전부 끝난건가...
반군들의 탈출행렬 버스가 동부 알레포에서 줄을 이어 이동 중에 있었음이 포착되었으니..
관련영상 : https://www.rt.com/news/370361-aleppo-wounded-militants-evacuation/
트럼프가 당선 되었으므로
이후로는 배후 자금 지원도 없을 것이고 무기 공급도 수월치 않을 것이며
러시아와 터키가 중재이전에 시리아 정부군을 지원해 왔으니
워싱턴의 지원을 받아 왔던 반군 측은 더 이상 승산이 없다고 여겼던 모양이지.
아니면 그들의 내부로부터 모두 완전한 패배를 인식했거나..
어짜피 바이러스 개념이 아닌가..
오바마는 이 와중에 사우디에 막대한 무기를 판매하고 있고,
사우디 왕은 자신들이 공격 중인 예멘에 대해서 해외 정치세력들의 국제적 관여를 거부하는 모양새..
물론 지시받은대로 하는 것이겠지만..
그러니 사우디 왕과 같은 하수인들은 얼마나 피곤한가..
그들 스스로도 전쟁이 피곤하고 무익함을 알고 있으나, 현대사에서 사우디의 탄생 자체가
유태 카쟈르들과 손을 잡고 시작했던 탓에 개인적 생사의 보전을 위해서는 부득이 검은 양심을 선택할 수 밖에 없는 처지들..
아울러 이란 국방부 측은
만일 트럼프가 중동의 가짜 무슬림 테러리스트들을 상대로 본격적인 전쟁을 시작한다면
이스라엘을 곧바로 공격해서 완전히 소멸 시켜 버리겠다고 공식 발표... ;;
하단 알 아사드 바샤르 대통령의 인터뷰에 상세 내용들이 고스란히 드러난다.
다시 한 번 러시아가 세계 평화를 지켜낸 셈..
이제와서 워싱턴의 카쟈르 하수 잔당들은 지난 미 대선에 러시아가 개입을 했다는 헛소리를 지껄이고
재검표 결과는 더 많은 표가 트럼프에게 집중 되고,
심지어 힐러리를 배후지원 해 왔던 그룹들은 수 백만 표를 투표 리스트에서 제거하는 등
온갖 꼼수를 동원해도 패배했음을 결코 인정하려 들지 않는..
그리고 이런 식으로도 전부 진실이 거짓을 뚫고 튀어 나오기도 하고..
'We had very strong anti-Russian agenda over last few years' - frmr London mayor Livingstone
Russia hacking allegations in interests of ‘military intelligence’ – NSA whistleblower Bill Binney
죠지 소로스는 결코 잠이 올 수 없는 나날이 계속 되고 있을 것..
결국 이 모든 상황들은 최종적으로 Soros 의 자금들이 갈 곳을 잃도록 하는 것
즉, 테러 자금 반인류 범죄 지원금들이 차단이 된다는 의미..
그러니 기업가 출신의 트럼프가 미국의 달러 개혁이라도 하는 날엔,
미국의 대표적인 조세피난처 안틸레스 제도에 단지 컴퓨터 숫자로만 가득한 소로스의 자금들은 말 그대로 그저 디지털 숫자로 끝날 판..
세상 밖으로 못 나오게 된다는 의미..
어짜피 전 세계적으로 달러와 통화 등등이 어떤 계기로 개혁이 되어야 하고
미국은 트럼프 시대에 상당한 진전을 이룰 것..
따라서 그는 연임이 되어야만 한다.
미국 국민들로부터 막대한 지지를 이끌어 내게 될 것..
그런데.. 국내문제로써..
트럼프를 괴이한 인종차별 주의자, 성폭력자로 단순히 앵무새 처럼 따라가며 몰아가는
국내 바보 언론들에게는 기대하는 바는 없으나,
YTN, 매경 등의 일부 언론들은 그저 CNN 부류들을 그저 따라 읊어 주는 바보들이 따로 없다.
그리고 그가 당선이 되자 이변이 발생했다고 떠들어 대는 ... 마치 미국의 주류 언론들은 자석이고
이 나라의 왠만한 지식인들 분석가들은 겨우 철가루 정도 밖에 안되는 반응들을 보이니..
이것도 참 한심한 노릇..
국내 언론들이 미국과 체결했던 언론 보도협약에 깔려서 미국 유태자본 언론세력 조종자들로부터
독립성을 제한하는 보이지 않는 재갈들이 물려졌으니 언론이 아닌거야..
그냥 받아쓰기 하는 집단일 뿐인게지..
전 세계적으로 왜 대안매체들이 더 큰 신뢰를 얻고 있는가..에 대한 시대적 반증이고..
거대화 된 기관, 그룹 등등 치고 썩지 않은 것들이 없다..
개인의 양심도 썩는 것을 개인이 허용하는데 주저 없는 세계에서
결국 각자의 구원의 몫은 개인의 선택일 뿐인 게다..
트럼프와 푸틴의 시대를 맞이하여 많은 각성들과 극성의 전환들이 이뤄져 나가기를 바란다..
이 모든 현상들이 오전에 도달한 가브리엘 대천사의 언급 처럼,
행성 전역이 더 높은 진동수 영역으로 들어서면서 발생하는 과도기적인 현상들이겠고..
그러나 이해의 문턱은 점점 더 높여 나가야만 할 것..
다만 한 가지 첨언하자면,
대천사니 상승 마스터니...하는 개념들이 선뜻 와닿지 않아
높은 존재 정도로만 인식들을 하고 있을 것 같은데...
우주와 높은 영들은 회로구조 임을 이해 할 수 있으면 전반적인 이해가 훨씬 수월 할 것이고..
언젠가는 이러한 내용들을 언급 할 날이 오겠지.. 안 와도 그만이고..직관의 세계에 로직이 장애물이 될 수도 있다하지만
이제는 왠만한 영적 현상계에서 나타나는
아버지가 지닌 다양하고도 포괄적인 인격성의 형태는 양자론적 관점에서 기술이 가능하다.
그러나 그러한 관점에서의 묘사들 속에는 무수한 아름다운 시의 단편들이 함께 존재한다는 것..
왠지 반가운 가브리엘 대천사..
다른 차원계에서 공동으로 일 해왔고 일을 하는 존재라서 그런지도 모르겠다..
마더 메어리의 전문들을 보아도
이래저래 인간은 아직도 창조된 본연의 핵심들을 여전히 많은 부분 되찾지 못하고 있지만
물론 어둠에 의해 복잡해지고 비인간화된 구조들 아래에 깔려 왔기 때문이기도 하겠으나,
다양한 교신 전문들의 내용이 아니라 공존하고 있다는 것의 전반적 의미들을 이해 할 수 있어야 한다.
그렇지 않으면 당신이 그 교신 전문들 아래로 깔려 버리기 때문...
다시 본 주제로 돌아와,
하단은 알레포에서 최종 승리를 거둔 바샤르 대통령의 RT 측과의 인터뷰 전문..
Penny for your thoughts
Truth exists; only lies are invented.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Very clearly parties with vested interests are attempting to impede or reverse Aleppo's liberation from terrorism- Assad states very clearly ISIS came to Palmyra with a whole batch of new/improved weapons- Fighting started up again- Reports today indicate buses to transport civilians out of eastern Aleppo left empty despite the fact people had waited all night for the buses to arrive-
UPDATE: 1:04pm est-
Was this how the fighting kicked off again in Aleppo?
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group and a witness reported that insurgents had staged a car bomb attack southwest of the historic Old City.No Food in Eastern Aleppo? Not the case for western backed terrorists!
Residents say they haven't seen this much food in ages. Dried goods, and other supplies - discovered at the abandoned headquarters of a local rebel group in eastern Aleppo, after the militants withdrew in the face of a government advance. Residents accuse the so-called 'Army of Islam' rebels who were here of keeping much-needed civilian aid packages - for themselves. (SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) HANAN AL SALEM, A SYRIAN CIVILIAN, SAYING: "There is no milk, there is no cooking, there is no meat." (SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) AMER SALEEM, A SYRIAN MAN, SAYING: "They kept all these items, here and there. They did not allow us to eat even a piece of bread"Very clearly the western backed rebels had food in abundance and they horded it or, undoubtedly, used it to coerce the residents!!
All the lies the whoring media and UN spread. Lies, lies, lies!
Interview Link
President Obama’s announcement of a waiver for arming unspecified rebel groups in Syria came shortly before the terrorist group Islamic State launched a massive attack on Palmyra. Syrian President Bashar Assad believes it was no coincidence, he told RT.
"The announcement of the lifting of that embargo is related directly to the attack on Palmyra and to the support of other terrorists outside Aleppo, because when they are defeated in Aleppo, the United States and the West, they need to support their proxies somewhere else," he said.
"The crux of that announcement is to create more chaos, because the United States creates chaos in order to manage this chaos," Assad added.
He added that Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) forces “came with different and huge manpower and firepower that ISIS never had before during this attack, and they attacked on a huge front, tens of kilometers that could be a front of armies. ISIS could only have done that with the support of states. Not state; states."
In the interview, the Syrian leader explained how his approach to fighting terrorism differs from that of the US, why he believes the military success of his forces in Aleppo was taken so negatively in the West, and what he expects from US President-elect Donald Trump.
The full transcript of the interview is below.
RT: Mr. President, thank you very much for agreeing to speak with us.
President Bashar al-Assad: You're most welcome in Damascus.
RT: We start with Aleppo, of course. Aleppo is now seeing what is perhaps the most fierce fighting since the war started almost six years ago here in Syria, but the Western politicians and Western media have been largely negative about your army's advance. Why you think this is happening? Do they take it as their own defeat?
B.A.: Actually, after they failed in Damascus, because the whole narrative was about "liberating Damascus from the state" during the first three years. When they failed, they moved to Homs, when they failed in Homs, they moved to Aleppo, they focused on Aleppo during the last three years, and for them this is the last most important card they could have played on the Syrian battlefield. Of course, they still have terrorists in different areas in Syria, but it's not like talking about Aleppo as the second largest city which has the political, military, economic, and even moral sense when their terrorists are defeated. So, for them the defeat of the terrorists is the defeating of their proxies, to talk bluntly. These are their proxies, and for them the defeat of these terrorists is the defeat of the countries that supervised them, whether regional countries or Western countries like United States, first of all United States, and France, and UK.
RT: So, you think they take it as their own defeat, right?
B.A.: Exactly, that's what I mean. The defeat of the terrorists, this is their own defeat because these are their real army on the ground. They didn't interfere in Syria, or intervened, directly; they have intervened through these proxies. So, that's how we have to look at it if we want to be realistic, regardless of their statements, of course.
RT: Palmyra is another troubled region now, and it's now taken by ISIS or ISIL, but we don't hear a lot of condemnation about it. Is that because of the same reason?
B.A.: Exactly, because if it was captured by the government, they will be worried about the heritage. If we liberate Aleppo from the terrorists, they would be – I mean, the Western officials and the mainstream media – they're going to be worried about the civilians. They're not worried when the opposite happens, when the terrorists are killing those civilians or attacking Palmyra and started destroying the human heritage, not only the Syrian heritage. Exactly, you are right, because ISIS, if you look at the timing of the attack, it's related to what's happening in Aleppo. This is the response to what's happening in Aleppo, the advancement of the Syrian Arab Army, and they wanted to make this... or let's say, to undermine the victory in Aleppo, and at the same time to distract the Syrian Army from Aleppo, to make it move toward Palmyra and stop the advancement, but of course it didn't work.
'ISIS could only attack Palmyra the way it did with supervision of US alliance'
RT: We also hear reports that Palmyra siege was not only related to Aleppo battle, but also to what was happening in Iraq, and there are reports that the US-led coalition – which is almost 70 countries – allowed ISIL fighters in Mosul in Iraq to leave, and that strengthened ISIL here in Syria. Do you think it could be the case?
B.A.: It could be, but this is only to wash the hand of the American politicians from their responsibility on the attack, when they say "just because of Mosul, of course, the Iraqi army attacked Mosul, and ISIS left Mosul to Syria." That's not the case. Why? Because they came with different and huge manpower and firepower that ISIS never had before during this attack, and they attacked on a huge front, tens of kilometers that could be a front of armies. ISIS could only have done that with the support of states. Not state; states. They came with different machineguns, cannons, artillery, everything is different. So, it could only happen when they come in this desert with the supervision of the American alliance that's supposed to attack them in al-Raqqa and Mosul and Deir Ezzor, but it didn't happen; they either turned a blind eye on what ISIS is going to do, and, or - and that's what I believe – they pushed toward Palmyra. So, it's not about Mosul. We don't have to fall in that trap. It's about al-Raqqa and Deir Ezzor. They are very close, only a few hundred kilometers, they could come under the supervision of the American satellites and the American drones and the American support.
RT: How strong ISIS is today?
B.A.: As strong as the support that they get from the West and regional powers. Actually, they're not strong for... if you talk isolated case, ISIS as isolated case, they're not strong, because they don't have the natural social incubator. Without it, terrorists cannot be strong enough. But the real support they have, the money, the oil field investment, the support of the American allies' aircrafts, that's why they are strong. So, they are as strong as their supporters, or as their supervisors.
RT: In Aleppo, we heard that you allowed some of these terrorists to leave freely the battleground. Why would you do that? It's clear that they can go back to, let's say, Idleb, and get arms and get ready for further attacks, then maybe attack those liberating Aleppo.
B.A.: Exactly, exactly, that's correct, and that's been happening for the last few years, but you always have things to lose and things to gain, and when the gain is more than what you lose, you go for that gain. In that case, our priority is to protect the area from being destroyed because of the war, to protect the civilians who live there, to give the chance for those civilians to leave through the open gates, to leave that area to the areas under the control of the government, and to give the chance to those terrorists to change their minds, to join the government, to go back to their normal life, and to get amnesty. When they don't, they can leave with their armaments, with the disadvantage that you mentioned, but this is not our priority, because if you fight them in any other area outside the city, you're going to have less destruction and less civilian casualties, that's why.
'Fighting terrorists US-style cannot solve the problem'
RT: I feel that you call them terrorists, but at the same time you treat them as human beings, you tell them "you have a chance to go back to your normal life."
B.A.: Exactly. They are terrorists because they are holding machineguns, they kill, they destroy, they commit vandalism, and so on, and that's natural, everywhere in the world that's called as terrorism. But at the same time, they are humans who committed terrorism. They could be something else. They joined the terrorists for different reasons, either out of fear, for the money, sometimes for the ideology. So, if you can bring them back to their normal life, to be natural citizens, that's your job as a government. It's not enough to say "we're going to fight terrorists." Fighting terrorists is like a videogame; you can destroy your enemy in the videogame, but the videogame will generate and regenerate thousands of enemies, so you cannot deal with it on the American way: just killing, just killing! This is not our goal; this is the last option you have. If you can change, this is a good option, and it succeeded. It succeeded because many of those terrorists, when you change their position, some of them living normal lives, and some of them joined the Syrian Army, they fought with the Syrian Army against the other terrorists. This is success, from our point of view.
RT: Mr. President, you just said that you gain and you lose. Do you feel you've done enough to minimize civilian casualties during this conflict?
B.A.: We do our utmost. What's enough, this is subjective; each one could look at it in his own way. At the end, what's enough is what you can do; my ability as a person, the ability of the government, the ability of Syria as a small country to face a war that's been supported by tens of countries, mainstream media's hundreds of channels, and other machines working against you. So, it depends on the definition of "enough," so this is, as I said, very subjective, but I'm sure that we are doing our best. Nothing is enough at the end, and the human practice is always full of correct and flows, or mistakes, let's say, and that's the natural thing.
'West’s cries for ceasefire meant to save terrorists'
RT: We hear Western powers asking Russia and Iran repeatedly to put pressure on you to, as they put it, "stop the violence," and just recently, six Western nations, in an unprecedented message, they asked Russia and Iran again to put pressure on you, asking for a ceasefire in Aleppo.
B.A.: Yeah.
RT: Will you go for it? At the time when your army was progressing, they were asking for a ceasefire.
B.A.: Exactly. It's always important in politics to read between the lines, not to be literal. It doesn't matter what they ask; the translation of their statement is for Russia: "please stop the advancement of the Syrian Army against the terrorists." That's the meaning of that statement, forget about the rest. "You went too far in defeating the terrorists, that shouldn't happen. You should tell the Syrians to stop this, we have to keep the terrorists and to save them." This is in brief.
Second, Russia never – these days, I mean, during this war, before that war, during the Soviet Union – never tried to interfere in our decision. Whenever they had opinion or advice, doesn't matter how we can look at it, they say at the end "this is your country, you know what the best decision you want to take; this is how we see it, but if you see it in a different way, you know, you are the Syrian." They are realistic, and they respect our sovereignty, and they always defend the sovereignty that's based on the international law and the Charter of the United Nations. So, it never happened that they made any pressure, and they will never do it. This is not their methodology.
RT: How strong is the Syrian Army today?
B.A.: It's about the comparison, to two things: first of all, the war itself; second, to the size of Syria. Syria is not a great country, so it cannot have a great army in the numerical sense. The support of our allies was very important; mainly Russia, and Iran. After six years, or nearly six years of the war, which is longer than the first World War and the second World War, it's definitely and self-evident that the Syrian Army is not to be as strong as it was before that. But what we have is determination to defend our country. This is the most important thing. We lost so many lives in our army, we have so many martyrs, so many disabled soldiers. Numerically, we lost a lot, but we still have this determination, and I can tell you this determination is much stronger than before the war. But of course, we cannot ignore the support from Russia, we cannot ignore the support from Iran, that make this determination more effective and efficient.
RT: President Obama has lifted a ban on arming some Syrian rebels just recently. What impact you think could it have on the situation on the ground, and could it directly or indirectly provide a boost to terrorists?
B.A.: We're not sure that he lifted that embargo when he announced it. Maybe he lifted it before, but announced it later just to give it the political legitimacy, let's say. This is first. The second point, which is very important: the timing of the announcement and the timing of attacking Palmyra. There's a direct link between these two, so the question is to whom those armaments are going to? In the hands of who? In the hands of ISIS and al-Nusra, and there's coordination between ISIS and al-Nusra. So, the announcement of this lifting of that embargo is related directly to the attack on Palmyra and to the support of other terrorists outside Aleppo, because when they are defeated in Aleppo, the United States and the West, they need to support their proxies somewhere else, because they don't have any interest in solving the conflict in Syria. So, the crux of that announcement is to create more chaos, because the United States creates chaos in order to manage this chaos, and when they manage it, they want to use the different factors in that chaos in order to exploit the different parties of the conflict, whether they are internal parties or external parties.
Lifting of the embargo was announced December 08- Quite likely the terrorists had already been armed***** Whitehouse.gov
Presidential Determination and Waiver -- Pursuant to Section 2249a of Title 10, United States Code, and Sections 40 and 40A of the Arms Export Control Act to Support U.S. Special Operations to Combat Terrorism in Syria
RT: Mr. President, how do you feel about being a small country in the middle of this tornado of countries not interested in ending the war here?
B.A.: Exactly. It's something we've always felt before this war, but we felt it more of course today, because small countries feel safer when there's international balance, and we felt the same, what you just mentioned, after the collapse of the Soviet Union when there was only American hegemony, and they wanted to implement whatever they want and to dictate all their policies on everyone. Small countries suffer the most. So, we feel it today, but at the same time, today there's more balance with the Russian role. That's why I think we always believe the more Russia is stronger – I'm not only talking about Syria, I'm talking about every small country in the world – whenever the stronger Russia, more rising China, we feel more secure. It's painful, I would say it's very painful, this situation that we've been living, on every level; humanitarian level, the feeling, the loss, everything. But at the end, it's not about losing and winning; it's about either winning or losing your country. It's existential threat for Syria. It's not about government losing against other government or army against army; either the country will win, or the country will disappear. That's how we look at it. That's why you don't have time to feel that pain; you only have time to fight and defend and do something on the ground.
'Mainstream media lost credibility along with moral compass'
RT: Let's talk about media's role in this conflict.
B.A.: Yeah
RT: All sides during this war have been accused of civilian casualties, but the Western media has been almost completely silent about the atrocities committed by the rebels… what role is the media playing here?
B.A.: First of all, the mainstream media with their fellow politicians, they are suffering during the last few decades from moral decay. So, they have no morals.
Whatever they talk about, whatever they mention or they use as mask, human rights, civilians, children; they use all these just for their own political agenda in order to provoke the feelings of their public opinion to support them in their intervention in this region, whether militarily or politically.So, they don’t have any credibility regarding this. If you want to look at what's happening in the United States is rebellion against the mainstream media, because they've been lying and they kept lying on their audiences. We can tell that, those, let's say, the public opinion or the people in the West doesn't know the real story in our region, but at least they know that the mainstream media and their politicians were laying to them for their own vested interests agenda and vested interests politicians. That's why I don't think the mainstream media could sell their stories anymore and that's why they are fighting for their existence in the West, although they have huge experience and huge support and money and resources, but they don't have something very important for them to survive, which is the credibility. They don't have it, they lost it. They don't have the transparency, that's why they don't have credibility. That's why they are very coward today, they are afraid of your channel, of any statement that could tell the truth because it's going to debunk their talks. That's why.Last post addressing media lies from just yesterday- though pretty much every single post here has addressed media lies, obfuscations and misdirections
***** Aleppo's LIBERATION : Will the media reboot?
RT: Reuters news agency have been quoting Amaq, ISIL's mouthpiece, regarding the siege of Palmyra. Do you think they give legitimacy to extremists in such a way? They're quoting their media.
B.A.: Even if they don't mention their news agencies, they adopt their narrative anyway. But if you look at the technical side of the way ISIS presented itself from the very beginning through the videos and the news and the media in general and the PR, they use Western technique. Look at it, it's very sophisticated. How could somebody who's under siege, who's despised all over the world, who's under attack from the airplanes, who the whole world wants to liberate every city from him, could be that sophisticated unless he is not relaxed and has all the support? So, I don't think it is about Amaq; it's about the West adopting their stories, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly.
RT: Donald Trump takes over as US President in a few weeks. You mentioned America many times today. What do you expect from America's new administration?
B.A.: His rhetoric during the campaign was positive regarding the terrorism, which is our priority today. Anything else is not priority, so, I wouldn't focus on anything else, the rest is American, let's say, internal matters, I wouldn't worry about. But the question whether Trump has the will or the ability to implement what he just mentioned. You know that most of the mainstream media and big corporate, the lobbies, the Congress, even some in his party were against him; they want to have more hegemony, more conflict with Russia, more interference in different countries, toppling governments, and so on. He said something in the other direction. Could he sustain against all those after he started next month? That's the question. If he could, I think the world will be in a different place, because the most important thing is the relation between Russia and the Unites States. If he goes towards that relation, most of the tension around the world will be pacified. That's very important for us in Syria, but I don't think anyone has the answer to that. He wasn't a politician, so, we don't have any reference to judge him, first. Second, nobody can tell what kind of pattern is it going to be next month and after.
'Western countries only sent aid to terrorists'
RT: The humanitarian situation in Syria is a disaster, and we hear from EU foreign policy chief, Madam Mogherini, that EU is the only entity to deliver humanitarian aid to Syria. Is that true?
B.A.: Actually, all the aid that any Western country sent was to the terrorists, to be very clear, blunt and very transparent. They never cared about a single Syrian human life. We have so many cities in Syria till today surrounded by and besieged by the terrorists; they prevented anything to reach them, food, water, anything, all the basic needs of life. Of course, they attack them on daily basis by mortars and try to kill them. What did the EU send to those? If they are worried about the human life, if they talk about the humanitarian aspect, because when you talk about the humanitarian aspect or issue, you don't discriminate. All the Syrians are humans, all the people are humans. They don't do that. So, this is the double standard, this is the lie that they keep telling, and it's becoming a disgusting lie, no-one is selling their stories anymore. That's not true, what she mentioned, not true.
RT: Some suggestions say that for Syria, the best solution would to split into separate countries governed by Sunni, Shi'a, Kurds. Is it any way possible?
B.A.: This is the Western – with some regional countries' – hope or dream, and this is not new, not related to this war; that was before the war, and you have maps for this division and disintegration. But actually, if you look at the society today, the Syrian society is more unified than before the war. This is reality. I'm not saying anything to raise the morale of anyone, I'm not talking to Syrian audience anyway now, I'm talking about the reality. Because of the lessons of the war, the society became more realistic and pragmatic and many Syrians knew that being fanatic doesn't help, being extreme in any idea, I'm not only talking about extremism in the religious meaning; politically, socially, culturally, doesn't help Syria. only when we accept each other, when we respect each other, we can live with each other and we can have one country. So, regarding the disintegration of Syria, if you don't have this real disintegration among the society and different shades and spectrum of the Syrian society, Syrian fabric, you cannot have division. It's not a map you draw, I mean, even if you have one country while the people are divided, you have disintegration. Look at Iraq, it's one country, but it is disintegrated in reality. So, no, I'm not worried about this. There's no way that Syrians will accept that. I'm talking now about the vast majority of the Syrians, because this is not new, this is not the subject of the last few weeks or the last few months. This is the subject of this war. So, after nearly six years, I can tell you the majority of the Syrians wouldn't accept anything related to disintegration, they are going to live as one Syria.
RT: As a mother, I feel the pain of all Syrian mothers. I'm speaking about children in Syria, what does the future hold for them?
B.A.: This is the most dangerous aspect of our problem, not only in Syria; wherever you talk about this dark Wahhabi ideology, because many of those children who became young during the last decade, or more than one decade, who joined the terrorists on ideological basis, not for the like of money or anything else, or hope, let's say, they came from open-minded families, educated families, intellectual families. So, you can imagine how strong the terrorism is.
'Being secular doesn’t protect a nation from terrorist ideology'
RT: So, that happened because of their propaganda?
B.A.: Exactly, because the ideology is very dangerous; it knows no borders, no political borders, and the network, the worldwide web has helped those terrorists using fast and inexpensive tools in order to promote their ideology, and they could infiltrate any family anywhere in the world, whether in Europe, in your country, in my country, anywhere. You have secular society, I have secular society, but it didn't protect the society from being infiltrated.
RT: Do you have any counter ideology for this?
B.A.: Exactly, because they built their ideology on the Islam, you have to use the same ideology, using the real Islam, the real moderate Islam, in order to counter their ideology. This is the fast way. If we want to talk about the mid-term and long-term, it's about how much can you upgrade the society, the way the people analyze and think, because this ideology can only work when you cannot analyze, when you don't think properly. So, it's about the algorithm of the mind, if you have natural or healthy operating system, if you want to draw an analogy to the IT, if you have good operating systems in our mind, they cannot infiltrate it like a virus. So, it's about the education, media and policy because sometimes when you have a cause, a national cause, and people lose hope, you can push those people towards being extremists, and this is one of the influences in our region since the seventies, after the war between the Arabs and the Israelis, and the peace failed in every aspect to recapture the land, to give the land and the rights to its people, you have more desperation, and that played into the hand of the extremists, and this is where the Wahhabi find fertile soil to promote its ideology.
RT: Mr. President, thank you very much for your time, and I wish your country peace and prosperity, and as soon as possible.
B.A.: Thank you very much for coming.
RT: This time has been very tough for you, so I wish it's going to end soon.
B.A.: Thank you very much for coming to Syria. I'm very glad to receive you.
RT: Thank you.
Thanks for the article, Penny. Very interesting. Do you think that Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries will be able to return back soon? What do you expect to happen now?
ReplyHi Ally:
I expect that the US is going to up the game- and that's frightening
If things settle down I would suspect a great many refugees would go home- even some Canada's government dragged here
I hope that things calm down. What do you think about the MANPADS situation? Do you think that MANPADS will be given to the terrorists?
I think they may have already been given to them!
http://tass.com/politics/919457 What do you think?
I think they've been in constant contact
In fact that's the direction I'm heading it with a new post..
Turkey, Russia and Iran to hold tripartite meeting on Aleppo: http://www.dailysabah.com/diplomacy/2016/12/14/turkey-russia-and-iran-to-hold-tripartite-meeting-on-aleppo-fm-cavusoglu-says
Thank God we still have access to the truth. It's hard to decipher sometimes. Thank God, also, that we have truth seekers and truth tellers. I wouldn't know anything if it weren't for you guys.
ReplyDon't sell yourself short.