aircraft’s avionics will obviously cause it to crash, in many other cases, no direct harm is done to people at all…..”

  6. The inspectors have precedents and know what to look for and where to look for it. If there were bomb evidence(maybe there is) it isn’t a matter of opinion or conjecture, it’s a matter of material evidence.
    Bomb evidence isn’t really that confounding or new or somehow disguised as structural failure. It’s blatant science and math. Like bldg 7.

    Chances of structural failure on an aircraft which has already been repaired, is obviously the first scenario to explore.

    One other scenario I read about and which is provable (or not) in a short time frame, is a drone strike. A head on collision by a large size drone which prevented the flight crew from any rapid radio communication.

    Drones are flying everywhere and it’s not at all unusual for a commercial and military pilots to report near misses, drone sighting in the area, etc.

  7. Yes, from the moment the plane went down, I said: “it is that mentalcase, Bibi.”
    Then their war-babies, “iSIS”, stepped in to claim blame. How typical.
    And, the US, which always plays cover for the lunatic-state, steps in to, “investigate”. just like US did when these horrible, “people”, attacked the U.S.S. Liberty.
    I would ask when the rest of the world is going to awaken to the truth, but I think the world’s governments know the truth. They all simply provide cover for, “israel”.
    Putin, on the other hand, does not seem to want to play their game. When the proof is out (and, “israel”, ALWAYS tattles on themselves…), Putin may decide it’s time for some payback. I certainly do hope this happens.

  8. This subject matter of a Russian plane going down in the Sinai and “we must find out who did it” is being discussed in the “alternative” media, here at Darkmoon and at many other “alternative” media websites, as if the Russians don’t have any Intelligence agencies working on it, the Russians can’t figure out who did it on their own. The Russians need our American “alternative” media to figure it out for them, :).

  9. Planes can be hijacked and/or disabled from the ground by overriding the plane’s electronic/computer system, but the thing is : There are ways to block planes from being hijacked and/or disabled from the ground. A major reason the Europeans started Airbus Industries was because Boeing was equipping Boeing planes with equipment which could be used to hijack/disable the planes from the ground. The Europeans deactivated the electronic equipment that Boeing was installing in the Boeing planes making them easy to hijack/disable.The Europeans then decided to have their own aircraft industry. I’m sure the Russians know all this. I’m sure the Russians know what to look for in a plane’s electronic/computer systems to see whether the plane(s) is susceptible to being hijacked and/or disabled from the ground. The Russian plane that went down in the Sinai was an Airbus product, NOT a Boeing product. If the Europeans are now also installing equipment that makes their Airbus planes susceptible to hijacking/disabling from the ground, I’m sure the Russians would know about it, and I’m sure they deactivated the electronic equipment that would make their Russian planes, from both Boeing company and Airbus company, vulnerable to hijacking from the ground. [ if indeed Airbus has installed the electronic equipment on their planes making the planes vulnerable to disabling/hijacking from the ground. ] But I don’t think so. A major reason Airbus has taken so much business from Boeing is because Boeing planes are so easy to hijack/disable from the ground. Boeing shot itself in the foot with their insistence in equipping their Boeing planes with electronic systems so easily over-rided and taken over by ground controllers. I’m sure the Russians know about all of this. I’m sure they checked all their civilian airliners from both Boeing [ if they have any Boeing products] and Airbus to make sure their planes can’t be taken over from ground controllers. Either a bomb or a missile took the Russian plane out.

  10. Was Israel Responsible?
    no; so called “Israel” wasn’t responsible and “Israel” wasn’t responsible EITHER for the huge (silent though) fart i threw this morning on the Caracas subway that stunk up the place so badly it made all PASSENGERS get off at the next stop.
    Why would the Jews take such a risk? What benefit, ACTUALLY would the Jews get by downing a plane full of civilians that belong to THE COUNTRY, LISTEN TO THIS, THE FIRST COUNTRY THAT VOTED YES FOR ITS CREATION IN 1948! ?
    Do you think the Jews don’t know that this incident or accident won’t make the hungry, stubborn Russians leave Syria?
    Just ask yourselves; who benefits from this? No one! the only ones benefitting are The Islamic State in terms not only of vengeance but of soldiers morale; it definitely uplifts the members confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, and willingness to perform assigned tasks; it makes them know that the backbone of The Islamic State is strong and unbreakable and that retaliation to any attack by any entity will immediately follow. It makes its soldiers understand and know that their lives are precious and that their deaths will be avenged…
    I am thrilled by this incident; and even if it was an accident THE TIMING OF IT will make the russians think twice. .
    But even if it wasn’t a planned attack; what a slap to the face of that Moron Putin this is; “lets play hard ball”
    Now if it was an accident then it is God telling the Russians “Beat it, get the hell out of the middle east; atheist fuck”.. you don’t belong here
    And its true;
    The Russians have no borders with Syria;
    the Russians aren’t of our ethnicity
    The Russians aren’t of our religion
    the Russians have no business in the middle east
    and the stupid argument that “oh well the elected president of that country asked for our help” is laughable, because everyone in the whole world knows what kind of people the Assads are.
    Because we all (pleaseeee) very well know that the Assad dynasty has been rigging elections since 1970 and that we Sunnis make up 90 percent of the population in Syria and that it would be obvious we would vote for a Sunni candidate if there was one!
    One more time
    The world soccer games are coming up in Russia i believe
    The Olympics are coming up in Russia i believe, leave us alone (that’s what I think the Islamic State would be saying) leave us alone we don’t wanna shit on your parade..
    stop your meddling; assad must go.
    AND no the jews would actually choose Assad over the Islamic State; Israel would actually love someone like Al SISI of Egypt run Syria. Al sisi, who flooded the Gaza tunnels as soon as he took over …

    1. Avatar it is obvious you are an “israeli” Hasbara troll. That being said; nothing you post should be taken seriously by anyone here. Your screed is utter garbage. Refuse; as in Trash. Enough said.

    2. Yesterday “avatar” lived in Columbia. Yesterday, “avatar” was in Columbia. Today, “avatar” is in Venezuela [ Caracas is in Venezuela, NOT Columbia.] What happened? Did “avatar” get deported and kicked out of Columbia? I wouldn’t be surprised, “avatar” can be quite the annoying fellow.

  11. Mark well my words ladies and gentlemen.
    Putin will ultimately send the Jews back to the stone age by turning that shithole into a 3 foot thick sheet of glass.

    1. I can’t think of anything more joyful.

      Especially if at that moment all jews in the world plus all their kosher goy turds would be there.

  12. What Bolsheviks would kill a royal couple and children wiping out a Dynistry ….What Bolsheviks would kill 25 children and 199 adults? Your answer please.

  13. Could very very well be. The Jew’s insatiable hunger for revenge and lack of empathy for anything non jewish is beyond many people’s comprehension.

  14. LD says “Computer hacking is indeed the main function of the Israeli operatives stationed at Unit 8200 on Kibbutz Urim.”

    And this article confirms it.

    “How does Israel, a small country with roughly 8 million people, produce more tech startups and receive more venture capital per capita than any nation in the world? Why does a country with few natural resources have more companies listed on the NASDAQ than Europe, Japan, Korea, India and China combined?

    To understand Israel’s innovation success, look no further than the Israeli Defense Forces and the country’s mandatory policy of service for young adults. For me and thousands of Israeli entrepreneurs like me, our startup journey began in the technology units of the Israeli Defense Forces. one unit in particular has become a prolific technology incubator, particularly in the field of cybersecurity: IDF Unit 8200.

    The 8200 is a special unit, and in many ways, it’s run like a high-tech startup. It begins with finding the best talent. IDF scouts comb the nation’s high schools to identify high-potential candidates at an early age. They target students with superior analytical capabilities, who can make quick decisions and work well in a team environment. only the best and brightest are routed to this elite cybersecurity group.”


    1. “How does Israel, a small country with roughly 8 million people, produce more tech startups and receive more venture capital per capita than any nation in the world? Why does a country with few natural resources have more companies listed on the NASDAQ than Europe, Japan, Korea, India and China combined?”

      One reason – JUST onE – is they pay no duty to sell products to the best market in the world. All that is required is the products are invoiced through, brokered through, Israel. This nets them hundreds of billions USD yearly.

      F.O.B. USA = F.O.B. Israel for exporting also.

      It is as easy as creating FRNs.

      AND… Company A in US purchases widgets from US company across the street and pays Israel company.


      Israel Free Trade Agreement
      Entered into Force August 19, 1985

      Agreement on the Establishment of a Free Trade Area between the Government of Israel and the Government of the United States of America

      Done in duplicate, in the Hebrew and English languages, both equally authentic, at Washington, D.C., this twenty second day of April 1985, which corresponds to this first day of Iyar, 5745.


  15. Ex-KGB man Putin knows full well who was behind this because he knows who is behind ISIS.

    Israel and the West see that the Bear drawing a line in the sand kickin’ ass and takin’ names changes the entire game plan. ISIS is done for, and both sides know it, so what do the Khazarian scumbags do? Shoot down a plane with Russians on board out of pure spite and put the blame on THEIR creation, cast in the role of convenient scapegoat.

    This keeps the whole episode neutralized in putting ISIS in the role of common enemy. A moot point now, because its status as “enemy” has been all but eliminated and relegated into the crowded dustbin of history.

    A game of cat ‘n mouse
    and you-know-who’s the louse



Frying tonight: Warfare is changing as weapons that destroy electronics, not people, are deployed on the field of battle. See:http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Frying-tonight-Warfare-is-changing-as-weapons-that-destroy-electronics-not-people-are-deployed-on-the-field-of-battle.shtml

Russian Jamming System Blocks All NATO Electronics over Syria. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Russian-Jamming-System-Blocks-All-NATO-Electronics-over-Syria.shtml

The Russian army asserts its superiority in conventional warfare. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/The-Russian-army-asserts-its-superiority-in-conventional-warfare.shtml

Russian E-Warriors Render Aircraft Carriers Useless. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Russian-E-Warriors-Render-Aircraft-Carriers-Useless.shtml

What frightened the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea? - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/What-frightened-the-USS-Donald-Cook-so-much-in-the-Black-Sea.shtml

XYZ: What would happen if the Russian army really invaded Ukraine. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/XYZ-What-would-happen-if-the-Russian-army-really-invaded-Ukraine.shtml

Terrified US Aircraft Carrier Flees From Russian Subs To UK Safety. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Terrified-US-Aircraft-Carrier-Flees-From-Russian-Subs-To-UK-Safety.shtml

How Long Would the US Navy Survive in a Shooting War? See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/How-Long-Would-the-US-Navy-Survive-in-a-Shooting-War.shtml

Iran, Plasma Energy Technologies and Buzzing Donald Duck. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Iran-Plasma-Energy-Technologies-and-Buzzing-Donald-Duck.shtml

Iranian military official: ‘We laugh’ when US threatens to attack See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Iranian-military-official-We-laugh-when-US-threatens-to-attack.shtml

Disclosure: Why Sabotaging Iran Agreement Takes Down America. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/Disclosure-Why-Sabotaging-Iran-Agreement-Takes-Down-America.shtml

Barak’s Tales of Israel's Near War With Iran Conceal The Real Story. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/Barak-s-Tales-of-Israel-s-Near-War-With-Iran-Conceal-The-Real-Story.shtml

Mehran Keshe/ Mike Harris - Plasma Technologies - 27 May 2015. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Mehran-Keshe-Mike-Harris---Plasma-Technologies---27-May-2015.shtml

Keshe Foundation Spaceship institute Promotion Video (Italian subtitles). See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Keshe-Foundation-Spaceship-institute-Promotion-Video-Italian-subtitles.shtml

Mehran T. Keshe’s Vision of our New World [Video]. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Mehran-T-Keshe-s-Vision-of-our-New-World-Video---Fondazione-Keshe-Scienza-Incredibile-scoperta-che-cambier-l-umanit-PER-SEMPRE.shtml

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