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UN 은 NWO 어젠다의 일부로써의 기관... UN is a part of NWO agenda

by 煌錦笑年 2016. 11. 28.


하단과 같은 이러한 기사 내용들 뿐만 아니라

UN 은 그 태생 자체도 그러하거니와..

지난 50년 간 전 세계적으로 워싱턴 카쟈르들의 국제지배 어젠다에

충실히 복종해 왔던 그들의 하수기관임을 충분히 증명해 왔다.

이래도 반기문이 이 나라의 대선 주자로 거론이 되었다는 사실에 대해 아무런 반감이나 의문이 들지 않았다는 것은

여전히도 이 세계가 카쟈르 산하 하수 언론기관들이 떠 먹여 주는 대로 받아 먹고 

기만적인 속임수로 포장된 인식을 구성하는 이들이 압도적으로 많다는 것을 반증한다..

설령 반기문 이란 자가 NWO 를 거부하기 위해, 중립적인 퍼포먼스를 취했다 한들..

그는 담장 울타리 위에 걸터 앉아

올바른 정치적 반론을 펼치지 못한 평범한 구경꾼에 지나지 않았음을 스스로 증명해 온 것..

그 전에 그 스스로 실체들을 알았기 때문이겠지만..

적어도 그는 오바마가 시리아의 특정 지역에 대한 폭격승인을 내리기 위해

짐을 꾸려 그 지역을 당장 떠나라는 오바마의 전화기 속 외침에 관해

진정한 국제연합의 수장이었다면, 

인권을 우선으로 하며 폭격을 반대하는 목소리를 높였어야만 했다.

그러나 그에게는 그러한 용기는 없었지 않은가..

그저 아무런 발언권도 국제적인 평화유지를 위한 권한도 없는 얼굴 마담의 역할들 였을 뿐...

UN-HRC 에서 러시아를 배제하고 사우디를 채워 넣었다고 ?

시리아 사태의 본질을 모른다면 그는 왜 UN 사무총장직을 지속해 왔는가 ?

지난날 사우디의 국제적인 범죄상을 모른다면 그는 왜 UN 사무총장을 해 왔는가 ?

그리고 이 나라에서는 한 때, 보수들을 대변하는 새로운 대선주자로써의 희망을 

국내 하수 미디어들의 입을 빌어 내세워 지려던 계획을 스스로 승인하고 편승하려던 것은 아니었는가 ?

반기문, 추악한 실체들은 결코 지워질 수 없는 것이다.

사무총장의 뱃지를 달고 있는 동안 당신의 침묵들은 악에 동조해 온 것이나 다름 없는 것이다.

더욱 더 분노하고 사나와 져야만 할 사랑하는 한국인들이여. 

느긋함 사이로 어둠은 스며 들기 마련입니다.. 

아직 어둠과의 전쟁은 끝이 나지 않았음을 기억해야만 합니다.

배움은 충격으로만 오는데, 그것은 여전히도 어둠과 악이 죽지 않았음을 경고하는 비상벨과도 같은 것.

경계하고 또렷히 응시하세요.


왜냐면, 진정한 의식이란 

의식을 좀먹는 인자들을 

끊임 없이 살피고 경계하는 과정들 그 자체에 존재하는 것이기 때문입니다. 

                                                                                                                                                   - Joon -

Political Information 
 Nov 23, 2016 - People wake up! 

Ron: The UN is irretrivably corrupted and a core part of global humanity's dystopic problem". It needs to ba abolished and replaced.

Peter Koenig: On 28 October 2016, the UN has kicked out Russia from the UN Human Rights Commission, but keeps Saudi Arabia and of course the US in the HRC – both of whom are the largest, most audacious human rights abusers of our planet. This is the first time in HRC’s history that a member of the Security Council was voted out. The reasons given by the western vassals was Russia’s involvement in Syria, “bombing hospitals and civilians, and supporting the atrocities of the Assad regime”, when exactly the contrary is true. There is ample evidence that the US/NATO supported ISIS forces and the US / NATO / France / UK themselves are responsible for these deadly bombing raids on Aleppo, executed so that they can blame Russia. It is a ridiculous farce.

By now the world knows that the US, NATO and Washington’s Gulf puppets are responsible for devastating the entire Middle East – but nobody objects. The empire – alias the Deep State behind the empire – calls the shots based on flagrant lies. The Deep State, some call it the Illuminati, others the ‘elusive super elite’, is a semi-secretive clan of a few obscenely rich and powerful Zionist-dominated families that since several hundred years have gradually taken over the world which today is at the verge of falling – or has already fallen – under the aegis of the New World Order (NWO).

People wake up!
By Peter Koenig
Nov 23, 2016 - 7:40:12 PM

People wake up!

by Peter Koenig

Neoliberal-fascist atrocities become rapidly ever bolder and are carried out with impunity. They should wake up the 99.99% from our brainwashed dreams and make us SCREAM! – Scream for change, not at the margin, but fundamental. This apparatus has to stop, not just be ‘reformed’ as the caviar ‘left intellectuals’ suggest. Absurdities have to be eviscerated. Our socio-economic system needs rebuilding from scratch. Washington has shown us again on 8 November that they offer only the choice between risking nuclear annihilation of humanity and total corporate privatization of our lives and our live services that we, the people, have created. The latter means impoverishment and enslavement to corporations for the majority of the population. It is a choice between the Satan and Lucifer.

Here are just a few examples of what the establishment gets away with and nobody protests.

On 28 October 2016, the UN has kicked out Russia from the UN Human Rights Commission, but keeps Saudi Arabia and of course the US in the HRC – both of whom are the largest, most audacious human rights abusers of our planet. This is the first time in HRC’s history that a member of the Security Council was voted out. The reasons given by the western vassals was Russia’s involvement in Syria, “bombing hospitals and civilians, and supporting the atrocities of the Assad regime”, when exactly the contrary is true. There is ample evidence that the US/NATO supported ISIS forces and the US / NATO / France / UK themselves are responsible for these deadly bombing raids on Aleppo, executed so that they can blame Russia. It is a ridiculous farce.

By now the world knows that the US, NATO and Washington’s Gulf puppets are responsible for devastating the entire Middle East – but nobody objects. The empire – alias the Deep State behind the empire – calls the shots based on flagrant lies. The Deep State, some call it the Illuminati, others the ‘elusive super elite’, is a semi-secretive clan of a few obscenely rich and powerful Zionist-dominated families that since several hundred years have gradually taken over the world which today is at the verge of falling – or has already fallen – under the aegis of the New World Order (NWO).

Baron Nathan Rothschild said already around the year 1700, “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.” These words are today as true as they were 320 years ago.

The President of the United States literally boasts about international capital crimes he commits and which nobody condemns – the extra-judiciary drone killings which he personally approves have killed at least 4,700 innocent people, according to official Washington statistics. The real number is at least triple or quadruple that amount. He is wiping out children, women, men, entire families, and nobody beeps.

All those bought western US puppet-UN members, who were compelled to vote against Russia, of course know the truth; they know in their innermost selves – which they are denying – that Russia is actually the only country seriously attempting to bring stability to the Middle East, that the real culprits for the three decades of bloodshed in the Middle East (including the first Gulf War, the Iran-Iraq war, the destabilization of Somalia, the destruction of South Sudan and the West Sudan Region of Darfur – and counting) are the United States and her corrupted vassals, the Saudis, Turkey, Qatar and other Gulf States that are at the mercy of the empire. By now they also know that the CIA created the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) from Saddam Hussein’s elite forces, that they were trained, funded and armed by the US, Israeli, NATO, French and British secret services. They all obey the orders of the Empire for FEAR, are afraid of sanctions, of bombs and invasions and regime change; they fear of being deprived of Washington’s favors. Fear is the weapon of cowards and against cowards.

The world just looks on, as Russia, one of the few defenders of peace, justice and stability in the Middle East, is expelled from the Human Rights Commission, while the United States is allowed to remain; the country currently involved in seven wars and counting – which has the record in extra-judiciary drone killings (this is a MUST read: “I don’t know how many people I have killed”, says a US drone pilot http://www.defenddemocracy.press/national-bird-dont-know-many-people-ive-killed-says-us-drone-pilot/) – and which is responsible for 10 to 12 million people killed in wars and conflicts directly initiated by Washington, or by proxies, in the last 15 years.

Wake up – People wake up! Time is running out!


On 15 November 2016, a UN special committee approved a resolution condemning Russia’s “temporary occupation of Crimea and reaffirming the United Nations’ commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty over the Black Sea peninsula.” The resolution was approved by 73 to 23 with 76 abstentions. The resolution will most likely be adopted by the 193-member assembly. Most leaders of the world know the truth, but don’t protest against the lies, for fear – what else? – Another horrendous farce!

The US instigated in February 2014 the coup d’état in Ukraine – which prompted the Maidan massacre, actually directed from the US Embassy in Kiev, followed by an atrocious civil war, supported and nurtured by Washington, the European Union and NATO. The autonomous authorities of Crimea, of which more than three quarters of the population are Russians, decided they didn’t want to remain part of the newly western implanted Nazi regime in Kiev. They launched on 16 March 2014 a referendum to rejoin Russia. It was approved by over 95% of Crimean. The Duma (Parliament) of the Russian Federation accepted integrating Crimea into the Russian Federation. Crimea was not annexed, as the western propaganda apparatus likes its audience to believe. The Crimea peninsula was reintegrated at her own request.

In 1783, through an agreement with the Ottoman Empire, Russia took over Crimea. In 1942 Crimea was briefly occupied by Nazi Germany, but soon retaken by the Soviet Union. In 1954, President Nikita Khrushchev, who had Ukrainian roots, for no apparent reason, transferred Crimea to Ukraine. However, the Soviet Union and later Russia under a 1997 agreement between Ukraine and Russia continued to station part of its Black Sea fleet in Sebastopol, the Crimean Black Sea port. This agreement has since been extended until at least 2042. These legitimate Russian troops in Crimea are called by the presstitute MSM, ‘Russian occupation troops’; a complete lie.

The UN now wants to send a team of human rights inspectors to Crimea to report on Russian occupation and Russian human rights abuses. This is nothing more than a shabby show of propaganda, to make believe that human rights are being abused. For the western brainwashed public, its sufficient that the UN says it sends observers. The public doesn’t even care whether the observers are actually sent, or if they are, what the result is. The sheer fact that the UN is ‘suspicious’, is already an indication of Russian guilt. – Who is the UN anyway? – Lamentably it has become a mere instrument of the US and its western vassals to manipulate public opinion, to bully whoever doesn’t want to bend to the demands of Washington, and to facilitate provocations of conflicts and wars – and lend them legitimacy. There is no Russian occupation and there are no human rights abuses. It’s the typical Russia / Putin bashing propaganda.

People – wake up and get informed!

Do not just accept what the mainstream media tells you! – Get the news from alternative media, on Internet, if the national communication authorities prevent you from acceding alternative broadcasting stations, such as RT (Russia Today – English, French, Spanish, German), TeleSur (broadcast in Spanish and English), Chinese CCTV (broadcast in many, including European languages), PressTV, Iran (English, French, Spanish); and websites and journals, like Global Research (English and French), Information Clearing House (ICH), VoltairNet (many languages), CounterPunch, NEO (New Eastern Outlook), KenFM (German); and many more. Be informed, before it is too late. Tomorrow maybe you are trying to flee from war zones, just to find out that there is nowhere to go. The planet is demolished into smoldering ashes from wars and conflicts everywhere – which We, the People, allowed to happen.

In the neoliberal world, where unbridled capitalism reigns, syndicates throughout the west, report that the private sector in general and especially the construction industry (a key economic indicator) is massively firing long-term workers and employees, just to rehire them the next day as part-time workers, with none or drastically reduced social benefits. Corporations increase their profit margins and transfer more public and social capital from the people, the workers, to an ever-smaller elite. The pressure of massive unemployment, the result of western imposed austerity (FED, IMF, World Bank, European Central Bank – ECB), deprives the workers of their dignity and power to resist. They have to fight for their and their families’ sheer survival and are thus, vulnerable for exploitation and abuse. It is western colonization of their own people. No scruples, no moral, no conscience – and foremost, no solidarity. Ever increasing unemployment is what Marx called the capitalists’ cushion on which wages can be suppressed to a minimum for mere survival.

‘If you are not happy with working for less, no problem, we’ll outsource your jobs to cheap labor countries. There are plenty’. So, the blackmail goes. And so, oppression is swallowed. And so, the caviar left is whining (and dining) over what can be done to soften the blow, but in no case will they cause any significant risk to the established order, lest they might be next in line for falling between the cracks.

And don’t be fooled, the decaying US infrastructure President-elect Trump wants to rebuild, will be rebuilt by the typical public-private partnership farce – the capital comes from the state – your taxes – and the private sector will take over its exploitation, i.e. you pay twice – first the capital, then the private operator’s profit in the form of fees he will levy on the reconstructed bridges, roads and railways. Another transfer from the poor to the rich.

People, wake up! There is no longer a ‘left’, since it has been decimated by the CIA led operation GLADIO (an elaborate series of false flags) of the 1960s and 1970s throughout Europe. Left and right are long-gone concepts our conditioned minds still try to hang on to. They are old fixtures from our ‘democratic’ past, and now they have become part of our delusionary existence. They have long ago yielded to globalized neoliberalism that makes no distinction between left and right, but uses these defunct terms to confuse the public into believing that their vote still means what they believed it once did.

Just look at Greece – where the ‘leftist’ elite allows that their ‘socialist’ Syriza government ruins the lives of 90% of their citizens and compatriots. What they are doing is facilitating crime after crime after crime, as in successive ‘rescue packages’, i.e. debt, and steadily increasing and suffocating austerity. With a declining GDP – (yes, austerity does this to the economy) and an ever-increasing debt, now reaching close to 300% of GDP, it is obvious that Greece can never pay back its debt. Never. Most economists see eye to eye on this. Even the IMF does, if asked off the record, but they too are a mere tool of the Rothschild-led banking establishment, of the world’s Deep State – that has decided that Greece must go the path of no return, as a warning to others who may be intent to no longer bend to the master’s demands. And this is helped because the Greek elite is in connivance with them. They don’t want to leave the Eurozone, as their accumulated (and stolen) wealth is lodged in European banks. They know as well as internationally renowned economists do, that the only rescue for Greece and their compatriots in dire misery is to do a GREXIT, leaving the euro and leaving the EU.

On 16 September 2016, the Greek Parliament rush-approved a Brussels made legislation, written in English (not translated into Greek!), of 7,500 pages. The Parliament was unable to read it, for time and language; and even if they would have read it, they were obliged to sign off on it fast and without squabble. The legislation essentially transferred all public assets to the “European Stability Mechanism” (ESM), and this for 99 years, including infrastructure, sea and airports, public beaches, natural resources – you name it. The ESM, a supranational undemocratic entity will sell off these assets to private people or corporations, as they see fit. Greece has no saying. The ESM does not report to any elected parliament. With this 7,500-page legislation, the Greek Parliament also abrogated its own authority to pass any sovereign Greek fiscal legislation, transferring it quietly to Brussels and signing away Greek sovereignty. The last time a similar event happened was in 1933, when the German Reichstag (Parliament) transferred its legislative authority to Hitler.

How many Greek are aware of this? And nobody is screaming. This is equal to murder of a nation.

People wake up! – What’s happening to Greece can happen tomorrow to anyone of the European countries, starting with the southern Mediterranean nations. It has already happened in a ‘softer form’, as a parliamentary coup to Spain (http://www.globalresearch.ca/spain-the-dice-are-cast-another-parliamentary-coup-instigated-from-outside/5553699). And nobody seems to have noticed.

Parliamentary coups coupled with election fraud appear to become the weapon of choice for ‘regime change’, or ‘regime continuation’ (Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Spain – to name just a few), as best suits the empire. Remarkably, shortly after Obama’s farewell visit to Berlin, where he had intense talks with Madame Merkel and named her the new leader of Europe, Angela Merkel declared on 21 November that she will run for a fourth term during the elections in the Fall of 2017. It will be interesting to see, what Obama promised her on how to ‘convince’ and trick a majority of Germans who are opposed to Mme. Merkel into voting for her anyway. Sputnik reports that two thirds of Germans, according to a YouGov poll, do no longer support her.

People wake up!

Return to national currencies. There is nothing that can be done, short of abolishing the system altogether, short of accelerating the dismantling of the European (non-)Union, the fall of the Euro, disengagement from NATO – and finally, but most importantly, short of detaching from the fraudulent dollar based pyramid monetary system. For those who are afraid of what might happen when the euro bites the dust – no worries. First, European countries ahve happily (and better) lived without the euro and with their own currencies until only 15 years ago; and second, it may take only a few months to maximum a year for a country to prepare and revert to her own national currency. 

A looming banking collapse. After the election of Donald Trump and perhaps in response to his critique of Wall Street, the FED has announced that it may increase the target range from 0.25%-0.50% to 0.50%-0.75%. This, after it was increased last December for the first time in nearly a decade. With much of the banking sector – especially the TBTF (too-big-to-fail) banks overstretched and over-speculated to the brink, the slightest interest hike could trigger an avalanche that makes the 2008 crisis look like a walk in the park.

People wake up! – don’t just swallow another manufactured crisis that transfers the money from your savings, your pension funds, your homes, to the elusive elite behind the banksters and corporations.

We are subject to food monopolies. A handful of food corporations control more than two thirds of the food we consume. Be sure, they don’t work for your health, they work for their profit which means cutting costs on farming and production processes – and inserting GMOs everywhere. Genetically modified food can be engineered to reduce fertility (already happened as a Monsanto trial with poor farmer families in India in the 1990s), or to carry long-gestation germs of debilitating or deadly diseases, so that when years after ingestion they evolve into epidemies, they may be untraceable to GMOs. Yet, they serve their purpose, helping massive population reduction, so that a small elite may maintain their lush lifestyle longer with the finite resources of Mother Earth. Population reduction is the key dictum of the Rockefeller-led Bilderberg Society. Henry Kissinger, a Bilderberger ‘scholar’, infamously said already in the seventies, “who controls the food, control the people”.

The machinery moves relentlessly forward on all fronts towards our civilization’s demise. And we don’t even notice it.

People wake up! – We need a change, as in redesigning our society according to humanity’s intrinsic values of justice and solidarity. May we follow the little spark of consciousness with which we were all born. It remains in all of our minds, despite the neo-fascist doctrine we are made to live day-in and day-out on an increasing intensity for the last 30-some years. If we do not wake up to this innermost call of conscience, we, as a society, may simply extinct ourselves. And like in times past, the wisdom of indigenous people may survive and carry our human genes forward for a new civilization to emerge – with a new conscience, perhaps increased by a tiny nudge – perhaps.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, PressTV, The 4th Media, TeleSUR, TruePublica, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance.


  1. Moscow is also responsible ,for that Western threat .Some other more decisive leader should topple Kiev junta in three days with sanctions ,and not supported it with discount gas and oil price.Kremlin makes mistake to recognize the Kiev junta and permitted the genocide of Russian population in Donbass ,when pulled out its troops from Russian borders.Lavrov with moderate policy showed weakness giving sending wrong messages to the enemies and allies.Someone has to be fair and to recognize the Kremlin mistakes ,it `caring about Kiev junta .
    And as the great of the greatest historian and geopolitical Thucydides.wrote … The power man(the USA) knows to be cynical about anything that may oppose the powerless. Knowing in advance that the arguments will be especially morally or emotionally, that is completely harmless`

    • Don’t you get tired with your Russia bashing? I’ve been reading your comments on Russia Insider. Every one of them is a constant bashing of Russia and their leaders. You are nothing but a shill.


        I’d like the people involved in this interchange to stop now please. I’ll be deleting any further – it’s becoming offensive and contributing nothing to conversation. mod on duty.

  2. It always amazes me when I see talk of “international agreements” as if they are talking of some sanctified “Holy Writ”. Are they not aware,that revolutions can and will overturn those type of “agreements” in a heartbeat. If the Greek people were to do what they should do,and kick the traitors out. They could and should publicly take those “agreements” with the IMF and EU,and burn them on the steps of parliament in one huge bonfire. Usually there are a couple of reasons you hear governments push for “international agreements”. Countries like Russia and China,see them as some sort of protection from the US/NATO. Seemingly unaware that the US and NATO “only” honor agreements that benefit them. The others they break “at will”. While the US,EU,NATO,states use “international” agreements to codify things that they have acquired already. Or to force through policies that they want.I suppose that is part of human nature to try and force others to respect actions you’ve taken. And secure the gains you’ve made. By using those “international” agreements as a protective shield.Thinking that others won’t want to “violate” the “sacred trust” fantasy of “a sacred agreement”. That’s hogwash of course. Any and all agreements are broken at will when they cease to serve a purpose agreed to by all. I support the “ideal” of international agreements. But realize they only have validity,if they are honest. Freely agreed to. And serve the purposes of all the nations making them.Otherwise,I consider them as mere scraps of paper. The Versailles Treaty to “end all wars”,lasted for around 20 years.All the while being undermined yearly. The NATO/Russia “verbal” international agreement on NATO expansion,didn’t make nearly that long. So while its nice for one side or the other to constantly talk of “international” agreements.Its far better to give credence to Alexander III’s statement that. “Russia’s allies are her Army and Navy”. Than to think international agreements are the best protection in today’s World. And yes,as the article says “wake up people”. And kick out your traitorous elites before its too late for you to do it.

  3. Great article, Mr. Koenig, always appreciate your impassioned writing!

    What is up with CETA. (If you’ll allow me to wander a bit…) Negotiated through a previous Canadian govt, who was pro-establishment, militantly neo-liberal. Then a new govt comes in, anti-austerity, Brexit happens, the old neo-liberal trade minister and the social justice folks cry out for delay, renegotiation… but Trudeau pushes ahead.

    Given what’s happened since Trump’s election, (Canada’s military ties to Cuba, strongly suggesting cooperation with Russia), I wonder if Russia and Canada are trying to throw Europe a lifeline, somehow. The extreme action taken in Greece implies that the privatization plan was threatened, and therefore had to be rushed through, using an extreme measure.

    Can anyone connect the dots better than me on this one? The Oligarchy is blaring out, “see? Canada’s Trudeau is a liar, an incompetent, one of the imperialist minions. Bring back good old Harper” (the tried and true neo-liberal). This is highly suspicious.

    • S113, no offense intended, but are you naive, or just very super hopeful/optimistic?
      CETA is like the TTP, a corporate-designed set of regulations which trump national sovereignty and laws, in favor of corporations.
      Trudeau is in no way fighting for your freedom.

      • Respectfully, I disagree with your (also, MSM & oligarch approved) assessment. It’s also the MSM & oligarch approved perspective, to consider only mobs in streets to be “fighting for freedoms”. Why is this, I wonder? Humanitarian/R2P concerns by the great tellers of absolute truths?? :-)

        It is tempting to jump to the conclusion you put forward, without looking more closely at the specific events. I invite you and others to look deeper into this before drawing this conclusion.

        • OK, what about this possibility? So when Trudeau was elected, and announced that the govt would be making millions of dollars of investments in infrastructure, I received an email from the Green Party, saying that the billionaire investors all cheered, assuming they would profit.

          It just seems to me that with CETA, instead of cheering, these same investors are trying to undermine Trudeau’s power with the electorate. So why is this? CETA was assumed to allow US companies to access the EU through the Canadian back door, right? What if it’s also allowing Chinese (and Russian) firms into the EU, through the same back door? Bypassing Russian sanctions?

          I’m not arguing that CETA isn’t designed to undermine national sovereignty, in favour of corporate interests. I’m arguing that these corporate interests, instead of celebrating their victory, are turning on Trudeau. Why? (at least that is my perspective).

      • S113 can defend himself, but Anon I think you have misread him. I know from other debates that he is world-wise and world-weary; but like me can’t resist the call of Hope when she sings. He is saying we have this new shiny ‘people’s champion’ in Trudeau, but nothing has changed. The Oligarchy doesn’t care which one of it’s puppets are in power (as long as they control the money, hey Rothschild?). They are probably treating him like Obama, trying to make sure he doesn’t wander off the reservation through triangulation. Canada is too close to the Belly of the Beast to have a truly independent foreign policy. I live as far from the Beast as you can, and we still can’t escape from its expansive gut.

        Sorry S113, I am not going to be able to offer much more regarding Canada’s future, except this. Australia and Canada are about as similar as two countries can be, practically twins from the same mother. What I hope is that we see the Empire fall, and the Anglo countries can come closer together in a Commonwealth. Culturally, I feel the West is going to survive inside our countries, if we can shed the Empire before it is too late. I hope our big brother south of your border can see this too, and institutes a controlled demolition of its Military Financial Complex (Building Seven anyone?). I can’t wait to hug our big brother again and welcome him back to the table, he has been away for too long.

  4. Excellent article!

    One thing Russia must not allow is any UN arbitration vs. Crimea; it must not compromise its sovereignty! This zionazi demise of the UN is reminiscent of the Hitler’s demise of the League of Nations as a preparation for the WWII. It’s good that Putin pulled out of the so-called ICC — as late as it might have been.

    What I find worrisome is that Russia constantly keeps reacting to the zionazi provocations, and its politics is utterly defensive to its own detriment.

    • Hundreds Of Veterans Heading To Standing Rock To Defend native anti-fracking DAPL Protesters From Police

      “Then, the veterans and their allies – or at least the ones who are brave enough – will lock arms and cross the river in a ‘massive line’ for their ‘first encounter’ with the ‘opposing forces.’”

  5. Thanks you Mr. Koenig,

    I have also called for dropping the usage of ‘Left’ and ‘Right’, they have no meaning any more. As Occupy taught us, there is the People, and the 0.01%. Any other division only helps the enemy. I have also asked for the end of the Culture Wars to concentrate on the real struggle without the inherent division over Identity. I think pushing Identity now is selfish and self-defeating, with the enemy inside the gates.

    I have also moved away from opposing the status quo, to ignoring it. Any energy we spend opposing is a waste from our end, and only ends up transfers our energy to them. Grandfather Marx teaches that the State will wither on the vine once we move forward to our next stage of development. So let’s start building the future, and they can play with their shiny coins all they like. As the old environmentalists used to say, you can’t eat money.

    So many parallels to the 1930’s, deja vu doesn’t even cover it. As you say, the UN is finished, gone the way of the League of Nations. Maybe instead we need a true International Court instead with the power to punish with sanctions. It is all ‘the economy, stupid’ anyway, arms and the oil trade are causing the conflicts in the world. We need to make this trade more responsible and accountable. We can run our own countries, we don’t need a Global elite to tell us what to do. What we need is justice, for the countless dead killed for profit and power.

    They are having problems Manufacturing Consent these days, seems their old propaganda organs are running out of steam. If the Trump victory says anything, it is that the People are sick of the neo-liberal and neo-conservative agenda and want a change. This suggests that while people may not be fully awake, they have stirred, are yawning, and are saying “what the hell is going on!” Let’s not let their heads go back to that pillow, the one that is slowly smothering us. Up, shower and get to making this world a better place.

  6. Nice call to wake up for the next level of struggle. Hopefully we will see the workers taking over plants going to Mexico or overseas and demanding that the government finance their take over a la “too big to fail” scenario. And when their brothers and uncles in the National Guard show up they will find hundreds of fellow citizens already camped out around the factory urging them not to shoot. Occupy America!

    What is important is what people do at this point and not the rhetoric hurled. By the way, one can make a case for Trump’s racism if you read his speech to the AiPac earlier this year but no one cares how badly Palestinians are demonized and mocked. But the word games are diversions. Racism is the tool of the 1% to get us fighting against each other.

    Alternate action to this needs be formulated. More will be revealed. Someone is about to pull off the next 9/11. As for assassination of Trump by the deep state, I doubt that they trust their lower ranks to hush up since they know full well that it was not the Russians leaking e mails to Wikileaks and this may make them loath to attempt it. This sinking ship has too many leaks and leakers.

  7. “On 28 October 2016, the UN has kicked out Russia from the UN Human Rights Commission, but keeps Saudi Arabia”

    Saudi Arabia is a big customer and helps keep the U.S. military-industrial industry pumping. They are excited at the U.S. weapons plants as there are years’ worth or orders for the Yemen war. All the starving Yemen kids/people, all the maimed and killed children don’t register a ‘pip’ by the same people who droned on and on, and on-and-on-and-on about the Bosnian Muslim military men killed in the Bosnian war.



How Many “Last Hospitals” Russia-led Airstrikes Destroyed in Aleppo? See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/How-Many-Last-Hospitals-Russia-led-Airstrikes-Destroyed-in-Aleppo.shtml

Battle Of Aleppo: According To NATO-GCC Media. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Battle-Of-Aleppo-According-To-NATO-GCC-Media.shtml

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