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최초 중국은 이스라엘에 의해 수립된 괴뢰정부 체제국가..(물론 현재는 그 입장이 다르지만..)

by 煌錦笑年 2016. 1. 22.

물론 지금은 그 체제와 체질이 달라져 버렸지만..


중국이란 근대국가는 

청조 이후 현대에 이르러 수립된 이스라엘의 괴뢰정부 체제로부터 시작되었다는 것을.

( * note:

물론 멸망해 버린 청왕조의 후대들이 모두 신분을 속이고 이름을 개명할 때, 

모두 김(金) 씨로 바꿨다는 것 역시도 흥미롭지만..)

그러나 시진핑 체제 들어 서며 국가노선과 방향 체질 등이 완전히 달라졌으며

이것은 천상의 개입에 의한 전환 이었으며

이로부터 러시아와의 전략적 동맹 형태로 천상정부의 주요 지상국가로써의 

반 카쟈르 금융 부문의 전략을 펼쳐 나가는 중..

하단의 내용들은 

현대사에 들어서서 최초 이스라엘과 유태 카쟈르들의 

괴뢰정부로 시작했던 중국이라는 국가의 탄생 실체 및 

모택동 체제가 어떤 외세의 지원과 자금력 하에 탄생하였으며 

왜 중국이 공산주의 국가 형태로 시작했는지를 상세히 보여 주고 있음..

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work at www.JewishFaces.org  is archived here under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in reviewing the included information for personal use, non-profit research and educational purposes only.  Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

Jewish Faces in Chinese Government

Special Report: The Secret Role of Jews in China


Israel Epstein, second from right in front, standing in front of Mao. He later became the minister of appropriations, an extremely powerful position in a practically cashless era. To the right of him is another Jew, also under cover as a journalist

Epstein's cover was journalism. His parents were Russian Jews who were imprisoned in Siberia for espionage.


This is Israel Epstein chatting with Chairman Hu, just before his death.

  Mao in a high-level meeting with several Jews [Frank Coe, Israel Epstein, Elsie Fairfax-Cholmely, and Solomon Adler] 

Mao with Sidney Rittenberg. Wikipedia claims he "observed" the upper levels of Chinese leadership:

Sidney Rittenberg (August 14, 1921; Chinese name: Lǐ Dūnbái 李敦白) is an Americaninterpreter and scholar who lived in China from 1944 to 1979. He worked closely with People's Republic of China (PRC) founder Mao Zedong, military leader Zhu De, statesmanZhou Enlai, and other leaders of the Communist party during the war, and was with these central Communist leaders at Yan'an. He witnessed first-hand much of what occurred at upper levels of the CCP and knew many of its leaders personally. He was the first Americancitizen to join the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Sidney Rittenberg WPP group and Martin Sorrell

Rittenberg's connections and experience have enabled him to run a successful consultancy business representing some of the world’s biggest brands, such as Intel, Levi Strauss, Microsoft, Hughes Aircraft and Teledesic.

1. Foreign nationals are not allowed to be naturalized as Chinese citizens. How did these Jews magically do it?

2. Rittenberg's "consultancy business" is in fact one of the largest, or largest, advertising agencies in the world. Was he the actual Chinese minister of propaganda?

A note about Mao: He was picked up to play puppet leader with resourced funneled through Yale University (whose symbol has Hebrew on it), in a Skull and Bones type scheme. The location was Yali Highschool in Changsha, Hunan Province - a branch of Yale. Mao was a disturbed young man - a completely controllable, blackmailable puppet for their purposes.

"Rewi Alley," the man who organized communes in China before Chinese even knew they were to be ruled by Jewish communists (in the 1920's, well before 1949)


A closer look at Rewi Alley

Rewi schmoozing with the supposedly ultra-powerful Zhou Enlai

Robert Lawrence Kuhn
Robert Lawrence Kuhn [1], another Jewish investment banker "consultant" to the CCP

Robert Lawrence Kuhn
Robert Lawrence Kuhn seen talking about who the new Chinese president will be, while Chinese have no clue about it

Sidney Shapiro, Israel Epstein and Chen Bidi getting a birthday party thrown by the politburo

From a Chinese article on the Jewish birthday party:

Three CPPCC [politburo] members with foreign origins celebrated their 90th birthday together at Jingfeng Hotel, one of the hotels in Beijing appointed for the NPC and CPPCC sessions, on March 8. Israel Epstein, Sidney Shapiro (Sha Boli) and Chen Bidi were born in Poland, the United States and Canada respectively, and they obtained Chinese nationality in 1957 and 1963. As experts who have long been working in the field of foreign publicity, they witnessed China's revolution and socialist modernization drive. 


After retirement, they didn't stay idle but continued to participate actively in the discussion and management of state affairs. Many NPC deputies and CPPCC members attending the ongoing annual sessions went to their birthday party to express their best wishes.


Sidney Shapiro
Sidney Shapiro, politburo member (!). Chinese are allowed to call them foreigners (laowai), but they dare not mention that all of them are Jews

Virginius Frank Coe, Jewish operative in China. From wikipedia: Blacklisted...Coe sought work abroad, eventually finding...the People's Republic of China, where he joined a circle of expatriates working with the government. In 1962, he was joined by Solomon Adler in the circle. Coe participated in Mao's Great Leap Forward, a plan for the rapid industrialization and modernization of China. His works include articles justifying the Rectification campaign.

George Sokolsky, Jewish columnist for Hearst appointed to stop Joseph McCarthy's housecleaning

