Karen Hudes... 배후에 CIA ...
그리고 검은 하수인인 Karen Hudes 는 아무런 권한도 위임도 없는 자..
속지 말라..
도당들은 OITC 를 공격했고, 그 틈새로 검은 하수인을 보내 자산들을 가로채려는 흉계를 지속 할 뿐인 것이다...
이러한 검은 동향 들은
오는 1월과 2월의 중동 석유 시장의 미국 메이저 Key Player들의 헷지 펀드의 만기일과 더부러
시장에서 위안화의 진입의 영향력으로 이들 Key player 들이 이탈 할 것으로 예상이 되고
사우디의 자산들이 이미 압류 당한 것으로 보인다..
따라서 근래의 FRB 측의 금리 인상 발언의 정치적 성격이란 미국 내부의 달러 이탈을 막고
동시에 국제 달러시장의 가치를 유지하기 위한 의도적인 프로퍼갠더의 성격이 될 수 밖에 없지만
이란 마저도 1월 부터 원유시장에 뛰어 들게 되므로 미국의 파산의 목줄은 더욱 죄어 들 수 밖에 없는 상황..
여기에 AIIB 의 본격 가동과도 무관하지 않은 것으로 보인다...
2016년도 1월 부터
국제 금시장의 가격 레귤레이터 기능이 중국 상하이로 완전히 넘어 온다.
그리고 러시아와 중국의 금 본위제 추진 공식 발표..다극 주의 경제체제..
그럼 관련 흐름들이 조금 보이게 되지 않을까...
스타워즈 열풍의 배후에는 미국 금융의 붕괴가 도사리고 있다는 기사의 지적이 예사롭지 만은 않은 것 인지도..
대비 뿐이다..
Posted By: igots2no [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 26-Dec-2015 09:54:08
Dear Dimce,
Yet another article, please refer details below, for which there is a need for me to respond to correct certain inaccuracies and misrepresentations by the author and certainly those by Karen Hudes.
I would be grateful if you could post this as a new article and reference it to the author’s (Judge Anna Maria Riezinger (aka Anna von Reitz) article below:-
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
The Truth About Karen Hudes, The World Bank, and Your Gold
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 24-Dec-2015 01:56:16
Dear Judge Riezinger,
First , allow me to apologise for the length of my response to your article. This is not an easy subject to explain in a few lines, or cover in a few days, weeks, or even months.
If I may respectfully correct you on certain points within your recent article, as reference above, and at the same time commend you for the destruction of Karen Hudes and her continuous misinformation regarding the Global Debt Facility (otherwise known as the Collateral Accounts) for which she wrongfully and unlawfully claims she is the appointed Legal Counsel.
When America was legally bankrupt, both during and after the Great Depression, the World had to come, once again, to
the rescue. As you will probably be aware, America has technically been bankrupt many times in the last 200 – 250 years, mainly because America has no financial discipline or responsibility – a situation that the World can see yet again since 2007/8.
The World did come to the rescue of America in the early 30’s, only because to do otherwise would have thrown the
whole world into total chaos.
To rescue America, and the whole World at the same time, the World utilised the Global Debt Facility, but there were
conditions attached. Those conditions led to America enacting the Gold Reserve Act, January 30th Executive Order
6102, 1933,and the Gold Reserve Act, January 30th 1934. These Executive Order / Acts were enacted to accumulate all
the Gold in America to pay off American Debts. Unfortunately for America, the amount of Gold accumulated within the
US Treasury was insufficient to pay the Debts in full, therefore America had to be supported by the Gold of the Global
Debt Facility. The amount of Gold confiscated in America at the time amounted to approximately Ten (10%) percent of
the total Debt Value, hence why the Global Debt Facility had to stand in and support America.
In return America was forced by the Global Community to issue Debt Obligation Certificates to the Global Debt Facility
in the form of Federal Reserve Notes, Federal Reserve Bonds, Wells Fargo Certificates, American Dream Certificates, J.P.Morgan Bonds, all dated 1933 and 1934.
Your comments, quote “When that bankruptcy was finally discharged and settled the World Bank received the actual gold--- the physical assets confiscated from our ancestors and which we are heir to--- as its part of the loot".
The Gold confiscated in America was actually passed to the IBRD (now the World Bank) as Agents for the Global Debt Facility, whereby this Gold was formally registered as an asset of a Trust / Foundation, which in itself is owned by the Global Debt Facility, as were thousands of other Trusts and Foundations as legal Heirs and Owners of all assets held by said Trusts / Foundations. The Gold confiscated in America was shipped to a depository for safe and secure secretion. I am therefore sorry to inform you that the Gold does not belong to the American people, as claimed. It is the legal property of the Global Debt Facility.
You may be asking yourself who said Gold actually belongs to the Global Debt Facility. Simple, the costs involved for the Global Debt Facility far exceeded the value of Gold confiscated in America. This is supported and explained by the fact that the value of the aforementioned Certificates, Bonds, and Notes, issue by America far exceeded the value of the Gold confiscated, and the value of the
Gold utilised by the Global Debt Facility to bail out America, a sizable portion covering all the costs involved for the Global Debt
Facility at the time.
It doesn’t surprise me, and it is unfortunate, that you are not aware of some of the relevant issues here because The Global Debt
Facility was in transition at the time from a Beneficiary Controlled Facility to a Facility being passed to Independent Control following the 1920/21 London Treaty and the 1929 Amendments to the London Treaty. Having stated that, the Treaty and Treaty Agreements
executed at the time were “Private” Treaties and Treaty Agreements holding a “Shrouded in Secrecy, Above Top Secret or
Top Secret category”.
Those Treaty and Treaty Agreements are still held today as “Shrouded in Secrecy, Above Top Secret or Top Secret category”
because they are “Private”, whereby only a handful of people around the World have access to same.
It was hoped, and anticipated, by the Legal Beneficiaries of the Global Debt Facility that America would, at long last have learned its lesson of Fiscal Discipline and Responsibility. Unfortunately, and as we see today, that has not been the case whereby America just carries on as normal, probably believing that the World will come to its rescue yet again, for which such a belief is far from the realms of any possibility.
Above, I mention about the transition of the Global Debt Facility to Independent Control from its Beneficiary Control.
This was achieved after WW II when the Bretton Woods Agreement came into effect. Alongside which and within side agreements,
the IMF was born and the IBRD was restructured and renamed the World Bank.
What the World did not know was that there were several other side Treaties and Agreements at the same time which ultimately would affect the whole World at some time in the future.
One of those side Treaties called for the establishment of the Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission (TTTGC) to Manage and Administer the Global Debt Facility. This Commission was to be made up of the Allied Nations (America, France and the UK) and held a term of Fifty (50) years. Furthermore, the objectives of the Commission were to utilise the assets of the Global Debt Facility to assist ALL countries that had been devastated by the effects and actions caused by WW II, provided such assistance was authorised and approved by the then M1, which was Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines.
The establishment of a Commission and the objectives of same had to be commended, at least at the time. Unfortunately, what was supposed to be just failed to happen whereby only the Allied Nations and their Friends benefitted from these objectives. Many Nations were left to their own devices to rebuild their Nations from the devastation of WW II.
Ferdinand Marcos, as M1, was totally ignored by the TTTGC, whereby all acts undertaken by the TTTGC were unlawful and illegal
The IMF and World Bank, supposedly institutionalised at the time of the Bretton Woods Agreement, soon became joined at the hip of the TTTGC, and were quietly ordered / forced to abide by the decisions, directives, orders, etc of their masters ------ America, France, and the UK as the three parties (Allies) of the TTTGC. They still do today.
The unlawful acts of the TTTGC, one of which was the “Brady Bonds”, continued throughout the Fifty (50) year term of the TTTGC, much to the dismay and anguish of the original beneficiaries, who still hold the power to appoint the Administrators and Managers of the Global Debt Facility. Furthermore, the unlawful acts of the TTTGC, the IMF and the World Bank, coupled with the BIS, still continue to this day.
In reality, the members of the TTTGC, IMF, World Bank, and BIS, structured the Global Debt Facility operation to suit their own purposes, which includes fraud, embezzlement, deception, fiscal abuse, financial support of specific Heads of State and Governments of friendly countries around the World, or those countries with whom it was easy, by the use of monetary favours, to covert, which by the way includes “Black Ops” supporting oppositional groups in unfriendly countries. Does Libya, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, and others ring many bells.
Yes, there are indeed accounts of the Global Debt Facility that have been introduced by the TTTGC, World Bank, and the BIS, such as Spiritual Wonder Boy Allied Forces Account, Spiritual Wonder Boy Allied Account, and so on. There Accounts are not supposed to exist as the Accounts / Assets of the Global Debt Facility cannot, and must not, be used / utilised for any form of Military means, even the manufacture of Military equipment. That factor is written into the International Treaties and Treaty Agreements, but totally ignored by the TTTGC, World Bank and BIS.
By the 1980’s, the original Beneficiaries of the Global Debt Facility had had enough and decided that they would not, under any circumstances renew, or extend, the Fifty (50) year term of the TTTGC. This policy was strictly adhered to, whereby on the 31st December 1994, the position of the TTTGC had been completely terminated with all Powers and Authorities stripped from the TTTGC forthwith.
In its place, the original beneficiaries decided to appoint one of their own number, being Dr. Ray C. Dam, who was a descendant of the Cambodian Royal Family. Dr. Dam was also an experienced Central Banker and the former G7 Gold signatory. Dr. Dam was appointed on January 20th 1995 as the International Treasury Controller ITC), Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter of all assets / accounts of the Global Debt Facility (A fact that Karen Hudes blatantly and without due cause, denies).
In addition, Dr. Dam as the International Treasury Controller was institutionalised as a “Sovereign” with its own Jurisdiction, under UN Charter Control NO: 10-60847. This was to ensure total independence of the International Treasury Controller, free from any interference, impediment, or otherwise from any person, group, institution, Sovereign Nation, or otherwise.
Dr. Dam’s term as International Treasury Controller, abruptly came to an end in December 2010, by a Joint operation between the persons surrounding Dr. Dam in Cambodia and the CIA. He was imprisoned without charge on issues not even related to the ITC. These issues were to do with a commercial operation in Cambodia in conjunction with his Nephew.
Whilst he was in prison, an attempt to poison him occurred, for which Dr. Dam was transferred to the hospital.
We now know that the poison used on Dr. Dam is one which seriously affects the body organs (Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, and Heart). As a result Dr. Dam was medially assessed in August 2011 / September 2011 by a team of experts engaged by the original beneficiaries of the Global Debt Facility.
Dr. Dam was removed from his position in September 2011 with all his powers and authorities immediately revoked.
In May 2012, a new International Treasury Controller, Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter of the Global Debt Facility, was appoint. That person’s name is withheld for the purpose of security and safety of the person. It is that person who legally owns the Global Debt Facility, not the World Bank, IMF, USA, or any other person or party who make wild and unwarranted claims of same.
In respect of Ferdinand Marcos as M1, he had enormous problems with the TTTGC, and eventually came under enormous pressure (again with the assistance of the CIA). We are all aware of what happened to Ferdinand Marcos in, and after 1986. However, knowing that he would not escape what the Americans had in store for him, he legally passed the M1 position and the Alpha – Omega Ring to A Royal Family member, who draws immense popularity and respect from around the World. The said Legal passing of the M1 position was undertaken on 20th December 1988, just 9 months +- before the death of Ferdinand Marcos.
The M1 position actually lies, all but in name, with initially Dr. Ray C. Dam, and now with the newly appointed International Treasury
The above leads me onto a point which Karen Hudes claims, which is that she is the appointed Legal Counsel for the Global Debt
Facility. I am afraid that Karen Hudes believes just about anything she is told whether what she is told is the truth or, as we know, is
fabricated lies.
The International Treasury Controller did have a Legal Counsel up to January 2006.
A Swiss Lawyer and Citizen, who was assassinated at his office in Switzerland.
At the time he was working on all the abuse of the Global Debt Facility undertaken by UBS who were Custodians (with no power or
authority) of Assets and Accounts of the Global Debt Facility.
The new International Treasury Controller has a new Legal Counsel and it certainly isn’t Karen Hudes. It is a very highly respected Q.C. out of the UK specialising in International Law, International Banking and Finance Law.
It should be noted here that onLY the International Treasury Controller holds the right to appoint any person to positions within the International Treasury Control. Each one being issued with a full set of legal documents concerning and relating to the appointment.
She cannot be appointed by anyone else, whether the IMF, IBRD, World Bank, BIS, America, or otherwise because not one of them hold any authority or power in relation to the Global Debt Facility. That factor is written into International Legal Treaty and Treaty Agreements, dated 1995 and 2012, appointing The International Treasury Controller, executed by those empowered to appoint.
Maybe she was appointed by Wolfgang Struck who also claims that he is in control of the Global Debt Facility, even though he has not been recognised by any Central Bank or Sovereign Nation. He is another one who lives in fantasy land with all his unlawful claims.
You can argue with both the above until the “Cows come home” and get absolutely no-where because they both hold, and others who make spurious claims, psychotic tendencies and they will never change.
I could go on and on, both with your article, as referenced above, but more so with Karen Hudes’s responses to you. However, what
you have stated in your article holds a lot more truth than that which Karen Hudes has ever stated, or claimed. She is a “Misinformation Plant” within the system, planted by the World Bank so that they can retain their unlawful power over the Global Debt Facility.
They have been warned and issued with a legal Cease and Desist Notice, which they have foolishly ignored, which they will regret in due course. All the cards are stacked against them and when the Financial System crashes, they will crash too into the abyss.
Having stated that, if you would like more information, which is possible for me to release under the security classification we hold, please write to me and I will respond. All I need to see is the Truth coming out so that the public, especially Americans, British, Germans, French, begin to open their eyes and ears to a final understanding of what their successive Governments have done and negatively exposed to their respective countries.
David P. Crayford
Legal Advisor and Consultant to the, legally appointed and internationally acknowledged, International Treasury Controller