Political Information May 25, 2016 - Australia: NSW government accelerates privatisation of prisons
Political Information May 25, 2016 - Chaos in Baghdad. Keeping Iraqi forces away from the NATO/PKK Operation to Take Mosul
Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen May 25, 2016 - Nederlands: onDERZOEKT FENOMENEN OM UZELF TE REDDEN
Political Information May 24, 2016 - Kiev Junta’s victims sue Ukraine for hundreds of millions in ECHR
Among people affected by the Kiev regime’s war on the civilian population of the country, there is not one who is military or connected to politics or special services. They are all civilian people, who before Maidan saw war only in movies.
But the most horrific accounts are coming from the citizens of Ukraine who were kidnapped, arrested, captured, and then were lucky enough to survive. Almost all the plaintiffs are severely disabled people at this point. Men and women. You can read dry accounts of their suffering by opening their individual claims. All of their accounts of torture were confirmed by medical evaluations.
All of those who appealed to the ECHR, tried to file criminal complaints with the Ukrainian authorities. In every case, the Ukrainian regime failed to file any formal charges, and/or refused to prosecute.
“I’m a member of the village Council,” says in her complaint a woman named Alexandra, “Our village was occupied by joined forces of the “Right sector”, “Azov” and “Dnepr-1″ death squads. At half-past ten in the evening 27 Jan 2015 the Right Sector militants broke down a door and entered my house. All were in balaclavas and with machine guns. They took me outside, tied my hands with duck tape, and pulled a cap over my head and then wrapped my head around with tape, then they pushed me into their car. During the ride they beat me and asked who I work for. These people called themselves “Carrier”, “Mechanic”, “Bear”, and “Donetsk”.
“I was taken to some basement, and they stabbed my face with a knife repeatedly. I noticed something on my face and realized that it was blood. Then they broke out my fingernails to the roots one by one. But it wasn’t enough for them. I kept losing consciousness, when I was coming around, they were beating my head against the wall, and when I fell, they kicked me and stomped on me. They wouldn’t let me to use a toilet. I was laying on a floor in filth with hands tied, and my finders became infected, and puss started seeping from my wounds.”
“I asked to call for a doctor and a attorney, but they told me that doctors were not for separatists. on the eleventh day my hands turned blue, and I really wanted to die. Then they called a doctor, and he painted my hands with brilliant green antiseptic.”
“They dragged me from the basement to the first floor, where walls were covered in blood and bullet holes. They gave me a piece of canned fish and put some dirt on it. I refused to eat, and they laughed at me.
Prior to my kidnapping and torture my weight was 120 kilograms, during nineteen days in captivity I lost 53 kilograms.” - Scott
Ron: Justice delayed is justice denied. The truth of what happened to MH17 must be well known in Russia and many other places. DITTO as regards MH370, Germanwings Flight 9525 and so on. The same can be said of 911, 7/7, the Madrid Train bombings on 11 March 2004, the Bali Bombing and all the rest. BUT, as instanced in this article, the Western media and most governments globally, are silent or promulgate a pack of lies about these matters. I sometimes wonder why. Surely it can't be so that those who know can feel superior to those who don't.
Political Information May 24, 2016 - UK-made cluster bombs found in Yemeni village attacked by Saudis
True US History May 24, 2016 - South China Sea Hypocrisy: Washington's Imperialistic Hold on Tiny Islands
Ron: While this article highlights the incredible arrogance and hypocrisy of the US as regards its stridant opposition to Chinese claims to islands in the South CHINA Sea, it omits mention of perhaps the most criminal US colonial islands' annexation namely the US annexation of the Sandwich (Hawaiian) Islands. The US is truly a boil on the backside of our world that HAS to be lanced.
Political Information May 24, 2016 - Putin is taking a bold step against biotech giant Monsanto
Other Spiritual Pieces May 24, 2016 - There’s So Much More! Entering the Sacred Space
Rosie May 24, 2016 - Seraphin Message 263: INVESTIGATE PHENOMENA TO SAVE YOURSELVES
"Yes, dear Inhabitants of Earth; in order for you to SAVE YOURSELVES, we increasingly offer messages of this kind. on a planetary level, you are reaching tensions of extreme “expansion” and extreme “compression”, instigated by outside cosmic forces, yet the crises perpetuated are designed by YOURSELVES, by your inability to adapt, release, continue, investigate and grow (If you did not resist, there would be no tension). Failure to grow means stumbling, hiding, stagnation and being cemented into your own particular and immoveable STATUS QUO – a state of BLINDNESS"
Political Information May 24, 2016 - Vladimir Putin more admired across the world than Dalai Lama and Pope Francis, according to poll
Ron: By their fruits you shall know them. Like Putin, Xi Jinping is a Christed individual and deserves admiration. IMHO, Bill Gates and Barack Obama are genocidal criminals and Stephen Hawking is looong dead, and the current iteration of his double is a fraudulent Talmudic puppet.
The world’s most admired woman was Angelina Jolie. Queen Elizabeth II, Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama complete the top five. In the UK alone, the Queen was ranked the most admired woman followed by Malala Yousafzai and Aung San Suu Kyi. - independent.co.uk
Ron: ALL of these individuals are Satanic puppets; QEII is almost certainly a double and Michelle Obama may not even be a female.
Malala Yousafzai is a total fraud controlled by her father for Talmudic propaganda purposes and Aung San Suu Kyi is currently oversighting the genocide of the Rohangyipeople of Burma and selling out the Burmese nation to her Anglo-Amerikkan controllers.
Political Information May 24, 2016 - Philippines president-elect Rodrigo Duterte says he will defy Church with three-child policy
"I only want three children for every family," Mr Duterte said in Davao City. "I'm a Christian, but I'm a realist so we have to do something with our overpopulation. I will defy the opinion or the belief of the Church."About 80 per cent of the Philippines' 100 million population are Catholics, the largest concentration of any Asian country, who oppose abortion and contraception. - abc.net.au
Political Information May 24, 2016 - Failed NATO Invasion of Moldova SITREP, by Scott
The plan of NATO was to enter the country with too large for this tiny country forces, to stage a bloody false flag attack during the Victory Day celebration in Moldova with the participation of Ukrainian Right Sector terrorists masquerading as “pro-Russia separatists.” This plot worked in Ukraine, so it should work in Moldova, right? That’s the true reason why Nuland was in Kiev two weeks prior. After this false flag attack, a Romanian fleet was planned to enter Ukrainian territorial waters “by invitation of the Ukrainian government” and arrive to Odessa in order to block Russian fleets from interfering and helping Transnistria.
... The NATO plan apparently was to stealthy and quietly position the Ohio-class ballistic guided-missile submarine USS Florida (SSGN 728) in the Mediterranean or even in the Black Sea so it would be able to shoot into Moldova to overwhelm Moldovan minuscule defense forces. We have to remember that it was the USS Florida “that opened up the Libya intervention,” firing more than 90 cruise missiles to destroy Libya’s air defenses and clearing the way for NATO air strikes. “Never before in the history of the United States of America has one ship conducted that much land attack strikes, conventionally, in one short time period,” Rear Adm. Rick Breckenridge had said. - Scott
Rosie May 24, 2016 - Chart: THE SEVEN SUPERUNIVERSES
7 Superuniverses with the Isle of Paradise (with its 7 circuits) at their centre (For more information, see inside)
Rosie May 24, 2016 - Chart: THE SEVEN MANSION WORLDS
The 7 mansion worlds circling the finaliter world which in its turn circles the planet Jerusem, headquarters of our local system
(See inside for further information)
Environment/Science May 24, 2016 - The Amazing Glyphosate Revolt Grows
Political Information May 24, 2016 - Iranian commander: We can destroy Israel ‘in under 8 minutes’
Political Information May 24, 2016 - Billionaire Republicans and Professional Islamophobes: The Pro-Israel lobby in Brussels
Political Information May 24, 2016 - Israeli 'Security' Firm ICTS, the MOSSAD and 1992 Crash of an El Al Plane into a Skyscraper=9/11
True US History May 24, 2016 - America Is Ungovernable. Projecting A Future Is Impossible
Ron: I suggest that everyone PRAYS that Universe Management intervenes to save humanity's bacon either before the US dollar collapses or within a week or two thereafter. I doubt that the alternative will be a real learning experince for most people.
True US History May 24, 2016 - US Downplays a New Syrian Massacre
Political Information May 24, 2016 - NATO Leaders Meet To Discuss and Plan for Second Attack on Libya
To speed Gaddafi on his way to Hades, Nato and assorted pro-Western Arab states intervened in the Libyan uprising with an unprecedented avalanche of air strikes. Nato admits to flying an extraordinary 26,500 individual sorties against targets in Libya in 2011. Yet there have been only 3,933 Allied (non-Russian) air strikes in Syria against Daesh forces since bombing began in August 2014. In Iraq, there have been 8,438 Allied air attacks on Daesh units. So in Syria and Iraq combined, US and Nato forces have flown less than a third of the air strikes they did against the Gaddafi regime. - Penny
Ron: Remember also that Libya's population was a mere six million cmpaered to about 50 million in Syria and Iraq.
True US History May 24, 2016 - Venezuela’s Crisis From Up Close
Ron: I get the impression that the Venezuelan government and most of its people thought that all they had to do to prosper was sell oil. The failure to encourage Venezuelans to grow their own food was a fundamental error which any alert leaders and activists should have realsed because of their Cuban neighbour's plight in the 1990s, AND the Cubans' successful response to it. IF a people are too stupid and/or lazy to grow their own food and prevent oligarchs and their lackeys from dominating and controlling their economy and society, THEY DESERVE THEIR FATE. I also get the impression that many Venezuelans who experienced significant improvements in income and lifestyle developed a tendency to want to become capitalists and emulate USans rather than buckling down to reinforce the socio-economic gains of the Bolivarian Revolution and endeavouring to improve the lot of other Venezuelans. That has made them easy prey for the Talmudic jackals in their midst who seek to divide and conquer them. A similar complacency appears to have overtaken Libyans with horrific consequences. Let's hope Maduro and his government can find the wisdom and the balls to galvanise the Venezuelan nation to save itself. Starvation is a favourite tool of the Jews. Just ask the Irish, the Russians, the Armenians, the Ukrainians, the Bengalis, the Germans and all the rest. Arguably hoarding food in warehouses while people starve is a capital crime. Maduro and his government need to realise that and act accordingly.
Environment/Science May 24, 2016 - 40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now As The Crust Of The Earth Becomes Increasingly Unstable
Environment/Science May 23, 2016 - Plants Are Smarter Than You Think
Environment/Science May 23, 2016 - 13-Year-Old Invents Tesla Inspired Free Energy Device for Under $15
Max’s achievement is impressive, to say the least, and the fact that works of Nikola Tesla are now inspiring the next generation of inventors is quite inspiring, although one has to wonder why Tesla’s ideas have taken some 75 years to reach the mainstream.
The big message here again, though, is that free energy technologies are real, so why is the world still dependent on fossil fuels and extraction based methods of energy production that are destroying our planet? Why can’t we have clean running automobiles that are powered with ambient energy and produce zero emissions?
The suppression of free energy devices and technology by the energy industry and by the government is an established fact of our world. Using many techniques and programs to suppress ideas and inventions like Max’s is finally coming to an end, however, in the information age. Now anyone can participate in the energy revolution. - Terence Newton
Environment/Science May 23, 2016 - Light Rider: Airmen 3D-Print World's First Motorcycle From Aluminum Powder
Political Information May 23, 2016 - Hunt for Treasures: Libya’s Gov’t Dying to Crack Gaddafi Golden Coins Vault
Ron: Presumably the US and its terrorist mercenaries have been unable to locate and steal the OITC treasures in Libya for which Muammar Gadafi was the official guardian.
Environment/Science May 23, 2016 - Faster Than Planes: Russia Mulls Building Hyperloop's Sonic Speed Trains
Political Information May 23, 2016 - Ukrainian Army losses in ATO (“anti-terrorist operation”) according to the IISS’s Military Balance
Political Information May 23, 2016 - Henry Levy "Peshmerga"- Cannes Review: "Easy to see Peshmerga as a Propaganda Movie"
Environment/Science May 23, 2016 - Portugal Powers Itself for Four Straight Days with 100% Renewable Energy
Political Information May 23, 2016 - Venezuela completes first day of massive drills
Health and Nutrition May 23, 2016 - Hospital patients are being vaccinated against their will! Nurse blows the whistle on criminal vaccinations being forced on innocent patients
Ron: Vaccines, radiation and chemotheraphy Cancer treatments, and Big Pharma drug treatments across the board, constitute MEDICAL GENOCIDE being virtually forced on humanity globally. The effects almost make the US military look like pikers. BUT who cares...
True US History May 23, 2016 - Beware what you wish for: Russia is ready for war
Political Information May 23, 2016 - Hezbollah Captures CIA Officer in Aleppo, Commanding al Qaeda
True US History May 23, 2016 - Kerry Threatens War-Without-End on Syria
David Crayford and the OITC May 23, 2016 - DAVID CRAYFORD ... Jerzy Babkowski - Response to David Crayford
An e-mail received from Jerzy Babkowski, in response to this earlier post:
True US History May 23, 2016 - Historical Amnesia and the Destruction of the Senate Torture Report
True US History May 23, 2016 - NATO Nuclear War Hype Goes Ballistic
Political Information May 23, 2016 - Our sick society eagerly creates sick children
Transgender programming is child abuse, says the American College of Pediatricians<http://www.naturalnews.com/054053_transgenderism_gender_confused_children_mental_health.html>.
Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse. Endorsing gender discordance as normal via public education and legal policies will confuse children and parents, leading more children to present to "gender clinics" where they will be given puberty-blocking drugs. This, in turn, virtually ensures that they will "choose" a lifetime of carcinogenic and otherwise toxic cross-sex hormones, and likely consider unnecessary surgical mutilation of their healthy body parts as young adults.
Keep in mind that encouraging children to pursue transgender ideologies eventually leads to chemical castration and/or genital mutilation via surgery. - John Kaminski
Political Information May 22, 2016 - The Pope and Mercy: the Catholic Church has not Abandoned Its 400 Year War on Science
Ron: Arguably the Pharisees in tandem with Roman Emperors created the Christian religion and inserted in it its anti-divine and anti-human elements, and the neo-Pharisees have continued that assault on both the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches. The neo-Pharisees have successfully suborned the Catholic Church via control of the Jesuits and the Vatican for many centuries but have tried and failed to control or alternatively, obliterate Eastern Orthodoxy. Arguably the Vatican's attack on "science" is merely part of the neo-Pharisees' (aka Jews') attack on all truth. What this author refers to as "science" seems to have been already totally distorted and corrupted by Jews at least since they elevated Darwinism to the status of false evolutionary dogma over 150 years ago. Anyone who thinks that the Vatican's anti-Darwinian evolutionary stance is part of a war on science is mistaken. The Jews control ALL sides of important debates and the Vatican's stance on such matters is merely part of the larger Talmudic charade which is staged for humanity's delectation and confusion.
Political Information May 22, 2016 - Oh Lawd I got 99 ...Talking Apocalypse Blues
The truth is going to come out because Mr Apocalypse is a pressure launderer. He squeezes the stains out. He is going to begin squeezing individuals who are in the know about what happened here and what happened there; about what happened on 911 and what didn't happen in the Holocaust. It's going to come out and it thrills me. It gives me a keen edge of excitement. It's not just going to be about the wider details of material questions, many of these are proliferating across the web each day now ...but it is also going to be about who we really are. It is going to be about the deeper meanings of the divine and our relationship to the divine and that has been an area of serious obfuscation for a long time, as the meaning has been perverted by those who have milked the populations for their fealty and their wealth.These new understandings are going to come from spontaneous internal awarenesses that will begin in locations far and near and like a contagion it will spread through the one mind and there will be no stopping it.
People are going to begin to see right through the politicians and priests and the real faces of those who have preyed upon humanity are going to be revealed for what they are. The masks are going to come off and people will instinctively know in a place that casts out all doubt ...how much they have been deceived and the power of this is that those who have operated as virtual vampires will have no defense, for they will know within their own hearts and minds what the truth is. This is the particular phenomenon that, according to scripture, causes men to cast themselves into the sea. There's a backwards metaphor in that, if you can spot it... There are real angels and false representations. The latter seems to enjoy communicating with the mediums of the new age. When the new age comes it will appoint its representatives, prior to that we get crystal swinging gunslingers with massage and Reiki certificates. There are miracle workers among us but they don't have glossy public relations campaigns and they don't show up on Oprah. - Les Visible
Other Spiritual Pieces May 22, 2016 - How to Use Your Brain’s ‘Delete’ Button
Political Information May 22, 2016 - Algeria Readies Itself For Potential Western Shift In Strategy, Moves Closer To Russia, Anti-NATO Bloc
True US History May 22, 2016 - Squids and the Inner Light of Being
I…sir, I am a squid trapped in a woman’s body. I’m trans-phylum, sir.” - Fred Reed
Telemensajes de Otros May 22, 2016 - Serafín Mensaje 262: FORTALECIÉNDOSE Y ENCONTRANDO EL SIGNIFICADO
Serafín a través de Rosie
Political Information May 22, 2016 - Greece Issued NOTAM for Israeli Military Exercise on EgyptAir MS804 Flight Path
Political Information May 22, 2016 - Very late in mention "satellite telemetry" kills the "official" story dead.
Political Information May 22, 2016 - Unlocking Your Inner Anti-Semite