DS 잔재들의 자본과 외세 개입 기반의 권력이
바티칸 처럼 수립되어 있는 곳..
CIA 자본이 설쳐 대고 벵가드-블랙롹 지역 사업본부와도 같았던
산업은행도 쪼개서 부산으로 내려 보낸다고..
맥쿼리가 고속도로 사용 요금 징수주체로 변경된 현실과 더부러
계속 먹혀 들어가는 이 나라의 현실..
민주당 내부에도 뇌물 받아 먹은 놈들이 많아 이 나라는 EBS 계엄 청소 외에는
당분간 답이 없어 보인다.
이번에 부산 지역은 댓가를 충분히 치를 지도 모르겠다..
태풍은 일종의 광자대와 유사한 성질의 행성적 지표면의 청소기이며
전자기적 성질을 담은 현상이라
가장 더러운 곳을 향해 자기적 성질을 따라 끌려 가는 특징을 지녔기도 하다.
대략 7~8년전 즈음일까..
도당 잔재들이 계속 발악적으로 저항을 하자
GA 가디언 동맹의 행성 관리 위원회 측에서
한 여름철도 아닌 시점에 쓸모 없는 저항을 경고하는 취지로
적도 지방 북쪽 위도에서
7개의 거대 태풍을 동시에 일으켜 북상 시켰던 전례가 있었는데..
그 외에도 우리 행성에서는 아눈나키들의 고주파 펄스 무기들의 남용 등의 다양한 원인으로
이상 기후현상과 같은 이상 자연현상들의 발생 사례가 무수히 발생했었다. (하단 영문)
지역국가 국민들은 늘 괴롭다..
이하 내용들을 한 줄로 요약하자면,
침략 종족 아눈나키들은 당시 곧 다가올 마지막 상승 주기의 시작에 앞서
인류의 DNA 와 행성 그리드 시스템 사이의 에너지 교류 구조를 망가뜨리기 위해서
지구 그리드와 지상에 악영향을 유도하기 위한 고주파 펄스 대기권 공격을 통한
에너지 교란 작용을 의도했던 사례들에 맞서 GA 가디언 동맹들의 행성 보호를 위해
직접 개입하여 에너지 구조의 안정화를 위한 개입 시도 행적들의 추이가 기록된 것.
Crisis Intervention Expedited Amenti Opening Schedule 2000-2012 Summary Chart (3 Pages)
Abbreviation! Key:
* SAC= Stellar Activations Cycle.
* GA= Guardian Affiance.
* UIR= United Intruder Resistance.
* NOC-Grid= Nibiruian Dio*- CtystalGrid.
* NCT-B»s«= Nibvuian Crystal Temple Bases PSC Seali= Ranelary Star Crystal Seals
* J-Sealt= 7 unnatural Planetary Jehovian Seal Implants.
* J-NA Seals = 7 unnatural Jebovian implants that manifest in the DMA with release,
* APIN= Allantian Pylon Implant Network global ‘microchip' grid
* UPN=Lemurian Pylon Implant Network global •microchip- gnp •Rainbow Roundtabte’ Masters Planetary Templar
* Merkaba Mechanics.
1992 November: Anunnaki reluctantly enter Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements, give up OWO agenda fearing Drakonian OWO defeat, enter Emerald Covenant, promise to assist Founders Christos Realignment Mission; Founders postpone Christos Realignment date from 2012 to end of continuum cycle 4230AD to give Anunnaki races time for DNA Bio-Regenesis.
2000 January 1: FL Shields Clinics, Transcendence Day successful, Stellar Bridge Grounds 12-Code. Anunnaki negate 1992 Emerald Covenant Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements for OWO agenda. 2000 March: Egypt Shields Clinic, D-8 Seal of Orion Templar Security Seal released. 2000 May 5: FL Shields Clinic, Solar Spiral Alignment, Earth enters Solar Activation, Planetary Templar begins 12- Code activation.
2000 July 5: Anunnaki reluctantly reenter GA Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements/Treaty of Altair fearing Drakonian or Emerald Covenant victory.
2000 August: Macchu Picchu Peru Shields Clinic Anunnaki reluctantly begin agreed Sotar SG-4 transfer to Eieyani-GA.
2000 September 12: Anunnaki break Treaty of Altair, join United Intruder Resistance (UIR) OWO War Edict with Necromiton-Andromies/Drakonians, attack Indigo Templar Security Team, sabotage agreed NDC-Grid GA transfer Stonehenge England.
2000 September-2001April; GA War Crisis Order, revelation of Atlantian Conspiracy Agenda, institute early RRT plan; return agenda to original ‘Christos Realignment Mission'
December 21,2012. Begin Emergency Intervention 2001 May. RRT Kauai Hawaii GA Crisis Intervention; SG-6 Sirius B I Halls of Amorea opened. NCT-Base Kauai realigned. PSC Seats #1/ #2, J-Seals #1 ‘White Horseman’/ #2 ‘Red Horseman" release, DNA Seals #1/ #2, J-DNA Seals #1/#2 Initiate.
2001 July: RRT Ireland Cue-Site-11 realigned, Star Gate-11 activates, 11:11 clearing starts.
RRT England GA NDC- Grid Nibimian Wormwood-Stonehenge link severed, NCT-Bases England, Iran, Pakistan realigned. PSC Seal #3, J-Seai #3 ‘Black Horseman* release, DNA Seal #3, J-DNA Seal #3 Initiate.
2001 August: Mass DNA 12-Code Awakening Initiates (originally 2012 May 5).
UIR expedites OWO/Frequency Fence. Eieyani Reserve Intervention Program initiated; 720,000 Eieyani Indigos adult Walk-Ins due by December 2002. PSC Seals # 1/ #2, DNA Seals #1/ #2, J. Seals #1/#2 Consummate/Activate. 2001 September 1: First Team of Indigo Eieyani Reserve Walk-Ins to Earth via Halls of Amorea/ Sirius B SG-6 2001 September
3: GA complete Giza/Alcyone Spiral alignment (originally 2001 September 17). Blue Wave Infusion D5/D6 activates Earth Core (originally 2002 June). RRT Sarasota FL GA start Trion/Meajhe Field via Bi- Veca/Tri-Veca Codes. NCT-Bases Sarasota FL, Bermuda partially realigned, UIR Psycho-tronic attack. PSC Seal #4 releases, DNA Seal #4 Initiates.
2001 September 11: UIR launches "Trumpet" Phantom Pulse; Dove/Phoenix/Serpent APINs "on line' with Falcon Wormhole. UIR Frequency Fence/ Psycho-tronic Pulse Program transmits. WTC/Pentagon Disaster Trigger Event OWO WW3 agenda. UIF expedited Frequency Fence begins transmitting September 12,2001.
2001 October: UIR amplifies Frequency Fence/ Psycho-tronlcs. RRT PA; GA amplifies Trion/Meajhe Field Level-1 “4 Faces of Man" LPIN via Khu-Veca Code, blocks United Resistance remote Philadelphia APIN site activation.
2001 October end: GA Level-2 "4 Faces of Man" LPIN, via Dha-Veca Code. PSC Seal # 3, DNA Seal #3, J-SeaW- DNA Seal #3 Consummate/Activate.
2001 November : Blue Wave Infusions D5/D6 grid accelerations start; RRT Sarasota FL, GA Level-3 “4 Faces of Man” LPIN Blue Wave activation via Rha-Veca Code. NCT-Bases Sarasota FL, Bermuda fully realign.
2001 December : Alcyone Spiral aligns with Earth, Pleladian Activation begins, Vortex/Star Gate-5 Macchu P> cch ' J starts opening cycle (originally 2004 June). Veca Code NYC Trion Field Link Indigo Outreach Program.
... iwomber end: RRT Macchu Picchu Peru, GA anchor Trion/Meajhe Field to Vortice/StarGate-5, Level-4 “4 2*®crfNl3n" LPiNT PSC Seal # 4, DNA Seal #4 Consummate/Activate. PSC Seals #5/ #6/ #7, DNA Seals #5/ #6/ Vitiate NCT-Bases Machu Picchu Peru, Portugal realign. n? January Blue Wave Infusion complete, Violet Wave Infusion D6/D7 activates Earth Core (originally 2006 ^ fi trRRTsLake Titicaca Peru, GA anchor Tnon/Meajhe Field to Voriice/StatGate-7 Level-5 “4 Faces of Man”
J o?n UlR Trumpet Pulse Falcon-Phoenix Wormhole merger attempt NCT-Bases Lake Titicaca Peru, Giza c!ot South Pole, Mauritania West Africa realign. PSC Seals #8/ #9, J-Seals #4 ‘Pale Horsemen‘»5 release; nNA Seals #7/ #8, J-DNA Seals #4/ #5 Initiate. onn? Aorll: Violet Wave Infusions D6/D7 grid accelerations start RRT Sarasota FL, GA Level-6 “4 Faces of jrr-TTpifj Violet Wave activation amplify Trion/Meajhe Field. PSC Seals # 5/ #6/ #7, DNA Seals #5/ #6/ #7 fljnsum male/ Activate early April. PSC Seals #8/ #9, J-Seals #4 ‘Pale Horsemen'/ #5, DNA Seals #8/ #9 and i nNA Seals #4/ #5 Consummate/Activate mid April.
Jib Mav-June: Sirian Spiral aligns with Earth, Sirian Activation begins, Vortex/Star Gate-6 Russia begins '^^cycMoriginally 2008 June). RRTs Paxos Greece, GA Level-7 “4 Faces of Man" LPIN activation, link Farth's -4 paces of Man' LPIN to "Guardians of the 12 Pillars" Trion Field, realign/ activate Cue Sites.
NCT- Bases Paxos Greece, Central Mexico, Cyprus, Easter Island, Rome Italy, Johannesburg South Africa, Brazil realign. Inner Earth to Earth portals and Meajhe Zone sites begin open cycle. Begins Earth to Inner Earth Bridge Zone and Trans-Harmonic Meajhe Time Cycle merger.
2002 July: RRTs Bermuda and Sarasota FL, GA Level-B "4 Faces of Man" LPIN, amplify Trion/Meajhe Field ■Buffer Blanket’ and begin Falcon/ Phoenix Wormholes / Intruder APINs CAP to stop UIR 2003 Invasion. Expected UIR "Phantom Pulse" assaults attempt to prevent Wormhole Capping; potential excessive storm activity Atlantic Ocean/Gulf of Mexico.
2002 Aiin nst-September: Violet Wave Infusion completes, Gold Wave Infusion D7/D8 activates Earth Core (oriqinally 2010 Junej"RRTs Tibet and Sarasota FL, GA Level-9 "4 Faces of Man" LPIN, NCT-Bases Lhasa Tibet Xian China, Hamandan Iran realign.
PSC Seals #10/ #11/#12, J-Seals #6 ‘great quake"/ #7 'Golden censer- 7Ange!s-7 Trumpets’ release. DNA Seals #10/ #11/ #12, J-DNA Seals #6/ #7 Initiate J-Seal #6 possible quakes Peru/Chile UIR Jehovian ’Chosen One’ Frequency Fence transmission Pineal Block.
2002 November -D ecember: Earth's Vortex/Star Gate-7 brains open cycle (originally 2012 January). Gold Wave Infusions start D7/D8 grid accelerations. RRTs France and Sarasota FL, GA Levet-10 “4 Faces of Man” LPIN, SG-12 France begins open cycle, starts D-12 Planetary Maharic Shield protection. Last NCT-Bases Iraq, Bosnia realign. Galactic SC Seal #13 release;
Indigo DNA Seal #13 Initiates. PSC Seals# 10/#11/#12, DNA Seals#10/ #11/#12 J-Seals #6/#7 Consummate/Activate UIR Trapezium OriorVHAARP pulse attempt to destroy SG-12; •Golden Censer" Revelation. 720,000 Eieyani-tndlgo Reserve Team Walk-Ins complete by 2002 end.
2003 January: Meajhe Zone sites fully open, GA advance private contacts, continue amplifying Trion/Meajhe Fieid/BridgeZone link/Planetary Maharic Seal. GA programs shift to prep of Indigo MC Regent Consulate Team for DNA Activations/ 'Safe Zones"/ early 3-Day Particle Conversion Period. Rebel Omicron-Drakonian Illuminati escalate external political warfare.
2003 March: Planetary-Galactic SC-Seal #13, Indigo DNA Seal #13 Consummate/Aclivate. 2003 Auri~RRTs various, GA Level-11 "4 Faces of Man" LPIN. ’Great White Lion" APIN start, efforts to balance grids to lessen storm/ quake/ volcanic potentials, World Peace Efforts. 2003 Mav-Julv: GA amplify Great White Lion APIN, final prep for August 2003 Show Down.
UIR "UFO activity increase prep for intended late 2003 'First Contact'; Frequency Fence/ Psycho-tronic attack amplify, ’Un-natural Disaster 1 population reduction. Increased Nuclear War issues potential involving India UIR ‘Human Greeting * PT infiltrate" nlarRd Tuimr- 1 rr\nla#*t
< 이하 박싱>
Crisis Intervention Expedited Amenti Opening Schedule 2000-2012
Summary Chart (3 Pages)
Abbreviation! Key: SAC= Stellar Activations Cycle. GA= Guardian Affiance. UIR= United Intruder Resistance. NOC-Grid= Nibiruian Dio*-
CtystalGrid. NCT-B»s«= Nibvuian Crystal Temple Bases PSC Seali= Ranelary Star Crystal Seals
J-Sealt= 7 unnatural Planetary Jehovian Seal Implants. J-DNA Seals = 7 unnatural Jebovian implants that manifest in the DMA with
release, APIN= Allantian Pylon Implant Network global ‘microchip' grid UPN=Lemurian Pylon Implant Network global •microchip- gnp
•Rainbow Roundtabte’ Masters Planetary Templar Merkaba Mechanics.
1992 November: Anunnaki reluctantly enter Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements, give up OWO agenda fearing Drakonian
OWO defeat, enter Emerald Covenant, promise to assist Founders Christos Realignment Mission; Founders
postpone Christos Realignment date from 2012 to end of continuum cycle 4230AD to give Anunnaki races time for
DNA Bio-Regenesis.
2000 January 1: FL Shields Clinics, Transcendence Day successful, Stellar Bridge Grounds 12-Code. Anunnaki
negate 1992 Emerald Covenant Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements for OWO agenda.
2000 March: Egypt Shields Clinic, D-8 Seal of Orion Templar Security Seal released.
2000 May 5: FL Shields Clinic, Solar Spiral Alignment, Earth enters Solar Activation, Planetary Templar begins 12-
Code activation.
2000 July 5: Anunnaki reluctantly reenter GA Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements/Treaty of Altair fearing Drakonian or
Emerald Covenant victory.
2000 August: Macchu Picchu Peru Shields Clinic Anunnaki reluctantly begin agreed Sotar SG-4 transfer to
2000 September 12: Anunnaki break Treaty of Altair, join United Intruder Resistance (UIR) OWO War Edict with
Necromiton-Andromies/Drakonians, attack Indigo Templar Security Team, sabotage agreed NDC-Grid GA transfer
Stonehenge England.
2000 September-2001April; GA War Crisis Order, revelation of Atlantian Conspiracy Agenda, institute early RRT
plan; return agenda to original ‘Christos Realignment Mission' December 21,2012. Begin Emergency Intervention
2001 May. RRT Kauai Hawaii GA Crisis Intervention; SG-6 Sirius B I Halls of Amorea opened. NCT-Base Kauai
realigned. PSC Seats #1/ #2, J-Seals #1 ‘White Horseman’/ #2 ‘Red Horseman" release, DNA Seals #1/ #2,
J-DNA Seals #1/#2 Initiate.
2001 July: RRT Ireland Cue-Site-11 realigned, Star Gate-11 activates, 11:11 clearing starts. RRT England GA NDC-
Grid Nibimian Wormwood-Stonehenge link severed, NCT-Bases England, Iran, Pakistan realigned. PSC Seal #3,
J-Seai #3 ‘Black Horseman* release, DNA Seal #3, J-DNA Seal #3 Initiate.
2001 August: Mass DNA 12-Code Awakening Initiates (originally 2012 May 5).UIR expedites OWO/Frequency
Fence. Eieyani Reserve Intervention Program initiated; 720,000 Eieyani Indigos adult Walk-Ins due by
December 2002. PSC Seals # 1/ #2, DNA Seals #1/ #2, J. Seals #1/#2 Consummate/Activate.
2001 September 1: First Team of Indigo Eieyani Reserve Walk-Ins to Earth via Halls of Amorea/ Sirius B SG-6
2001 September 3: GA complete Giza/Alcyone Spiral alignment (originally 2001 September 17). Blue Wave
Infusion D5/D6 activates Earth Core (originally 2002 June). RRT Sarasota FL GA start Trion/Meajhe Field via Bi-
Veca/Tri-Veca Codes. NCT-Bases Sarasota FL, Bermuda partially realigned, UIR Psycho-tronic attack. PSC Seal
#4 releases, DNA Seal #4 Initiates.
2001 September 11: UIR launches "Trumpet" Phantom Pulse; Dove/Phoenix/Serpent APINs "on line' with Falcon
Wormhole. UIR Frequency Fence/ Psycho-tronic Pulse Program transmits. WTC/Pentagon Disaster Trigger Event
OWO WW3 agenda. UIF expedited Frequency Fence begins transmitting September 12,2001.
2001 October: UIR amplifies Frequency Fence/ Psycho-tronlcs. RRT PA; GA amplifies Trion/Meajhe Field Level-1
“4 Faces of Man" LPIN via Khu-Veca Code, blocks United Resistance remote Philadelphia APIN site activation.
2001 October end: GA Level-2 "4 Faces of Man" LPIN, via Dha-Veca Code. PSC Seal # 3, DNA Seal #3, J-SeaW-
DNA Seal #3 Consummate/Activate.
2001 November : Blue Wave Infusions D5/D6 grid accelerations start; RRT Sarasota FL, GA Level-3 “4 Faces of
Man” LPIN Blue Wave activation via Rha-Veca Code. NCT-Bases Sarasota FL, Bermuda fully realign.
2001 December : Alcyone Spiral aligns with Earth, Pleladian Activation begins, Vortex/Star Gate-5 Macchu P> cch ' J
starts opening cycle (originally 2004 June). Veca Code NYC Trion Field Link Indigo Outreach Program.
... iwomber end: RRT Macchu Picchu Peru, GA anchor Trion/Meajhe Field to Vortice/StarGate-5, Level-4 “4
2*®crfNl3n" LPiNT PSC Seal # 4, DNA Seal #4 Consummate/Activate. PSC Seals #5/ #6/ #7, DNA Seals #5/ #6/
Vitiate NCT-Bases Machu Picchu Peru, Portugal realign.
n? January Blue Wave Infusion complete, Violet Wave Infusion D6/D7 activates Earth Core (originally 2006
^ fi trRRTsLake Titicaca Peru, GA anchor Tnon/Meajhe Field to Voriice/StatGate-7 Level-5 “4 Faces of Man”
J o?n UlR Trumpet Pulse Falcon-Phoenix Wormhole merger attempt NCT-Bases Lake Titicaca Peru, Giza
c!ot South Pole, Mauritania West Africa realign. PSC Seals #8/ #9, J-Seals #4 ‘Pale Horsemen‘»5 release;
nNA Seals #7/ #8, J-DNA Seals #4/ #5 Initiate.
onn? Aorll: Violet Wave Infusions D6/D7 grid accelerations start RRT Sarasota FL, GA Level-6 “4 Faces of
jrr-TTpifj Violet Wave activation amplify Trion/Meajhe Field. PSC Seals # 5/ #6/ #7, DNA Seals #5/ #6/ #7
fljnsum male/ Activate early April. PSC Seals #8/ #9, J-Seals #4 ‘Pale Horsemen'/ #5, DNA Seals #8/ #9 and
i nNA Seals #4/ #5 Consummate/Activate mid April.
Jib Mav-June: Sirian Spiral aligns with Earth, Sirian Activation begins, Vortex/Star Gate-6 Russia begins
'^^cycMoriginally 2008 June). RRTs Paxos Greece, GA Level-7 “4 Faces of Man" LPIN activation, link
Farth's -4 paces of Man' LPIN to "Guardians of the 12 Pillars" Trion Field, realign/ activate Cue Sites. NCT-
Bases Paxos Greece, Central Mexico, Cyprus, Easter Island, Rome Italy, Johannesburg South Africa, Brazil
realign. Inner Earth to Earth portals and Meajhe Zone sites begin open cycle. Begins Earth to Inner Earth Bridge
Zone and Trans-Harmonic Meajhe Time Cycle merger.
2002 July: RRTs Bermuda and Sarasota FL, GA Level-B "4 Faces of Man" LPIN, amplify Trion/Meajhe Field
■Buffer Blanket’ and begin Falcon/ Phoenix Wormholes / Intruder APINs CAP to stop UIR 2003 Invasion.
Expected UIR "Phantom Pulse" assaults attempt to prevent Wormhole Capping; potential excessive storm
activity Atlantic Ocean/Gulf of Mexico.
2002 Aiin nst-September: Violet Wave Infusion completes, Gold Wave Infusion D7/D8 activates Earth Core
(oriqinally 2010 Junej"RRTs Tibet and Sarasota FL, GA Level-9 "4 Faces of Man" LPIN, NCT-Bases Lhasa
Tibet Xian China, Hamandan Iran realign. PSC Seals #10/ #11/#12, J-Seals #6 ‘great quake"/ #7 'Golden censer-
7Ange!s-7 Trumpets’ release. DNA Seals #10/ #11/ #12, J-DNA Seals #6/ #7 Initiate J-Seal #6 possible quakes
Peru/Chile UIR Jehovian ’Chosen One’ Frequency Fence transmission Pineal Block.
2002 November -D ecember: Earth's Vortex/Star Gate-7 brains open cycle (originally 2012 January). Gold Wave
Infusions start D7/D8 grid accelerations. RRTs France and Sarasota FL, GA Levet-10 “4 Faces of Man” LPIN,
SG-12 France begins open cycle, starts D-12 Planetary Maharic Shield protection. Last NCT-Bases Iraq, Bosnia
realign. Galactic SC Seal #13 release; Indigo DNA Seal #13 Initiates. PSC Seals# 10/#11/#12, DNA Seals#10/
#11/#12 J-Seals #6/#7 Consummate/Activate UIR Trapezium OriorVHAARP pulse attempt to destroy SG-12;
•Golden Censer" Revelation. 720,000 Eieyani-tndlgo Reserve Team Walk-Ins complete by 2002 end.
2003 January: Meajhe Zone sites fully open, GA advance private contacts, continue amplifying Trion/Meajhe
Fieid/BridgeZone link/Planetary Maharic Seal. GA programs shift to prep of Indigo MC Regent Consulate Team for
DNA Activations/ 'Safe Zones"/ early 3-Day Particle Conversion Period. Rebel Omicron-Drakonian Illuminati
escalate external political warfare.
2003 March: Planetary-Galactic SC-Seal #13, Indigo DNA Seal #13 Consummate/Aclivate.
2003 Auri~RRTs various, GA Level-11 "4 Faces of Man" LPIN. ’Great White Lion" APIN start, efforts to balance
grids to lessen storm/ quake/ volcanic potentials, World Peace Efforts.
2003 Mav-Julv: GA amplify Great White Lion APIN, final prep for August 2003 Show Down. UIR "UFO activity
increase prep for intended late 2003 'First Contact'; Frequency Fence/ Psycho-tronic attack amplify, ’Un-natural
Disaster 1 population reduction. Increased Nuclear War issues potential involving India UIR ‘Human Greeting
* PT infiltrate" nlarRd
Tuimr- 1 rr\nla#*t