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By Mike Kong
Jan 25, 2016 - 8:34:10 AM
Happy Hitler welcomes Ribbentrop back from Russia. | THE TRUTH ABOUT HITLER'S 1939 PACT WITH STALIN
By Mike King |
Of the many, and we do mean many, popular misconceptions about the grand history-altering event known as World War II surrounds the true nature of the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact -- also known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact after the two foreign ministers who negotiated and then finalized the agreement in late August of 1939. As the stupid story goes, this was the moment when Hitler and Stalin made the deal to carve up Poland and - in a 'secret protocol' - the rest of eastern Europe..
1- Molotov (seated and signing) and Ribbentrop (standing behind Molotov, next to Stalin)
2 & 3 - The western-juden press mocked and condemned the agreement.
The "evidence" for this pact being part of Hitler's grand plot to kick-off a war is based on the fact that Germany invaded Poland from the west on September 1, 1939 (just one week after the deal); and Stalin's Red Army rolled into Poland from the east about two weeks after that. Germany reclaimed territories that had been taken from her by the brutal Versailles Treaty which was imposed upon Germany after 'The Great War" (World War I); and the Soviets did likewise. So, the true purpose of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact is obvious. Right? Wrong!
The court-historians who pen this corrupting crap conveniently "forget" to mention the critical events of 1938 and 1939 which preceded Hitler's 'hold-my-nose' outreach to Stalin. You see, during the 12 month period leading up to the pact, both Britain and France (Germany's adversaries from World War I) had been openly courting Stalin's genocidal Communist regime with the hopes of resurrecting a new version of the Triple Entente Alliance that preceded the 2-front kickoff of World War I against Germany. The plan of the Globalist-Jewish warmongers was for the military dictator of Poland (Rydz-Smigly) to pick a fight with Germany; for Britain and France to then attack Germany from the west (in "defense" of Poland); and finally, for the Soviet Union to then join the fight against Germany from the east.
Again, this premeditated aggression plot towards Germany was being discussed openly and in "mainstream media". For example, as early as 1938, a book titled, 'A New Holy Alliance', by renown Jewish writer Emil Ludwig, called for a resurrection of the very same 2-front military alliance that had been arrayed against Germany two decades earlier (UK-France-US-Russia). In April of 1939, the highly, and we do meanhighly, influential New York-based Council on Foreign Relations, in its magazine Foreign Affairs, carried a favorable review for Ludwig's book, in which the possibility of forging a 2-front alliance was confirmed. Here's the introduction to the review for Ludwig's book, from Foreign Affairs Quarterly:
"The new alliance against Fascism, proposed by the famous biographer, is to include Britain, France and the United States, though other countries, like Russia, might join. There is a chapter analyzing the German temperament and the German state, and one comparing Hitler and Mussolini, to the latter's advantage." (here)
Ludwig's warmongering book argued that the western powers should be open to courting Stalin to join an "anti-fascist" alliance. The Council on Foreign Relations, in its Quarterly Review (Foreign Affairs), regarded Ludwig's proposal positively.
This idea of encircling Germany would soon be promoted by the warmongers in Britain. The New York Times, in its May 11, 1939, ran the following headlines and excerpts -- which no court-historian can now deny:
Chamberlain Says French and the British Would Act First in War Covered by Pact
But Public Demand for Soviet Accord Is More Insistent - Closure Voted by Commons
With the Anglo-Russian negotiations still pending, Prime Minister Chamberlain gave public assurance to the Soviet yesterday that it would not be expected to enter any war until the French and British were already in the field. In another statement before the House of Commons the Prime Minister urged speed on the secret mobilization bills, and in response the House voted to limit debate so as to pass the measures next week.
British Assurance Given
By Robert P. Post
LONDON, May 10. - Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain gave public assurances to Russia today that she was not expected to fight for any of the smaller European States unless Britain and France fought, too
Demand for Soviet Pact Rises
By Sir Arthur Willert
Noted British Journalist
1- A proposed alliance with Stalin against Germany --- in black & white -- printed in the New York Times. (here) 2- Marshall Smigly-Rydz of Poland -- his job was to pick a fight with Hitler so that the allies could then impose another multi-front war upon Germany.
3- It's all fully documented and presented in 'The Bad War' by M S King. Hitler was no fool. He saw right through the open game and attempted to check the Anglo-French alliance by striking a Non-Aggression Pact with the Soviet Union. This was not done out of any new-found love for Stalin, of course -- but solely to thwart the warmongering western allies by neutralizing their hoped-for new Triple Entente with Russia. Even as the pact was being hammered out, Hitler still tried to avoid war by reaching out to the allies for talks -- which they, not Hitler, refused to engage in. Anyone who doubts this should read the impassioned letter which Hitler wrote to French President Daladier just days after Ribbentrop and Molotov finished their deal in Moscow. (here)
As for Stalin and his messenger Molotov, the chess-game that they were playing had nothing to do with wanting a long term peace with Germany. Stalin and his henchmen planned to sit by and quietly amass millions of troops along the German frontier while Germany and the allies exhausted themselves in the west. At the right time, the massive and fully equipped Red Army would pounce on an unsuspecting Germany from the east, and then take all of Europe. Stalin almost pulled it off in 1941; but Hitler, having suspected what was coming, beat him to the punch and routed the surprised Red Army (who were in offensive positions) all the way back to the outskirts of Moscow.
Because of its position at the center, Germany was always vulnerable to a 2-front war. That's why the Triple Entente of World War I (Britain, France, Czarist Russia) posed such a threat to Germany. By 1938 / 39, The Globalists were working hard to revive the encirclement scheme by partnering up with Stalin's Bolshevik Russia.
So you see, Hitler's decision to send Ribbentrop to Moscow to make a peace pact was not at all part of a scheme to divvy up the goods with Stalin -- except in the case that Poland's Marshall Smigly should be stupid enough to still start a war at the behest of the western allies who were maniuplating his ego -- which is exactly what happened. And nor was it Hitler who broke the pact in 1941 because the invasion of Russia was purely a self-defensive maneuver. The Great one never lied, and here is what he had to say about 'Operation Barbarossa', the invasion of the USSR in June, 1941:
"Already in 1940 it became increasingly clear from month to month that the plans of the men in the Kremlin were aimed at the domination, and thus the destruction, of all of Europe. I have already told the nation of the build-up of Soviet military power in the East during a period when Germany had only a few divisions in the provinces bordering Soviet Russia. only a blind person could fail to see that a military build-up of world-historical dimensions was being carried out. And this was not in order to protect something that was being threatened, but rather to attack that which seemed incapable of defense ... I may say this today: If the wave of more than 20,000 tanks, hundreds of divisions, tens of thousands of artillery pieces, along with more than 10,000 airplanes, had not been kept from being set into motion against the Reich, Europe would have been lost."
In the final analysis, it was precisely the openly-planned 2-front liability, later aided greatly by U.S. entry into the war, which doomed Germany to genocide, Globalist conquest, seven decades of U.S. occupation, three generations of guilt-trip brainwashing and ultimately -- manly Merkel's migrant invasion that a dying Germany is experiencing today. And that, dear reader, was the only reason that Hitler sent the talented Mr. Ribbentrop to cut an ill-fated deal with Molotov.
Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop was hanged after the Nuremberg Show Trials.