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세상에서 가장 가벼운 금속..보잉사 관련영상 자료 공개.. [Boeing released this Video] ‘99.99 percent air’: Lightest. Metal. Ever

by 煌錦笑年 2015. 10. 12.


록히드 마틴이나 보잉사는 

그레이 비밀정부 시절부터 다양한 기술적 혜택을 전수 받았던 기업

그러나 기껏해야 렙틸리안 군사주의에 기반하여 행성을 지배하기 위한 

군수물자나  치닥꺼리 해대 왔던 군산 복합체 형태의 서브 기업들..

그러나 지금은 검은 머리가 잘려 나갔으니

이후로는 행성의 미래를 위해 봉사하라..

‘99.99 percent air’: 

Boeing releases video of revolutionary lightweight 


By rt.com
Oct 11, 2015 - 7:48:00 PM

Boeing: Lightest. Metal. Ever

This 2' 23" video was published by Boeing on Oct 6, 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6N_4jGJADY

Publisher's comments:

Microlattice is the lightest metal ever made. At 99.99% air, it's light enough to balance on top of a dandelion, while its structure makes it strong. Strength and record breaking lightness make it a potential metal for future planes and vehicles. 

Learn more about Boeing Innovations at http://www.boeing.com/innovation/


Microlattice is a 3D open-cellular polymer structure made out of small hollow metallic tubes, and represents a criss-cross diagonal pattern with small open spaces.

The video gives exciting examples of the substance’s possible use, such as new structural components in aerospace. Microlattice could save a lot of weight and make planes much more fuel-efficient.

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Another example of the substance’s potential functions given by Sophia Yang, research scientist at HRL Laboratories, was the egg drop challenge: if you wrapped an egg in microlattice and dropped it from the 25th floor, you could easily win a bet as the substance would “absorb the force that the egg feels” and remain intact.

The microlattice was initially created in 2011, with the researchers saying that it is 100 times lighter than Styrofoam.

"The trick is to fabricate a lattice of interconnected hollow tubes with a wall thickness 1,000 times thinner than a human hair," lead author Dr Tobias Schaedler said.

Other ultralight substances that come to mind - aerogels and metallic foams – have random cellular structure, so they are less energy absorptive and strong.

The study was conducted at the University of California, Irvine, HRL Laboratories and the California Institute of Technology.

