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[VOYAGER 2] SSC Class 4 Question & Answer

by 煌錦笑年 2015. 12. 23.


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SSC Class 4 

SSC DVD 2 Counter Time: 00:45 – 02:00 

< Questions and Answers >

1. Why is it important to open the lock between Density-1 and Density-2? 

• When this lock opens, it allows the frequencies from Density-1 to come into Density-2, which allows the activating and building of the Merkaba and DNA. 

2. What changes if you are activating your DNA and building your DNA strands? 

• If you are activating and building your DNA strands, the amount of nucleotide base pairs changes, as well as how many nucleotide base pairs, chemicals, are contained within the DNA. The DNA will always appear as a double helix, however, even though you will have a different strand count. Humans are supposed to have 12 strands of DNA. Indigos have 24-48 strands of DNA. 

3. What is the structure of the interwoven Gate systems? 

• The structure if the interwoven Gate system that links all of the Densities and dimensions together is the Kathara Grid. 

4. What is the different between Arc of the Covenant Gates and other Gates in the interwoven Gate system? 

• Arc of the Covenant Gates are base-6 gates, which means there are only 6 subfrequency bands in each gate, which means you need about half as much strand activation to be able to get through. They are also called the Half-Step Gates. Other Gates are base-12 Gates; that means each Dimensional Band that the gate represents has 12 sub-frequency bands in it. 

5. What kind of tools are the Rod and the Staff? 

• The Rod and the Staff are Star Gate tools. At certain periods in time they were two physical tools that could be used to manually open the Gates to the Ecka. 

6. How is it possible to have multiple time-space experiences simultaneously? 

• You can come to a point where you have multiple time-space experiences simultaneously, like memories that may seem like other lifetimes. Actually, time is an illusion that you experience while you are in a certain set of Partiki phasing rhythms. once you are out of one cycle and pop into another cycle, you have a different illusion. In truth what you have is a massive scalar standing wave grid that becomes a holographic experience of space, time, and matter, once your body, consciousness and template adopt the pulsation rhythm characteristic to a 2 specific place in space-time. Every place in space-time has a very specific and unique vibrational signature or standing wave signature, just like your body does. 

7. What are the levels in the “Stairway to Heaven?” 

• The levels in the Stairway to Heaven are: the Veca, with the Veca Quadrants; the Eckasha, with the Eckasha Corridors; the Eckasha-A, with the Eckasha-A Spectra; and the Eckasha-Aah God World, the first level of Creation. 

8. What is the difference between a natural anti-Christos black hole and an unnatural anti-Christos black hole? 

• A natural anti-Christos black hole is not spinning but stagnant, and is not throwing energy out or sucking energy from another system. It does not last for very long and will implode within itself and go back to space dust. An unnatural anti-Christos black hole is designed to sustain itself by tearing down as much of the living system as it can get. 

9. Why should you do KS techniques? 

• In doing the techniques you are working with very specifically coded shapes, colors, relationships of angles, symbol codes and breathing that activate your Merkaba, your DNA, your Kathara Centers, and your Shields. 

10. What is the function of breathing in the techniques? 

• Breathing is your action and your power to run energy, frequency, in your body— by the In-breath and the Out-breath and the Pause-breath. When you breathe in the frequencies, you run wave patterns through your body. Those wave patterns will touch receivers in the Shields and bring them into activation, and that will bring corresponding DNA into activation, and that will bring corresponding frequencies in the Merkaba into activation. 

11. Can you hurt yourself if you are doing techniques without knowing where specific centers are located? 

• In the techniques you have to direct and send energy to centers such as the EUmbi. If you think the E-Umbi is in your head instead of 1-2 inches below the navel, you do something completely different than the technique is meant to do. But with most of these techniques you can’t really hurt yourself, because the frequency is conscious. Everything is conscious; the standing scalar waves that everything is created from are consciousness. The frequencies have their own intelligence, and if they are being used in a way that they know will cause disharmony, they will actually just not do it. They will shut down. So this is one of the safest types of programs you can use, even when it comes to healing and to the Kundalini activation, because the ray consciousness itself is running on D-12 frequency or higher. The techniques run on D-12 frequency―that means the Kristos template―as a carrier wave. That means if the frequency is disharmonic, the Kristos carrier wave will not go there. So there is a safety net built into the teachings and techniques. 3 

12. What kind of bodies are Hova Bodies? 

• Hova Bodies are light-sound bodies. They are part of a larger body structure that is called the Radial Body. 


1. Dimension Locks and Density Locks: 

Locks are frequency barriers that prevent frequencies from running. Dimensional Locks are smaller locks between the individual Dimensions. Density Locks are bigger; they are Void Locks that block the frequencies between each of the Densities. There is a Density Lock between Density 1 and 2 located in the E-Umbi, a Density Lock between Density 2 and 3 located in the AzurA point, and a Density Lock between Density 3 and 4 in the Rajna. 

2. Golden Fleece: 

The Golden Fleece is a Buffer Field, a protection field, of D-8 (gold―Monadic) frequency plus D-12 (pale silver) plus D-14 (pale yellow-gold) frequency. The D-12/D- 14 frequency is also called the Golden-Silver-ONE. It’s a frequency that we can carry with us in our bodies. 

3. Black hole technologies: 

Black hole technologies temporarily sustain a being’s existence by feeding off other systems, once that being has compromised its own template to the point where it cannot plug in natural Life Force Currents coming down through the Kristiac system. 

4. AzurA: 

The AzurA is the center point of the Kathara Grid, where the Seed Atom exists. In the AzurA the life-force rotation spins form, and the frequencies from higher dimensions, on a cyclic basis. The AzurA can recharge the Seed Atom so eternal life is possible. Every Kathara grid has an AzurA at its center. 

5. Krist and Krystallah: 

The Krist and Krystallah are the first level of creation. They are in the level of reality that is considered the Eckasha-Aah, the highest God-World in creation. The Krist can be considered the male because it runs the electrical ManA energy. The Krystallah can be considered the female, and runs the magnetic EirA energy. Krist and Krystallah come into form simultaneously. 

6. Heliotalics: 

The pale pastel-silver healing currents, which are run directly from the central Ecka sun and become available in a Veca system only during specific time cycles called Universal Hetharo-Hethalon Cycles. Without these frequencies planetary shields would have been much less stable than they are now. 4 

7. Merkaba: 

Merkabas are the living circulatory system of manifest creation. Merkabas are the inbreath and out-breath of God. That is why Merkabas should always have a pair of interconnected counter-rotating spirals or vortices: the in-breath goes one way and the out-breath the other. Merkabas have two vortices, which are spiraling electromagnetic frequencies. one vortex should be spiraling counter-clockwise and one clockwise, with a seal in the center. When frequency triggers the seal to open and activate, the spirals start to spin and come together, forming a Bi-Veca Merkaba field. Everything in manifestation has a Merkaba field, or it would not be in manifestation. 

8. Hon’-a-til-E’a and Athon’-a-til-E’a: Hon’-a-til-E’a and Athon’-a-til-E’a are states of full Merkabic alignment and original Christ consciousness. Hon-e-til-E’a involves a perfect alignment of all the Merkaba axes in our 15-dimensional system, so the living circulatory system is completely open all the way up and down and there is full activation. It allows you to create a Bi-Veca Merkaba. Athon-e-til-E’a involves alignment of the Merkaba axes in both our 15-dimensional system and the parallel system. It allows you to create a bigger Merkaba, a Tri-Veca Merkaba, that is called the Eckasha Merkaba. The Bi-Veca Merkabas can go in vertical and horizontal directions, but not diagonally, so they can not fully go into and sustain in the Ecka. They can, however, visit the Ecka and come back into our 15-dimensional system. The Tri-Veca Eckasha Merkaba is required to go vertically, horizontally and diagonally. 

9. Star Gates and Time Portals: 

Star Gates are pairs of interconnected counter-rotating vortices with a seal in the center. They run on a vertical axis. When the seal releases, the vortices come together and make a Merkaba field. Time portals are horizontal and diagonal axis spiral pairs and form the portals of the Time Portal System, which permits passage between space-time locations in one Universe and one Density level. 

10. The Planetary Bio-Feed Interface System: 

When the currents from the Earth and our individual bodies naturally run together through the Merkaba fields and there is a direct energetic connection between the Kathara Grids of the Planetary Body and that of individual bodies, we call this connection the Planetary Bio-Feed Interface System. We can have an open conduit between the energies that are running through the planet and the Star Gates and the energies that are running through our own bodies. This would be a normal part of being alive on the planet, but it has been blocked by the genetic damage on this planet. So most of the Planetary Bio-feed Interface system is literally cut off. Our first Kathara Center interfaces with the first Kathara Center in the Planetary Grids, which means we can access a current of energy by opening up the Chakras below our feet and activating the Kathara Grid inside ourselves. But because our Merkabas and our DNA are damaged, this process isn’t working like it should. We can get it working when we use the Maharic Seal and begin to activate our Kathara Grid so we can pull frequency up and run it through us and send frequency back down. This is how the human body, once it is activated, has the ability to directly interface and effect healing on the planet. The frequencies you hold in your body can go 5 right into the Earth’s core, and if you know how to direct them you can do so with love and intention and wisdom. 

11. The Moda AdhurA: 

The Moda AdhurA is a complex that allows you to run full Heliotalics and activate your Eckasha Merkaba and your flame body, so you can reach the Hon-e-til-E’a and Athon-etil-E’a states, which are the full Merkabic alignments. The Moda AdhurA complex has three levels: the lower, middle and higher level. The higher level runs through the pineal gland. The middle level runs through the area of Chakra 4 and the AzurA. The lower level runs through the E-Umbi. 

12. Seed Crystal Seals and Star Crystal Seals: 

The Seed Crystal Seals are in the “knot” area of the little “bow ties” of the 15 primary Chakra vortices. They hold the vortices apart; when the Seals activate, the vortices come together and form little Merkaba fields. The Star Crystal Seals are located between the Chakras, and keep human Identity and Auric levels dimensionally separate. 

Multiple Choice 

1. If you want to see Density 1 (Dimension-1, -2 and -3) in the Ecka as solid, you have to have an accretion level of the frequency of ______________. 

(a) Dimension-1 up to -12 

(b) Ecka Dimension-1, -2 and -3 

(c) Ecka Dimension-4 

(d) both (a), (b) and (c) 

2. The Emerald Covenant is the blanket name for _______________. 

(a) the First Seeding Treaty of the Founder Races, 950 billion years ago 

(b) a treaty for security on the Planet and control of the Gates, 25,556 years ago. 

(c) the Co-evolution Peace Treaty of the Founder Races 250 billion years ago 

(d) a Star Gate system during the Atlantean period of 25,500 to 10,500 BC 

3. The E-Umbi, AzurA and Rajna are located in the Kathara Grid ____________. 

(a) in Kathara Center 5 (E-Umbi), 8 (AzurA) and 11 (Rajna) 

(b) between Kathara Center 3 and 4 (E-Umbi), 6 and 7 (AzurA), 9 and 10 (Rajna) 

(c) between Kathara Center 4 and 5 (E-Umbi), 7 and 8 (AzurA), 10 and 11 (Rajna) 

(d) in Kathara Center 2 (E-Umbi), 8 (AzurA) and 14 (Rajna) 

4. The highest God World at the top of the Stairway to Heaven is __________. 

(a) the Eckasha-A 

(b) the Eckasha Corridor 

(c) the Ecka 

(d) the Eckasha-Aah 6 

5. The Ecka AzurA holds _____________. 

(a) the Eiros Flame 

(b) the Flame of Amoraea 

(c) the Flame of Maharata 

(d) the Eckasha Flame 

6. The difference between a Bi-Veca Merkaba and a Tri-Veca Merkaba is that _______. 

(a) a Bi-Veca Merkaba can move on horizontal and vertical axes, while a Tri-Veca Merkaba can also move on diagonal axes 

(b) a Bi-Veca Merkaba holds the frequencies of two Veca Quadrants, while a TriVeca Merkaba holds the frequencies of three Veca Quadrants (c) a Bi-Veca Merkaba has two rotating spirals, while a Tri-Veca Merkaba has three rotating spirals 

(d) a Tri-Veca Merkaba runs slower than a Bi-Veca Merkaba 

7. A natural anti-Christos Merkaba ____________. 

(a) is far out of alignment and not able to feed any more from the natural currents coming down and to refuel its seed atom 

(b) will implode and become temporarily a natural black hole that is not spinning and not throwing energy out or sucking energy from another system 

(c) will eventually go back to space dust 

(d) both (a), (b) and (c) 

8. The Eckasha Corridor is a big Kathara Grid shape with _____embedded within. 

(a) four Veca Quadrants 

(b) four Ecka Worlds 

(c) four Eckasha-A Spectra 

(d) four Eckashas 

9. Properly taking care of your biofield is _________ responsibility. 

(a) God’s 

(b) the Guardians’ 

(c) your 

(d) both (a), (b) and (c) 

10. The Le-TeU-A is located at _____________. 

(a) the center of the tailbone at the base of the spine 

(b) the heart 

(c) the thymus 

(d) the pineal gland 

11. The Telluric Shield corresponds to Dimension _________. 

(a) 1, 2 and 3 

(b) 4, 5 and 6 7 

(c) 7, 8 and 9 

(d) 10, 11 and 12 

12. Density-2 is the level of __________. 

(a) Rishi identity 

(b) Avatar identity 

(c) Oversoul identity 

(d) Soul identity 

Multiple Choice Answers: 1. D, 2. C, 3. B, 4. D, 5. B, 6. A, 7. D, 8. A, 9. C, 10. D, 11. A, 12. D. 

The dynamics of the emerging MCEO materials involve the reality that the detailed understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail herein, are as advanced as possible UP TO the date of the workshop recording. 

SSC_Class4 Q & A.pdf
