다양하게 세상에 알려진 내용 중의 하나..코멘트는 생략..
이미 한글판 인터넷으로도 다양하게 소개된 내용들이므로.
Tag 만 몇개 달아 보자..
링크 : http://bibliotecapleyades.lege.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_vril04.htm
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대전 말기,
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수 년전 FBI 기밀문서의 비밀 유지조항 해제 만료에 따라 공개되었던 CIA 측의 서류에는
히틀러는 대전 말기에 자살한 것이 아니라,
북극을 통해 사라진 것이 사실이며, 남극에 그들의 기지로 보이는 시설들이 엿 보이는데,
자세한 조사를 필요로 한다..는 내용들이 세상에 드러났었고..
히틀러의 말년의 사진도 돌아 다니지 않는가..
즉, 히틀러의 권총 자살은 조작된 것이고
나찌의 유태인 6백만 학살 또한 전범국가라는 꼬리표를 미국과 영국이 독일에게 떠 넘긴 것이며
이 사건을 대표하는 안네의 일기.. 또한 조작된 것 임은 이미 드러났듯이
전부 독일에게 떠 넘긴 것이다..독일 국민들이여. 정신 차립시다.
전범국가는 당신들이 아니라 외계세력들에게 조종당했던 미국 이라오.
엥겔라 메르켈의 친부모는 누구인가 ?
..를 떠나서..
행성 유란시아의 역사는 지난 200만 년간의 외계차원간 전쟁의 마지막 무대가 되고 말았고
그에 따른 후유증으로 행성의 역사가 조종, 잠식 되어 왔다가.
그것이 87년 하모닉 컨버젼스 이후로 빛의 은하연합이 개입을 하게 되었고,
이들의 차원 특수전단 사령부의 총괄 지휘에 의거하여
외계세력들의 개입이 모두 정리 되었던 것..
남은 것은 상승이고 청소, 정화이며
행성의 상승에 도움을 주는 가장 빠른 길은
당신의 깨어남과 각성이고 의식의 진동수를 높이는 것 뿐 입니다.
당신의 개인적 책임이기도 하고,
우주적 선택의 시점이기도 하고,
처음 읽는 이들은 황당하겠다..싶지만.. ;;;
과학을 한 번에 전부 들이키는 것은 결코 쉽지 않으니..
우선 잔존 어둠의 세력들 부터 정리하도록 합시다..
Secrecy and Mysteries Challenge the Official History of Antarctica
By Jordan Sather
Dec 25, 2016 - 4:47:16 PM
In late 1946, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia on a mission to Antarctica called "Operation Highjump". This mission involved 4700 soldiers, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft in what was officially called a research expedition.
The part of the story that is seldom told outside of official circles is what Byrd encountered there. While conventional knowledge of World War II states that Germany was defeated in Europe, which is true, little is often said about the Nazi escape South to their bases in Antarctica. While the Allied powers won World War II on the ground in Europe due to their industrial might, the Nazi's had far more advanced technology, and many members of Hitler's regime reportedly fled to the icy continent after the war.
It is highly likely Operation Highjump was a military operation to engage these enemy forces, and was apparently unsuccessful, as Byrd and his battle group suffered heavy losses and retreated to South America. A Chilean newspaper, the ‘El Murico', ran an article detailing Operation Highjump on March 5th, 1947, where Admiral Byrd stated in an interview:
"It is necessary for the USA to take defensive actions against enemy air fighters which come from the polar regions...[America could be] attacked by fighters that are able to fly from one pole to the other with incredible speed."
German secret societies, such as the Thule and Vril, are believed to already have had access to electrogravitic, or antigravity, technologies, and had created what is known as the "Bell craft", named after it's bell like shape. These craft, with their advanced propulsion systems, are thought to have been effective in neutralizing the 13 ship battle group. In the years after World War II, many Nazi scientists immigrated into America to work within the medicine, aerospace, and intelligence corporations. This situation makes one wonder if American hands were essentially forced to accept thesrefugees.
The world then entered the Cold War years, but the mystery surrounding Antarctica persists.
In 1959, the Antarctica Treaty was signed by 12 nations, including Argentina, Chile, the UK, the US, and the Soviet Union, who had scientists operating in and around Antarctica. Fast-forwarding nearly 60 years, another Antarctic protection deal was recently ratified in October 2016, this time signed by 24 different nations along with the European Union. This set aside the largest marine conservation area in the world.
Now the question is, why are America, China and Russia cooperating on the preservation of the wildest regions of planet when so many of their current policies are producing increased enmity and tension, and the rest of the world has become an expendable war zone?
At the same time, there has been a rise in reporting on events in Antarctica, albeit mostly from tabloid journals. On November 21st, an article in The Sun, reported on "mysterious new pyramids" found buried on the icy continent, largely discussing a video showing Google Earth images detailing geometric, pyramidal structures in the icy tundra. Another article, this time by The Express, also detailed these pyramid structures, while outlining scientific evidence supporting the theory that Antarctica used to harbor vegetation and life. Lastly, The Daily Star published an article also describing how an ancient civilization would have been possible due to the scientific discoveries that Antarctica was possibly ice-free in the past, also touching on the intriguing Piri Reis map, a 500-year-old document showing Antarctica on it, centuries before the official discovery of the icy continent.
Oddly enough, several significant figures have recently traveled to the Antarctic region in recent months, and under mysterious or vaguely defined circumstances. During the election, Secretary of State John Kerry flew down to the continent to ‘study global warming.' Former Astronaut Buzz Aldrin also visited in recent weeks, and was forced to cut short his journey due to a sudden medical emergency.
Furthermore, other notable researchers have been reporting in recent weeks on the potential for a "partial disclosure scenario" involving Antarctica, with the potential to reveal hidden technologies, information on ancient civilizations, and elite plans for maintaining their powerful grip on planet earth, however, such speculation is above and beyond what we can actually prove at this point.
Never the less, continuing Antarctic research expeditions, combined with Antarctica's suspicious political past, today's reported findings of megalithic structures on the barren continent, recent high-profile visitations, and updated political treaties for Antarctica, are giving rise to a growing public curiosity about what may really be happening on the uninhabited continent.
What is really taking place in Antarctica?
Read more articles by Jordan Sather.
About the Author
Jordan Sather is a health coach and truth seeker from Washington State. His mission is to assist with the evolution of consciousness that humanity is currently undergoing. He runs two youtube channels along with his writing and coaching endeavors. His Conscious Strength channel offers cutting edge health and wellness advice, and his Realfake News brings you conscious commentary on breaking news stories that you need to know. You can reach him by his website, or his facebook.
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This article (Secrecy and Mysteries Challenge the Official History of Antarctica) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is printed here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Jordan Sather and WakingTimes.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution and author bio.
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