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러시아가 폭격한 국경없는 의사회는 카쟈르들의 자금원인 아프간 마약공급 센터

by 煌錦笑年 2015. 11. 9.


미국, NATO 측의 주장 : 러시아 군이 아프간의 국경 없는 의사회 봉사지역을 폭격했다!

풀포드 측 주장 : 그건 국경 없는 의사회가 아니라 도당들의 자금원인 마약공급 센터, 당연히 폭격 대상! 

Russia TASS 통신 : 국경 없는 의사회는 우크라이나 동부 지역에서도 마약판매를 담당했었다.

풀포드 측 주장 : 남미 마약 카르텔들 역시도 카쟈르 자금원...현재 해당국가 정부들과 공동작전으로 붕괴시키는 중 


Abe’s new tone may also be connected to the fact that Dunford is about to visit Japan where he will be taking a close look at exactly what Richard Armitage, Dick Cheney and others have been doing here. Pentagon sources promise Armitage will be “dealt with.” Part of this has already begun as Armitage’s heroin business in Afghanistan continues to be dismantled. It now appears the Doctors Without Borders hospital that was bombed in Afghanistan was a heroin distribution center. According to the Russian Tass News Agency, the Doctors Without Borders were kicked out of the Eastern Ukraine because they were drug dealing.


Meanwhile, South American sources have pointed out there is a Maurice Armitage who is running for mayor of the town of Cali, right in the center of Columbia’s cocaine producing region.


He certainly looks a lot like Richard Armitage so, although we have not confirmed this, it looks a lot like Richard ran the heroin side of the Bush drug business while Maurice handled the cocaine end of things.

In any case, there is a coordinated campaign going on to cut off the heroin, cocaine and amphetamine money financing the Bush Nazionist faction of the Khazarian mob. The arrest of the Saudi prince with 2 tons of amphetamines was a clear example of this. No wonder the Jeb Bush presidential campaign is running out of money.


[이하 TASS 통신 기사]


DPR accuses Doctors Without Borders of espionage and smuggling psychotropic substances

 October 25, 22:12 UTC+3 
Bart Janssens, MSF director of operations, expressed concerns by this move saying it "will deprive thousands of people of lifesaving medical assistance."

© AP Photo

MOSCOW, October 25. /TASS/. The committee for accrediting humanitarian missions of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said on Sunday it had withdrew accreditation from Doctor Without Borders (MSF) over its involvement in espionage and smuggling psychotropic substances.

"The ministry of state security of the Donetsk People’s Republic exposed a series of suspicious actions performed by this organization, including collecting defence-related information and conducting psychological trainings among people living near the line of engagement that deliberately disoriented the people," the Donetsk News Agency said on Sunday quoting the commission’s statement.

Apart from that, the MSF has been found to supply psychotropic substances which are outlawed in the DPR.

"Such actions of an international organization are a violation of the law and a threat to state security. Having analyzed this information and being guided by its regulations the committee for accrediting humanitarian missions took a decision to deprive the international organization Doctors Without Borders of its accreditation in the republic," the document said.

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said earlier it had been notified by a humanitarian committee of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic that its accreditation had been withdrawn and it had been asked to "immediately stop its activities" there.

The MSF, the largest emergency medical assistance organization worldwide, said on its website it has up until now coordinated all its activities with the self-proclaimed republic’s authorities and "is willing to continue this collaboration for the sake of the health of thousands of vulnerable citizens of DPR."

Bart Janssens, MSF director of operations, expressed concerns by this move saying it "will deprive thousands of people of lifesaving medical assistance."

"This decision will have life-threatening consequences for the patients MSF is now leaving behind. We are urging the DPR Humanitarian Committee to reconsider the decision without delay in order for us to resume providing much-needed health care."

He said the decision must be reviewed "so crucial health care can once more be provided to those in need."

The organization has been operating in eastern Ukraine since 2011. Since May 2014, it has been providing medical humanitarian aid via mobile clinics and donations to health care facilities on both sides of the conflict.

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