동성애는 어디에서 비롯되는 것인가..
성 정체성이 확립되기 이전에 전염적으로 주입된 개념에 기반한 일종의 생물학적 오판의 결과이다.
그리고 아눈나키들의 유전적 실험의 후유증의 일부이며
어둠들은 이를 인간평등의 권리장전을 위한 용도로 활용하고 있는 것..
교황이 LGBT 전략에 적극성을 띠고 옹호하는 이유인 것..
우주의 생물학적 진화가 이원성에 기반한 것임을 논하기 이전에
유전적 실험에 의한 후유증은 향후 상당한 시간 동안 이어져 나갈 것이지만
그나마 DNA 의 재정렬의 과정에서
인간의 존재 정체성이 재 확립 되는 과정 또한 필연인 현 시점에서 여전히 논란이 되고 있는 행성적 교훈의 대목들..
True US History Mar 7, 2016 - U.S. bishop warns push for gay ‘equality’ will ‘destroy everything Christian’
Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz: Addressing arguments that the Church must bend her teachings on marriage, divorce, and worthiness to receive Holy Communion in order to be “merciful,” Bishop Bruskewitz responded...
Ron: The Pharisees distorted the teaching of Esu Immanuel (aka Jesus the Christ) when assisting the Roman Emperors to establish Christianity as a religion. Esu did not incarnate to create a religion but only to teach the truth which had been lost and substituted with false Canaanite ideologies. one of those distortions was the turning of communal gatherings in which people ate together, into a ceremony in which a "priest" officiated over a symbolic, cannabalistic ritual at which "the faithful" allegedly consume the "Body and Blood"of their falsely alleged 'saviour', Jesus the Christ. In truth, Esu did not incarnate to "save" anyone. each ensouled human has responsibility to save self, ie each individual is his/her own messiah.
Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz: Not allowing people living in grave sin, such as adulterers or Catholic politicians who publicly support abortion, to receive Holy Communion is not a punishment for the sake of causing the individual embarrassment, but for the sake of helping them to realize that what they are doing is not “synchronized with God's revelation, with the teaching of the Church, with the word that God has given us, and with the deposit of faith,”
Ron: While it is true that adultery and abortion may be contrary to divine law such actions are mistakes, errors that deviate from the ideal of conformance with the divine laws which determine how the cosmos functions. Doctrines about "mortal sins" and the like are part of the human created control mechanisms inserted into the Christian religion by Pharisees and are irrelevant to spiritual evolvement. So-called mortal sin was coupled with the fear inducing CONTROL doctrines that humans only have one incarnation and then go to heaven or hell. Those who go to hell are supposed to suffer eternally for alleged "sins" (mistakes) committed in the limited time lived on this planet. These ludicrous doctrines are meant to mind control and enslave "believers" so that religious authorities can manipulate and control them. Christianity totally fails to explain how a loving Creator could create as part of itself, any creature that could then be punished forever for failure to understand and obey the Creator's design for Creation.