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[Benjamin Fulford] : Beijing envoy says all US dollars will have a Chinese signature on them by 2018- January 26th

by 煌錦笑年 2016. 1. 28.


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하지만 이 시점까지 정세 내용을 틀어 제낄 여유가 놈들에게는 진작부터 없다는 것을 고려해 본다면..

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일본의 메이지 유신은 

유태계들에 의해 순차적으로 쿠데타가 이루어져 형성된 팩트들로 진행 되었던 것이며

초기 근대일본의 현대적 정부 시스템의 부문별 수장들은 모두

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그들은 후에 일본 최초의 초대 중앙은행, 정부각료 등 금융과 정부 경제 부문별로 모두 수장의 자리에 앉게 된다.

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Beijing envoy says all US dollars will have a Chinese signature on them by 2018

by Benjamin Fulford:

The shift in the center of global power is accelerating with a strong push being made to ensure all oil and other international commodities are traded in Chinese dollars or Yuan and not Khazarian so-called US dollars, multiple sources agree. All “US dollars” will have a Chinese person’s signature on them by 2018, according to a special envoy sent to the White Dragon Society by Chinese royals based in Beijing. He promised to send a photograph of these dollars to this newsletter after he returns to China.

As a part of this push, Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visited Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran to promise a huge industrial and infrastructure development carrot if Middle Eastern oil was sold in Yuan, Pentagon sources said. The Chinese were too polite to mention the stick that was the alternative to this carrot. However, news reports coming out after Xi’s visit to Saudi Arabia indicated Xi was furious at being snubbed by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef. Instead he was only able to see senile King Salman and his son, the “deputy crown prince.”


Nayef has long been close to the Americans and is deeply involved in ISIS and other such matters, CIA officials say. To see how much things have changed in the US for Saudi Arabia, watch the following 6 minute Congress hearing featuring Congressman Hank Johnson getting recently retired US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford to admit Saudi Arabia is the main sponsor of radical Wahhabist Islam.


The Saudis are now in surrender mode and are just waiting for higher level fights to conclude before they kiss the feet of the winner, White Dragon Society sources say.

Pentagon sources were more forthcoming, explaining that the problem had now been traced to Turkey, Germany and of course, the Bush/Clinton neo-con Nazi Khazarian faction in the US.

For this reason the US military got Presidential Spokesperson Barack Obama to call Russia’s Vladimir Putin on January 13th. In that conference, the Pentagon and Russia agreed to increase military to military relations beyond the fight against ISIS in Syria and make it one against the Khazarian mafia worldwide. Defense Intelligence Agency Chief General Mike Flynn is now a back channel for communications between Russian Military Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov and General Joseph Dunford, the de-facto US Commander in Chief. With the backing of the Russian and Chinese military, as well as the Pentagon, the overwhelmingly strongest military force on the planet, Dunford then met last week with the heads of NATO in Brussels to tell them that Turkish President Recep Erdogan and German Chancellor Angela Merkel would have to go because of their involvement in creating the ongoing European refugee crisis, among other things.

To underline this, Turkish Billionaire Mustafa Koc “met his maker in what appears to be a message to the oligarchs to dump Erdogan.” Mustafa, who was “heart attacked” on January 21st, was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and top Rockefeller representative in Turkey.

Pentagon sources also blame the Khazarian mafia, and their Turkish surrogates, on the death of 12 Marines in Hawaii on January 14th. The payback against Turkey will involve a “bloody coup as well as attacks on Turkish infrastructure and overseas bases in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Qatar and Somalia.”

General Dunford further met with his French counterparts last week to coordinate an attack against Khazarian proxies in Libya. The French military are also being asked to join the battle against the Khazarian mafia, which they have agreed to do.

Meanwhile, the Khazarian mafia and their agents are struggling to keep their financial control matrix from falling apart. Japanese yakuza gangster and Iranian government sources say the Khazarian mafia is trading Persian royal family gold kept in Thailand for drug money that is being shut out of Western banks. Certain Iranians will then launder the drug dollars now that financial sanctions against Iran have been lifted. The original Iran/Contra scandal involved George Bush Sr. and his gang so it is a good guess the same people are at it again.

The Japanese Emperor is also supposed to be flying to the Philippines this week, ostensibly to celebrate the normalization of relations between Japan and the Philippines. However, given the Khazarian mafia’s desperation for gold, it is a good guess the Japanese emperor will be looking for gold to back the Japanese yen.

Japanese historian Tsutomu Kuji, in a soon to be published book, says the Emperor’s grandfather, the Meiji Emperor, was Toranosuke Omura, a person of non-imperial blood selected for the role of Emperor by the Iwasaski family of the Choshu clan. The Choshu clan was the Rothschild family’s instrument for the take-over of Japan. The Iwasakis are the family behind the Mitsubishi group that installed Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in power. The Mitsubishi Group is also the main Rockefeller proxy in Japan. The Rockefellers took over as the main Khazarian handlers for Japan after World War 2.

Japanese news reports say Abe has recently had to increase medication for his mysterious intestinal illness.

Meanwhile in the US, the attack on Khazarian mafia rule continues to accelerate with the ongoing takedown of Hillary Clinton and other Khazarian mob pseudo-politicians. As a Pentagon source put it “Hillary is toast,” with 100 FBI agents plus another 50 retired agents on her case. A special prosecutor is being appointed to charge her with treason, espionage and “using the Clinton Foundation to run a shadow government,” the source said. To help prepare the US public for the takedown of Hillary, neo-con General David Petreaus will soon be demoted for selling US state secrets to Israel, multiple sources say.

There was also a remarkable break in the Khazarian media lie factory last week when the widely read news site Drudge Report had ran an opinion poll about the upcoming US presidential eleciton that had over one million respondents. According to this poll support for Clinton was 0.88% and support for Jeb Bush was 0.9%. Donald Trump had 36% in the same poll.


By contrast, Khazarian mob controlled media outlets like the New York Times say Clinton has 48% support while Bush runs at over 10%.

The attack on world stock markets, meanwhile, has taken a pause but is expected to continue as part of the campaign to remove the main pillar of Khazarian mafia power: the control of stock markets via foundations.

To see where Khazarian mafia corporate power is concentrated take a look at this map of the world according to stock market valuations:


What is shows is the US, England, Japan and Europe are huge, while military and commodity superpower Russia is just a small smudge and China, now by far the world’s biggest economy (they produce 11 times more steel that the US and used more concrete in the past 3 years than the US did during the 20th century) is tiny.

The Khazarians use inflated stock price valuations to launder their money into the real economy. That is why they are so desperately trying now to goose stock markets. However, stock markets are so out of whack with the underlying reality that any artificial attempts to boost markets will be doomed to fail.

Indicators of the real economy, like the Baltic Dry Index, the price of shipping, continue to reach record lows.

In Europe, the Italian banking sector is failing, leading to widespread expectations Italy will be the next Greece. However, Italy’s GDP of $2.144 trillion is 10 times larger than Greece’s so, this will be more like the next Greece times ten. Then France also declared an economic emergency last, week, meaning the real European crisis is just starting.

That is the background to a meeting IMF director Christine Lagarde had on January 18th with Pope Francis. At this meeting, according to US military intelligence, Pope Francis agreed to transfer Vatican assets for a global debt jubilee and then retire. The IMF will continue to exist but only be in an advisory role, since it will not have the power to create and distribute money, a source at the Asian Development Bank said.

CIA sources, meanwhile, sent this writer e-mails last week saying “Khazarian rule will end within a month.” Many such predictions have come and gone without anything happening but, a cursory look at world news, both on the internet and in corporate media, make it clear something very big is coming down.
