반 신성 문명의 붕괴의 현실을 직면하고 체험할 준비를 갖추라는 긴급 전언..
사회적 질서라는 것은 언제나 사상 누각..
모든 생존의 조건들이 상호 연결된 이러한 물질계의 구조에서
어느 한 구석이 무너지면 그 파급효과는 순식간에 끝까지 도달 하겠지...
아무래도 1월 인가.. 2월 인가..
미국 이겠지..
이러한 위기감이 넘치는 현실에서도
무 영혼 레벨의 정치 권력들은 여전히도 파괴적이고 비생산적인 요인들을 정치적 이슈화 하며 떠들어 대고 있지 않나..
야당 측이 영입한 인사에게 계획적인 모욕감을 주기 위해 사전 모의를 해대고 퍼부었다가
되려 역으로 얻어 맞은 쓰레기 종편의 등신 같은 인터뷰 시도.. (표창을 받아라 표창1.. 발사!.. 라고 네티즌들의 풍자가..ㅎㅎ)
거대한 쓰나미와 지진, 원자력 발전소의 파괴에도 불구하고
긴급 재난 상황 하에 규정된 1인 1생수 판매...단 한 병의 생수를 사기 위해
한 줄로 늘어서서 차분히 기다리던 후쿠시마의 그 사람들..
나는 그 장면을 결코 잊을 수 없다..
The events of change are rapidly unfolding
By General Kevin Radetsky/Admiral Jhonka
Jan 2, 2016 - 11:39:00 PM
Dear Blessed ones of Abundant Hope
I come once again through this scribe to issue a very serious warning.
Events are about to unfold in very dramatic fashion upon thy world, the likes of which you have never seen before. We urge you to check and re-check your preparations, materially, emotionally and spiritually.
You shall be tested in the days that lie ahead and any vulnerabilities you may have will become apparent. It is thus of prime importance that you take our calls for preparation seriously and plan accordingly. Your success in facing the coming challenges will depend on your material preparations as well as your ability to stay centered and remain connected to your inner guidance.
We expect for things to become quite chaotic and unpredictable, creating the potential for widespread violence, confusion and upheaval. Many people will lash out in fear and it will be up to you to discern with whom you should engage. We remind you that it will not be your job to convince anyone of your rightness, but rather to share information and guidance with people who are open and receptive to what you have to say.
Focus on providing others with basic information that will inspire calm and confidence, and don't get caught up in the details. You of Abundant Hope have been well informed of the plans ahead, but you must not get preoccupied with explanations, as many will not be ready to grasp the "big picture".
Remain vigilant and poised, dear ones, for your moment has arrived. There is truly little time left before things explode and when the tipping point is reached, there will be no turning back.
We hold you dearly in our hearts and thank you for your dedication to divine service at this momentous time. The forces of Light offer you tremendous support and protection. Move forward with complete faith in your holy missions. We are most confident that you shall carry out your roles brilliantly and we look forward to embracing you warmly after the storm has passed. We bless you and love you beyond measure.