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David Crayford and the ITC Oct 21, 2016 - DAVID CRAYFORD -------- SO FULFORD CLAIMS NEIL KEENAN IS DEAD AND...
Well, what a turn up for the books, if it is true which in my opinion is questionable until I see proof beyond all reasonable doubt, someone has done the world a very big favour by removing one of the criminals, but then the anti-climax comes when Fulford continues to state / imply that Keenan has been replaced by his handlers.
Well, what a turn up for the books, if it is true which in my opinion is questionable until I see proof beyond all reasonable doubt, someone has done the world a very big favour by removing one of the criminals, but then the anti-climax comes when Fulford continues to state / imply that Keenan has been replaced by his handlers.
Quote of the relevant paragraph of Fulford's article :-
Bill Clinton, who is close to death from HIV, recently issued a death threat against this writer and Neil Keenan. The signs are that Neil Keenan has already been murdered. Although he used contact this writer regularly on Skype, the current person pretending to be Neil Keenan on Skype is unable to answer a simple question that only the real Neil would know the answer too. Furthermore, the Neil Keenan website is now promoting Bush/Clinton mafia con jobs like the Zimbabwe currency scam. Revenge for Keenan's death will be comprehensive and thorough, White Dragon Society sources promise.
At the link above, Fulford is claiming Keenan is dead??? Keenan's website did start the RV nonsense recently, so he may have new marching orders, at the very least, by his friends at Langley? I was suspicious at this when he first posted this information, it seemed out of character, if you can call it that.
We admit that we were after, and still are, Keenan in Indonesia for some time. There was a period in which we believed we had him cornered but then he got "Tipped Off" and fled to Singapore via a fishing boat from Indonesia. We did not give up and have been monitoring Keenan ever since. We even knew when he returned to Bulgaria to his wife for the holiday period, and then returned to Indonesia.
Since then our intelligence have continued to monitor Keenan whereby we have no intelligence information to even believe that Keenan is dead and has possibly been replaced by someone else. Hence why we seriously question Fulford's information / article, which consists of a lot of opinion, speculation, and even guesswork.
There is also another possible reason for Keenan's death, if he is actually dead.
The box of fake and tarnished Gold Bars that Keenan paid $20,000 USD for, which was brutally forced open in Keenan's apartment and foolishly shown in a video. The base of the box was filled with very high radioactive material, which is normal to protect the assets against theft. The person who opened the box is already dead. Keenan was within a few feet of the box and would also be affected by the radioactive rays emanating from the box. So maybe, if Fulford is right (???????) Keenan has died because of the Radioactive material poisoning emanating from the box -------------- CANCER.
However, Fulford then claims that Keenan's replacement cannot even answer a simple question that only Keenan would know the answer to. Hmmm, so a replacement has been substituted for Keenan. That brings back memories to me of the Poof replaced by ZAP and Susan situation.
All of these situations are regular when connected to the rogue CIA. If a person fails to perform they are dispensed with and someone else brought in to take over the fort and carry on. one of the main reasons for this is that the people used by the rogue CIA carry the lowest grade of ranking and are totally dispensable, mostly without trace, and so the criminal activities continue. It has happened many times before and no doubt will happen many times again in the future.
Fulford also implies that it was the Bush-Clinton crime syndicate that are responsible for the claimed death of Keenan. That could be the case especially if what I stated above about the rogue CIA just happens to be the actual situation because Keenan was working for them. Remember the package of Certificates, Bonds, and Notes that Keenan dumped into Del Bosco's hands when he was informed that his friends Yanmaguchi and Watanabe had been arrested on the Italian-Swiss border for carrying such Certificates, Bonds, and Notes, and attempting to cross the border into Switzerland with them, which is illegal in Europe. That package of Certificates, Bonds, Notes, held by Keenan was in a Brown Envelope and marked for the attention of G.W. Bush and R Cheney, so there is a connection. Then there are the comments by Keith Scott that Keenan can call the elite of Governments and such organisations as the IMF, and they can contact Keenan. What if Keenan upset someone in a high place. You know how Keenan speaks and certainly not afraid to use foul language, so perhaps he told someone to F.O. and they didn't take kindly to it, so they got their own back on him. Anything is possible and it is just speculation, just as Fulford's comments are; until I see proof beyond all reasonable doubt.
I should also comment on Keenan's last claim that his so-called $1 Trillion Dollar Lawsuit created the start of the clearing out of the cabal. What a load of B.S. That Lawsuit went nowhere, as I stated it would. It was thrown out of court because the courts do not hold any jurisdiction over such matters, but Keenan thinks he always knows better. So, once again Keenan's claims / statements are all lies mainly to please those who contribute towards his exorbitant costs and luxury lifestyle in Indonesia.
Reverting back to Fulford's article:-
Fulford goes on to state: quote, "Furthermore, if this writer is killed, you can be sure the entire 13 ruling bloodlines will be wiped out going back 5 generations to the founding of the Federal Reserve Board".
Who is he kidding, or trying to kid. Fulford is full of himself as if he is far more important than anyone at the top.
Wipe out the 13 ruling bloodlines and who is left running the world ---------- the CABAL and their so-called democracy (Ideology) leading to a one World Order for everyone to be subservient to. I have to ask "what was Fulford smoking on his annual holidays that has left him so Brain Dead", or did someone feed him with one of those poisons that eat away at the brain and other body organs over a period of time after which death is the only escape from the pain and trauma that the poison inflicts upon those persons affected by it.
All in all, Fulford has a very vivid imagination. The problem is he pushes it out publicly for others to believe, and some do believe, but others are not the fools that Fulford believes them to be.
These people (Fulford and Keenan) couldn't tell the truth even if it was written down in front of them. They are not the only ones of course, there is ZAP, Jerzy, Scott, Hudes, Struck, and several others, all conning the public for their own financial enhancement, and, wait for it, 99.5% of them are all American and all part of CABAL and working for the Long Term objective of stealing assets of the Collateral Accounts as ordered by their masters.
Even the new President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, whom Fulford wrongly and recklessly implies is an American Asset, now knows what the Americans have been doing in his country, not that he didn't have some knowledge before hand, and he is furious hence why he is kicking the Americans out of the Philippines. The Americans have met their match, a strong minded determined Duterte who knows that all the Americans have ever done is raped the Philippines, both theoretically and literally. As for Fulford's comments on Duterte, he couldn't be further from the truth. Duterte is a man who remembers the incident in, I believe it was 2002, when Michael Meiring (aka Michael Van De Meer) was in the midst of stealing gold belonging to the Collateral Accounts and had his legs blown off in an explosion. The Americans whisked him off to the States for medical treatment and also to prevent him facing justice in the Philippines. Then there was the American Military man in the Philippines who, with others gang raped a Filipino girl in the back of a van. The Filipinos demanded justice, but despite assurances from the Americans that he would stay in the Philippines and face the Courts, he was also whisked out of the Philippines and back to the States.
Within the Armed Forces Joint Cooperation Agreements, when the Americans leave the Philippines they are committed to leave, weapons, vehicles, even ships for the Philippines to use for their own Military. once again, and how many times is that over the last 50 years, American have defaulted on these Agreements and are taking everything with them. So, Duterte is determined not to be defeated and is now forming alliances with mainly China and Russia for the supply of Military equipment and not just ordinary Military Equipment. The supply is for far more advanced equipment that the Philippines need to protect itself against unwelcome "Boots on the Ground" by external forces.
Well Done Duterte. Keep going because the world wants more normal, honest and determined people as quality leaders rather than the purposely structured political organisations that currently exists and are driving the world and its people towards a one World Order without any consideration for the consequences of same. Not only that, but WW III is on the agenda of these purposely structured political organisations from the west, and is drawing closer day by day
The recent Drug actions in the Philippines, initiated by Duterte, reveals that Leila de Lima, a Senator and former Secretary of the Justice Department, is a Drug Lord (of all Drug Lords) making millions of Pesos per year for her own pocket irrespective of the damage to the people and the country, and to cap it all she has been using prisoners in one of the Top Security prisons (Bilibid) to do it, along with, of course, some corrupt officials.
However, Leila de Lima is an American Asset and it is her signature, amongst others, on the document that I revealed a few weeks ago regarding the spurious $3 trillion USD being printed in Thailand under the orders of the Central Bank of the Philippines and fully authorised by America, and printed against a Certified Copy of a Gold Bullion Certificate under the name of Ferdinand Marcos, which is part of the Collateral accounts.
The Bank Account in Thailand, sourced by the investigations carried out by the NBI in the Philippines; held under the name of Leila de Lima contains the commissions (corruption money) she gained from the $3 trillion USD.
No doubt that all the other signatories (Ceasor Purisma - Secretary, Department of Finance, Amando M. Tentangco - Governor of Bank of the Philippines, Lorelei Fernandez - Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Department of the Philippines, Leila De Lima - Secretary of the Department of Justice, Mar Roxas - Secretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government of the Philippines, Franklin Drillon - Senate President of the Senate of the Philippines; also received commissions (Corruption money) for their signatures against an illegal transaction using Collateral Accounts assets, which they have no legal right to, and without authority from The International Treasury Controller which was not, and has never been given at any time.
Keep going Duterte because eventually Filipinos all over the world will learn and realise the truth, then and only then will the current Rotten Pearl of the Orient become the true and genuine Pearl of the Orient, taking its rightful place in the world and being looked upon with respect, and with dignity and pride shining in their eyes.
For the moment our teams of dedicated people will continue with their rewarding and revealing work, routing out these criminals, and I have to say with one last comment, that they are doing an excellent job of it all over the world.
David P. Crayford.