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보유금을 상실하는 미국, 달러 헤게모니를 상실해 나간다..(2015년 9월 중순 기사)

by 煌錦笑年 2015. 10. 5.


제목 그대로..

금과 관련하여 2016년을 전망해 보면 (2016 년이 과연 올까..?... ;;; )

미국은 새로운 정권이 탄생하게 될 것 같고

중국은 국제 금본위 체제의 중심국가로써 러시아와 나란히 갈 것..

세계 각국들은 미국 FRB 가 강탈해간 자국의 위탁금괴들을 돌려 달라고 아우성..

그러나 현재의 미국에는 금이 없다..

켄터키에도 포트녹스에도 뉴욕에도 그 어디에도 없다.. 어디로 갔는가..

죠지 부시에게 물어 봐야..

As the global economy is being engulfed in crisis, European countries are trying to repatriate their gold reserves from the US Federal Reserve to support their economies.

The largest gold reserve stored by the Fed belongs to Germany, at 674 tons. on the whole, the country holds nearly 3,500 tons of gold.

However, both sides were content with the situation: the US received money for storage, and Germany knew its reserves were finely protected.

The first major attempts by foreign countries to return their gold reserves first began in 2012. At the time, Germany made attempts to withdraw its gold, but it was denied by Washington.

The US said it could not provide the required security for audit. Then, Washington said it was impossible to differentiate the US gold bars from German ones.

For European countries, that was a warning signal, as a total of 250 tons of physical gold should have been withdrawn from the Federal Reserve.

Finally, Berlin managed to repatriate 10 percent of its reserves.

Experts name two possible reasons behind the US trying to keep at any costs foreign gold reserves in the Fed storage.

The first one is that dollar unlike other currency like euro or yuan is not backed by gold. As a result, Washington wants to protect the global role of its currency.

Second, gold repatriation would have positive effect on the global economy. This could seriously affect the US geopolitical and economic dominance in the world.

Why Are Foreign Countries Repatriating Gold From US Federal Reserve?
Away From Dollar: Russia, China to Create Entirely Different Gold Market
Gold's Everlasting Shine: Is Fall in Gold Price a Sign of Inevitable Doom?
Dollar Hegemony Threatened as Ruble, Yuan Gaining Momentum
United StatesGermanyeconomydollargoldFederal Reserve System

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/business/20150916/1027074510/gold-repatriation-undermines-us-economy.html#ixzz3nftLYnPa
