돈 훔쳐 내려고 애 쓰는 도당 들의 바지 사장.. 닐 프란시스 키넌..
당신은 아무런 실권도 권한도 없는 사람...
그저 세계에 사건과 관련 하여 알려진 사람 일 뿐.. 본인은 지난 날로부터의 역할을 더는 원치 않아 왔을런지도..
왜냐면 당신이 물러나게 될 경우 누군가가 대행해 나가야 하는데
이미 이 세계에는 당신과 배후 세력에 대한 실체들이 전부 폭로가 되었기 때문..
아마도 사람들은 당신의 뒤를 잇는 자가 CIA 정도 라고 쉽게 이해하고 말겠지..
왕조의 자산들은 해당국가의 국민들의 주권적 자산이 아니더냐..
아시아 지역에서 금의 소유권 타령을 하는 서구인을 누가 신뢰한다더냐..
David Crayford replies to latest Keenan
By David Crayford
Dec 12, 2015 - 11:24:45 PM
Dear Candace,
I consider that I have to respond to the article as referred to below because the heading of same clearly indicates a question rather than a statement by the author.
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Is Neil Keenan M1, N1 or Anyone? Hear the latests UPDATE.
Posted By: CapnGriffDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015 20:15:52
Neil Francis Keenan.........M1, N1, is one of the biggest jokes that I have come across. Whatever reason, or whoever initially stated that Keenan was M1 and / or N1 can only be referred to as a demented individual with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of the structure (Both Historic and Modern) surrounding the Collateral Accounts (otherwise known as the Global Debt Facility).
Keenan can NEVER be the appointed M1 even if he executed documents, which can only be regarded as spurious to say the least; prepared by persons who hold no authority whatsoever.
Let me advise once again. The M1 Position was legally transferred (under legal deed of transfer) by Ferdinand Marcos on 20th December 1988. This document has a UN stamp on it which confirms its recording and registration in the United Nations. It is however classified as "Top Secret" where only specific persons in the world could obtain access to it.
The M1 position was then, from that date forth, held by one of the most highly respected persons in the world (Note: there are some who would dispute that statement. However their comments and ideologies are irrelevant).
M1 then, in conjunction with the Nations and Royal Families of the World decided to appoint one of their own number to effectively act as M1 but without the actual title. That person was Dr. Ray C. Dam, a descendant of the Cambodian Royal Family, an experienced Central Banker, and former G7 Gold Signatory; who on January 20th 1995 officially became and was known as the International Treasury Controller, Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter of the Collateral Accounts (otherwise known as the Global Debt Facility).
Dr Ray Dam held a great deal of respect by, not only by those who appointed him, but by a minority of people who worked with him. Unfortunately, the majority of the people who worked with him were, covertly, part of a much larger CIA, Blackwater, Vanguard, operation.
We are all aware of what eventually, and unfortunately, happened to Dr. Ray Dam which resulted, in 2011, in D. Ray Dam being professionally assessed as mentally incapable of holding his position and performing his duties. Dr. Ray Dam was stripped of his position and all powers that had been previously granted / bestowed upon him.
For those who do not know what was the cause of Dr. Ray Dam's downfall, was the discreetly applied severe poisoning causing serious effect to the Brain, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, and Heart.
On May 2012, a new appointment as International Treasury Controller was made. This person, who name is withheld for security reasons, was granted and bestowed with exactly the same powers and authorities, thus acting as M1 without the actual title. That person still holds that position to this very day.
NO onE on this planet, other than the legally appointed and existing M1 and the Committee that surrounds that person, holds the legal right to make any appointments, or grant any authorities whatsoever. Such appointments have already been made and they still legally stand irrespective of what other ill-informed and unknowledgeable persons care to believe or state. Elders and other Custodians MUST legally work through the real legally appointed M1, or the legally appointed International Treasury Controller.
If Keenan believes he is getting appointed as M1 by virtue of the Elders, then he is living in fantasy land, because the Elders are only Master Custodians without any powers or authorities. They might want to take the power, or, even believe that they have the power. Unfortunately for them, their beliefs, thoughts, actions, are completely fraudulent and legally unenforceable.
As for the N1 position, which has been referred to. My opinion, and the opinion of quite a few others is that N1 means .................NOBODY 1 ..................... which is exactly what Keenan is, a nobody with very little knowledge on the subject matter
One issue that no one appears to have ever asked about Keenan is, "Where is he obtaining his funding / finance from to support him and his team". By his own admittance in his first video, he admits he has been doing this for 7 years which in turn means that he has been doing whatever he has been doing since the latter part of 2008 (Surprisingly just a few months after Keith Francis Scott left the OITC), so who is financing Keenan and why?
We are aware that a few individuals have financially supported Keenan and ended up losing a lot of money, plus being further insulted by Keenan.
SO WHO HAS BEEN FINANCING KEENAN FOR 7 YEARS? We are not looking here at small amounts of money. To run his operation and with the people working with him for this period of time, takes millions of Dollars, YES, Millions of Dollars.
To give some idea as to the possible answer, either in part or full; to the above question it should be remembered that the package of Bonds, Notes and Certificates Keenan dumped in the hands, in 2010, of an unsuspecting Dal Bosco in Italy, was contained in a Brown envelope with an address label marked "For the attention of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney" and also contained some Japanese Seals.
As for Keenan's comments re: the refiling of the lawsuit. NOT A CHANCE and A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME, because no one Court holds the jurisdiction over such matters, nor most of the persons named by Keenan.
All I can see is that Keenan will end up with individual law suits, or a "Class Action" lawsuit, filed against him for defamation of character, libel, fraud, conspiracy to defraud, and possibly other criminal charges.
Keenan escaped once when he was pre-warned of a para-military raid on the premises he was staying in for the purpose of arresting him. Keenan fled into the jungle and eventually found himself in Singapore, courtesy of a fishing vessel.
He is still a wanted person and when he least expects it, he will be arrested.
So, finally back to the one part of the question, quote "Is Neil Keenan M1, N1 or Anyone?
He is a nobody who is good at conning people and putting across misinformation, (Irish Blarney, as stated in Keenan's own words) which regrettably some people will always believe. He is nothing more than a Navie (Brickies Labourer). Some people would refer to him as an Provocative Irish Leprechaun. I would prefer to say another "Broker Joker", with little knowledge, but joining the ranks of some unscrupulous persons who make claims without any foundation.
It's a pity he can't find anything better to do in his life, other than make a mess which someone else has to clean up.
One final word. Keenan always states that he had destroyed the OITC. Later in a private message to a person who forwarded the message to me, Keenan admits that he did not destroy the OITC, but he did destroy what was existing of the OITC at the time, which means Dr. Ray C. Dam. So now we know who was responsible for Dr. Dam's demise.
The ITC / OITC is alive and well and working very hard to turn things around and clear up the mess that people like Keenan have created, along with the CIA, Blackwater, Vanguard, Hudes, Struck, and several others.
A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.