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Health and Nutrition Nov 12, 2015 - Africa is the Western world's testing ground for microchip implants, weaponized viruses and experimental vaccines
아프리카는 서방세계의 실험장인가 ? 마이크로 칩 이식, 생물무기 바이러스 실험,
실험용 단계의 백신 등등..생체실험의 현장.
Africa is the Western world's testing ground for microchip implants, weaponized viruses and experimental vaccines
Tags: African human testing, biometric cards, personal data tracking
With current surveillance technology, the biometric cards will also be traceable and trackable, as will the biometric data. This information will be valuable to merchandising corporations, technology companies and, of course, governments.
"There is increasing demand for biometrics as a more convenient and secure alternative to signatures or PINs, especially as biometrics technologies have become more reliable and available," claimed Mark Nelsen, senior vice president of Risk Products and Business Intelligence for Visa Inc. "However, to support wide adoption, it is equally important that solutions are scalable and based on open standards. Building on the EMV chip standard provides a common, interoperable foundation, as well as encourages innovation in cutting-edge biometric solutions."
More personal data to track
The biometrics are being sold to customers as merely being helpful, modern ways to prevent fraud and help people pay "securely." The architecture of the design by Visa will enable fingerprints, for example, to be "securely" accepted by a biometric reader, encrypted and then validated."Issuers can optionally validate the biometric data within their secure systems for transactions occurring in their own environments, such as their own ATMs," BusinessWire reported.
Absa Bank, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Barclays Africa Group, will become the first to use the new cards.
This comes on the heels of earlier reports stating that Wells Fargo Bank also wants to begin using "secure" biometric card technology.
Not only are such biometrics likely to be tracked, but as more of our personal information is cataloged online and stored in "clouds," it will become more vulnerable to hacking and cyber theft.
The biometrics "test" in Africa is just the latest evil committed against the people of that continent. As noted in this open letterpublished by the Liberian Observer, "testing" of the Ebola virus had been occurring in Africa for years before the most recent outbreak.
Laced vaccines, Ebola as a weapon
As noted by our editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, in this Oct. 22, 2014 story:The idea that Ebola might be a genetically engineered bioweapon was openly discussed by a top Liberian scientist named Dr. Cyril Broderick, who published a front-page story in the Liberian Observer containing the astonishing statement, "Ebola is a genetically modified organism (GMO)."
...Broderick goes on to assert that the U.S. Dept. of Defense has been using African women and children for bioweapons experiments.
In his own words, he talks about "...the existence of an American Military-Medical-Industry that conducts biological weapons tests under the guise of administering vaccinations to control diseases and improve the health of black Africans overseas."
Speaking of vaccines and Africa, Adams reported the following month that "tetanus vaccines given to millions of young women in Kenya have been confirmed by laboratories to contain a sterilization chemical that causes miscarriages" – a cruel and subversive act orchestrated by UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO).
"We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen," Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. "They were all laced with HCG."
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