This article is a good example of what is wrong with the global media and commentariat. Finian Cunningham appears to see himself as a trenchant critic of the global socio-political status quo yet this article reveals either deep seated ignorance or prejudice in favour of Jews and their covert control mechanisms in France.Cunningham's anti-Germanism also taints his assessments and he appears not to understand what Fascism is.
Ron Chapman 영감님:
하단의 피니언 커닝햄의 기고문은 글로벌 미디어와 정세 분석가들이 어떤 문제들을 지니고 있는지를 보여 주는 아주 좋은 사례라고 본다. 피니언 커닝햄은 글로벌 사회 정치적 분석에 능한 핵심을 찌르는 분석가로 보이는 모양이지만 (하단의 극우전선당과 관련한 그의 기고문에서는) 여전히도 유태세력들과 그들이 통제하는 프랑스의 현실들에 유리한 형태의 편견이나 무지들에서 벗어 나지 못하고 있음을 나는 본다. 커닝햄의 반독일 주의 성향 역시도 그의 평판을 떨어뜨리고 있으며 그는 아직도 파시즘의 실체가 무엇인지를 이해 못하는 것으로 보이기만 할 뿐이구만 그래..
* The Art Comments: 만두 코멘트.. ;;
두려운 거야.. 유태 머니파워에 절여지고 지배되어 길들여진 국제 사회의 피칠갑 언밸런스들이 어디서 기인 되고 있는지를
그들 스스로 이미 알고 있거나 아니면 역사인식의 부족이나 올바른 역사를 미쳐 파들어 가지 않았거나
의도적으로 이를 거부하였거나 외면하였거나 이들 중 하나인 게다.
적어도 국제적인 논평 기고자들 이라면
볼쉐비키 혁명의 폐해를 처절하게 겪었던 러시아 민족주의 이념 처럼, 혹은
미 해군 정보장교 출신의 Prof. Wayne Madsen 처럼
Fact 를 정확하게 집어 낼 수 있어야 하지 않을까..
애매모호 하게 범죄적 대상을 지적하지 못하는 국제적인 논평문들이 널리고도 널렸다.
그리고 이러한 기사들은 Ron 영감님에게 지적 당하기 마련인 게다..
이러한 균형추 역할을 누군가는 해 주어야만 하는 것이 중요...
무엇이 가장 핵심적인 cause 인가를 일러 줄 수 있는 것이 역사관에서 가장 중요한 것이다.
따라서 안네의 일기와 같이 역사를 왜곡하고 틀어 내려는 자들의 목적은 무엇인가..??
범죄적 사실을 숨기고 싶은 자들이 후대들의 관점에서 Fact 를 회피하여 가도록 세뇌작업을 목적으로 하는 것 외에
달리 해석의 여지가 있겠는가..
안네의 일기는 볼펜으로 기록 되어 있다.
유럽에서 2차 대전 중에는 볼펜이 존재하지 않았고...최초의 볼펜은 1950년대 중반에 이르러서야 개발 되었다.
스위스 출판업자 오토 프랑크는 자신의 딸인 안네 프랑크의 일기를 출판하였고
그 일기의 볼펜 잉크는 1954년도 유럽의 어느 회사의 제품 임이 명백하게 밝혀 졋으며
종전 이후 독일 나찌에게 모든 전쟁 혐의를 뒤집어 씌우는 채색작업에 혈안이 되어 있던 유태 카쟈르들은
그 책을 대서양 건너 수입하여 잔악한 나찌의 만행의 사례로 채색 둔갑 시키고
오늘날까지 전 세계적인 마케팅을 시행한 것이 바로 안네의 일기이다.
1960년대 안네의 일기가 미국 사회에서 논란이 되었고,
뉴욕 대법원에 출두 했던 오토 프랑크는 나찌의 만행과 안네의 일기는 아무런 관련이 없다고 증언 하였다..
따라서 안네의 일기는 볼펜의 일기로 기억 하자..
위의 Ron 영감님의 날이 설 수 밖에 없는 논평은 바로
이러한 역사적 Fact 들을 외면하거나 모르고 있는 채로,
핵심이 결여된 혹은 의도적으로 회피하고 있는 국제 논평문들의 허술함을 지적하고 있는 것....인 셈.
이런 것도 습슬한 현실인게야..
하지만 살아 있는 역사 의식이란 날이 예리하게 선 광선검 같아야 함을 일깨워 주는 또 다른 좋은 사례가 되지 않나..그리 본다..
최근 장준하의 의문사에 관한 내용을 접하고 보니,
세상에 감 출 수 없는 세 가지가 태양과 달 그리고 진실이라고 설파했던 붓다의 이야기를
어떡해서든 틀어 막고 뒤틀어 채색하려는 자들의 공존.. 형태 임을 다시금 보게 되는데..
이제 충분하지 않냐 이거지..
이 세계에 얼마나 더 많은 비극들이 필요한 것인가 .. 충분한 정도가 넘치고도 넘쳐 왔지 않은가 .
중동사태를 보면 전부 다 깨지고 파괴되었음에도 어떤 집단적 체험이 더 필요하다고 여기는 것은
광기에 절여진 사이코 패스들 뿐이다..
머리가 허연 현실 이면의 배후 권력자들은 이제 그만하면 되었음을 충분히 인식하는 것이 중요하다 ..
Le Pen’s National Front… It’s Not All Bad
By Finian Cunningham with comments by Ron
Dec 18, 2015 - 3:15:08 AM
Le Pen’s National Front… It’s Not All Bad
Finian CUNNINGHAM | 10.12.2015 | 00:00 |
![]() Don’t be mistaken, this is not an endorsement of Marine Le Pen and her nationalistic far-right party. But there is something positive about the upheaval in French politics indicated by the electoral breakthrough of the National Front. For it heralds a long-overdue collapse in the old discredited establishment. From that collapse a real democratic alternative beckons. Given France’s dark past of fascist rule and collaboration with Nazi Germany under its Vichy regime, it is understandable that the meteoric rise of the far-right National Front has sent shockwaves through the country. French state complicity in European fascism may have been 70 years ago, but it is still a source of deep shame that offends national pretensions of democracy. |
[Ron: Why? With respect, this view is bullshit! It is typical cringing obsequious pandering to Judaic propaganda. WHAT, pray tell, is the current Jew controlled French government if it isn't total Talmudic fascism?! The German administration of France was a wartime government, controlled by a nation that was at war and fighting to avoid genocidal destruction by global Jewry at the hands of FIVE Jew controlled global empires, namely the british, french, Dutch, Amerikkan and Soviet Empires. Does Finian Cunningham seriously contend that the German administration of france during WWII could have been "democratic" SPARE ME! Moreover, does he suggest that the current Ashkenazi French governments under the Jews, Zarkosy and Hollande, are NOT Fascist?! How then does Cunningham explain the fact that those French governments have made (undeclared) war on Libya and Syria, totally destroying Libya and encompassing the genocide and/or ethnic cleansing of millions of Syrians with NO justification what so ever?! Hitler's Germany was forced to fight WWII and did not act in such manner nor did it act without the approval of the German population and many Europeans and others. See eg: Leon Degrelle - The Epic Story of the Waffen SS -http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Leon-Degrelle---The-Epic-Story-of-the-Waffen-SS.shtml And: The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/The-Jewish-Declaration-of-War-on-Nazi-Germany-The-Economic-Boycott-of-1933.shtml And: Churchill And Hitler...And History. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Churchill-And-Hitler-And-History.shtml ].
However, the idea that France’s ruling Socialists and the other establishment party, the more conservative Republicans, stand as a bulwark against a slide towards fascism is a travesty. They are both part of the deep malaise in French politics – a malaise that afflicts most European states. As in the United States, the two-party system is just two sides of the same coin. Namely, a plutocracy of elite rulers under a bankrupt capitalist system that parasites off the majority of people, and which thrives on militarism and war.[Ron: WHY does this author assume that this situation does not constitute Fascism?!].
So, the rise of the populist National Front in France is less something to fear as an ominous shift towards fascism. [Ron: yabba. yabba, word pushing yabba!]. It is more a sign of an awakening among people that signals a correct cognisance that the established order is obsolete as a democratic choice. [Ron: Actually it is a reaction to the FASCISM of the Judaic plutocracy that governs France.] In a strange way, the rise of the NF could be welcomed as a symptom of collapse in the prevailing establishment, an established order which has for decades promoted [Ron: plutocratic Judaic] elitist rule, widening poverty and warmongering.
What really has the establishment in France rattled is not so much the alleged rise in far-right politics, but the collapse of its own legitimacy in the eyes of the electorate. Ironically, the establishment is evoking a fear of the dark past in an attempt to rally voters to their reprehensible elitist fold. [Ron: the Jews ALWAYS accuse their opponents of what the Jews themselves do and are!].
This partly accounts for why mainstream [Ron: Jew controlled] French left and right politicians and media have reacted with «shock» to the landslide wins in last weekend’s regional elections for the National Front (NF) led by Marine Le Pen. The [Ron: Jew controlled] newspapers, Humanité and Figaro, representing left and right, [Ron: A meaningless distinction since both are Jewmedia] both ran the same headline on news of the poll results: «Shock». That synchronicity says a lot about the common vested interest in maintaining the status quo. [Ron: It also tells you that the French media is a Fascist mechanism of Judaic control.].
Le Pen’s party – which is anti-European Union and anti-immigrant – has taken the lead in six of France’s 13 regional governments in the first round of elections. This weekend sees the second round of elections. The NF may not hold on to its first-round lead in the six regions where it has come out top so far. [Ron: Why not?].
Nevertheless, already Le Pen can rightly claim to have scored an historic electoral breakthrough. As it stands, her party is first among voters having won 28 per cent of ballots cast, with the Republicans in second on 27 per cent and the ruling Socialists of [Ron: Jewish] President Francois Hollande on 23 per cent. It’s a historic breakthrough.
Hollande’s [Ron: Jewish] Prime Minister Manual Valls has gone into hysterical mode. He has called for an electoral «pact» with the Republicans, led by former [Ron: Jewish]President Nicolas Sarkozy. Valls is urging Sarkozy to form a «patriotic [Ron: Jewish] front» to keep Le Pen’s party from securing the six regions where it is aiming for eventual victory this weekend. The Socialists are intending to withdraw its candidates from three regions altogether and the party is exhorting its supporters to vote for [Ron: Jewish]Sarkozy’s Republicans.
Sarkozy has rejected the proposal of a pact, saying that «it’s every man for himself».
Therein lies a symptom of the crisis afflicting the [Ron: Jew controlled] French political establishment. Both the conservative Republican and nominally Socialist parties are indistinguishable on substantive issues. So much so that a pact is being proposed. How’s that for lack of [Ron: Jew controlled] democratic choice? Both have presided over years of [Ron: Jew orchestrated] neoliberal capitalist policies, promoting corporate business interests and profits, retrenching workers’ rights and slashing public welfare. This is reflected in chronic unemployment and poverty across France, as in most Western so-called democracies. [Ron: sooo, why does Finian Cunningham pretend that France's Jew controlled governments are NOT Fascist?!].
On foreign policy, the Republicans and Hollande’s Socialists have promoted militarism and overseas’ wars in the Middle East and Africa in subservience to the US-led NATO alliance. [Ron: how is that different from what Mussolini did?]. Sarkozy launched the disastrous military intervention in Libya in 2011 to overthrow the government of Muammar Gaddafi (who was once a financial benefactor of Sarkozy), while Hollande has exacerbated conflict in Syria and antagonism with Russia by likewise slavishly following Washington’s [Ron: Jew controlled] agenda for regime change in foreign countries.
Forget «Republican» or the S-word. As with the American Republican and Democrat parties, they are all members of the [Ron: Jews'] War Party. The party that serves elite corporate interests of militarism, financial oligarchy and imperialist warmongering around the world.
France has suffered increasing social hardship and austerity from the neoliberal economic policies implemented by both [Ron: Jew controlled] ruling parties. While we could expect that from Sarkozy’s brand of [Ron: Jew controlled] rightwing politics, the Socialists have also shown themselves to be «socialist» in name only. Hollande and his[Ron: Jew controlled] crew are charlatans, who don’t deserve to be associated with the concept of socialism. It is not surprising therefore that Hollande’s party of betrayal is trailing in the regional elections, having only won three out of 13 administrations.
Various media reports indicate that traditional «Socialist» voters have deserted the party for Le Pen’s National Front. Party leader Marine Le Pen topped the poll in the northern region of Nord Pas del Calais Picardie with a personal tally of 40 per cent. The region has been hit with years of de-industrialisation and unrelenting unemployment – the latter at 12 per cent. The trend epitomises the collapse of Hollande’s so-called Socialist party.
But worryingly for Sarkozy’s [Ron; Jew controlled] Republicans, the NF is polling strongly across the country and all demographic groups. Marine’s niece, 25-year-old Marion Marechal-Le Pen topped the southern region of Provence Alpes Cote d’Azur – also with 40 per cent – where some of the richest segments of the population live. Both regions are tipped to give the NF outright victories in the second round of elections this coming Sunday.
For Marine Le Pen the results mark a stunning success for her strategic shift in reinventing the image of the party. Earlier this year, she sidelined her father, Jean-Marie, who founded the NF in 1972, in a bid to «detoxify» the party of its image of anti-Semitism and «jackboot fascism». Jean-Marie was given the heave-ho when he refused to stop repeating his notorious claim that the Nazi Holocaust of European Jews was a mere «footnote of history». [Ron: It wasn't a footnote. It was a HOAX!].
Despite the image overhaul, the National Front is still shadowed with the taint of fascism in the eyes of many French citizens. [Ron: WTF?!] The party even under Marine’s leadership is still stridently anti-immigrant and seen as nastily xenophobic. Her niece, Marion, caused controversy before the latest elections by saying that «Muslims had to adopt French Christian heritage to be considered full nationals». [Ron: The French population has a right to decide whether or not to allow mass migration of Muslims or not because there IS a risk that they will be infiltrated by terrorists. As Jews represent much less than one percent of the French population they have NO right to decide that issue contrary to the desires of the majority of French citizens.].
The National Front also made political capital in the wake of the Paris attacks three weeks ago. The gun and bomb assaults, which killed 130 citizens, was claimed by the Islamic State terror group. Two of the suicide attackers are believed to have entered France posing as refugees from Syria. The National Front tapped into widespread public fears that Islamist radicalism and home-grown terror are connected to the influx of immigrants from Arab countries, many of which are former French colonies. The party’s electioneering slogan was «we told you so».[Ron: France's Jewish media and government can't have it both ways. Either they STOP blaming Muslims for terrorism OR they STOP allowing Muslims unimpeded access to France. This is the same issue that Donald Trump has correctly highlighted in the US.].
There’s no denying that Le Pen’s party serves up a toxic brew of racist nationalism. In government and with the French presidential election looming in 18 months, it could spell a dangerously divisive political climate if Marine Le Pen were to take power. [Ron: This is unadulterated Jewish propaganda! HOW is NF policy designed to prevent terrorism within France "toxic" whereas France's waging covert war on Libya and Syria is not? This sort of irrational commentary is a cause of the current global dystopia destroying our world; if indeed it isn't conscious Talmudic propaganda.].
On the other hand, it is easy to see why the NF is appealing to many French voters. They feel, rightly, that their social conditions are deteriorating from policies under both [Ron: Jew controlled] establishment parties. These policies are correlated with foreign nationals coming into France who are perceived to be taking jobs, lowering wages and adding a burden to social welfare budgets. Marine Le Pen has accused both the Republicans and Hollande’s party of deliberately encouraging immigration through supporting EU enlargement for the objective of lowering wages from imported cheap labour.
Le Pen has also accused the ruling parties of damaging the French economy through unnecessary antagonism with Russia. The loss of the €1.5 billion Mistral helicopter ship deal with Russia because of Paris’ support for Washington’s geopolitical isolation of Moscow dearly cost French manufacturing jobs.
Last week Le Pen also blasted Hollande for his regime-change aggression towards Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as being a major cause of Europe’s refugee crisis and stoking the threat of terrorism to France. [Ron: How is any of this "Fascist"?].
Underlying the spectacular rise of the National Front is not so much a popular affinity with the party’s inherent reactionary policies. [Ron: Really?! Sooo, not wanting to flood France with Muslims some of whom will be terrorists; and not wanting to attack Syria or sanction Russia is inherently reactionary is it? WHY?].It is significant that more than half of the electorate did not bother to turn out for the regional ballot. That indicates that the dominant sensibility of the French is one of apathy and disaffection with[Ron: France's Jew dominated political processes that appear cowed all politicians and to have tainted] all the parties. The NF is thus largely a vehicle of popular anger and protest.
Le Pen’s NF has certainly tapped into popular grievances. And to a point, [Ron: WHY not completely?] she correctly attributes the cause of these grievances to the bankrupt politics of the French establishment parties. In kowtowing to disreputable neoliberal economics and American-led imperialist wars, the so-called Socialists are always going to come off worse, simply because they can be charged [Ron: And convicted!] with betraying their supporters and the wider nation.
What is particularly nauseating is the way Hollande and his premier Valls are appealing to people to rally behind the «republic» and its overblown claims of «fraternité, egalité, liberté». Their emotional manipulation of French voters by evoking the shame of the country’s dark past of fascism is bitterly ironic. [Ron: So is this false commentary.]. If any party has inflamed the climate of fascism in France it is Hollande’s neo-imperialist, [Ron: Jewish] oligarchic-supporting bunch of phoney socialists. [Ron: WHY then, are they not Fascists?].
Le Pen is partially [Ron: WHY only partially?] right on select issues to do with poverty, foreign policy and war. [Ron: What other major issues are there? She is also correct on immigration is she not?]. The NF is harnessing the understandably huge discontent among French voters – a discontent that is shared by many citizens across the European Union. [Ron: So they are all just "Fascists" then?] All the establishment parties are corrupted by association with bankrupt economic and militarist, pro-NATO, foreign policies. [Ron: So why are they not fascists also?].
But that in no way means Le Pen’s NF has the solution. Far from it. It’s more another symptom of a diseased political and economic system decaying under US-led global capitalism.
A genuine socialist program is needed. Not just in France, but across Europe and internationally. This socialism would unite the vast majority of working people across all borders and is based on anti-imperialism and anti-war, pro-peace, pro-justice and pro-prosperity for the many, not the few. [Ron: Yadda, yadda, yadda.].
One positive thing from the rise of Le Pen’s NF is that it should serve to expose the failure of capitalism and those so-called leftwing parties that have prevented people from organising and choosing a genuine socialist alternative. [Ron: Sooo, why does ' expos[ing) the failure of capitalism' constitute "Fascism"?].
[Ron: Jew controlled] Parties like Hollande’s and the other establishment parties need be kicked out by the electorate before we can build a real democratic socialist alternative. In that way, the rise of Le Pen in France is to be welcomed as a harbinger of much greater, more thoroughgoing change for the common good.
A rise to power by Le Pen maybe is not welcome, but its shake-up of the [Ron: Judaic] bankrupt plutocracy is.
[Colour fonts, bolding, underlining and comments in square brackets added.].
Leon Degrelle - The Epic Story of the Waffen SS -
The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. See:
Churchill And Hitler...And History. See:
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