세계는 트럼프의 출현과 더부러,
내부적인 (검은) 반발세력들의 초반전이 전개되는 양상들을 보는 동시에
전 세계를 대상으로 하는 국제외교에 있어
반미주의적 동맹국들로 표현되는 러시아 (유럽) - 중국 (아시아) - 이란 (중동) & 미국 내부 반발세력들 의 복잡한 정치공학이
도무지 촛점이 맺히지 않는 모양이다.
그러나 나의 눈에는
이러한 초반부의 다양한 국제적 의문들은 트럼프의 취임 직후부터 서서히 깨져 나가게 되고
이미 취임 직전에 그는 자신의 노선을 분명히 언급하였다.
푸틴이나 시진핑 대통령이나 트럼프가 아닌 전 세계가 무척 복잡한 양상으로 넘어 가는 사건들로 복잡해 질 것이다..
하단 AH 가 인용한 RBTH 의 기고문 역시도..
무언가 예단이나 예측이 상당히 어렵다는 것을 암시하고 있는데,
RT 나 Sputnik 측의 기고문들도 마찬가지 성격..
국제외교는 항상 세 가지 시각이 존재하는데,
1. 우주정보, 역사, 아눈나키 침략사, 외계관련 정보들을 기반으로 하는 국가 정상급 외교와
(예: 너희들은 결코 이길 수 없다 VS 이 행성은 우리들의 것이다)
2. 1로부터 파생되어 나온 소위 국가 간 협정이나 합의, 결의문 등에 따른 외관적 관계형성과 관련된 소식들과 분석
( 예: 정 북극 상공은 자기장의 교란으로 상업용 취항노선 경로로 부적합하니, 적정거리 이상은 비행 금지구역으로 설정..
예: 시리아 사태의 본질들, 터키의 투항에 따른 극성전환, 필리핀의 전환 ..)
3. 이를 전문적으로 분석하는 위치에 있지 않은 이상 지엽적인 인식만 지닌 평균적인 대중의식들의 인지 및 이해도...
( 예: 총리가 오키나와 도지사에게 90도로 인사했다. 미군은 철수해야해~!
예: 국가별 사안에 따라 다르겠지만, 반대여론이나 이론이 공존하도록 하기 위해 자금투입된
NGO 나 민간연구소 출현..어버이연합 이나 자유경제원 같은..돈줄로 조종되는 무의식 알바그룹이나 지식인들의 비애로운 논문들..)
하단의 기고문을 선택했던 또 다른 이유는
사실상, 행성에서 벌어지는 다양한 국제관계나 정세들의 모든 사건들의 이면에는
상기의 이러한 3 가지 관점을 단 한 컷으로 함축한 사진이 인용 기고문의 하단 사진에 잘 나타나 있어
하기의 인용문을 AH 페이지에서 선별했던 것.. 왜냐하면,
천상의 의도는 행성에 모든 사안들이 구체적인 폭로들을 통해
1과 3의 관점 사이를 하나로 응축시켜 버림으로써 분리된 마인드들을 통합시켜 나가므로써,
갇혀진 폐쇄행성의 관점에 집단적 배움의 지식들을 투사하고 감옥행성에 갇혀져 왔던 인간의 시각이
선의와 양심을 기반으로 자신들의 제한적 테두리를 스스로 부숴 버릴 수 있는 힘을 키워 나아가며
종국에는 ..짐 캐리의 영화...?? 영화 막바지에 육성되는 자아에서 어느날 무언가 이상하다는 의문으로 시작하여
종국에는 자신이 속았다는 것을 알고 스스로 스튜디오의 모든 조작된 스튜디오의 현실적 배경들에 해당하는
구성요소들의 마지막 경계면 벽을 부수고 나아가며 .. 결국 자동차를 몰고 폭주를 했던가..
진정한 자아를 찾아 떠나는.. 유쾌한 마스터 짐 캐리의 영화..
이것이 국제정세와 외교관계의 이해를 위한 " 관점 4 " 이고,
AH 와 그 사람들 또 많은 깨어난 이들은 이러한 시각에서 봉사를 한다.
어쩌면, 아니, 사실상 분명한 의도적인 표현으로 보이지만,
하기의 기고문에 드러나는 저러한 사진은
이 세계를 향해 진실과 팩트를 전하며 빛의 수호의지와 더부러
행성 유란시아의 모든 복잡성들의 핵심적 원인들을 단 한 컷으로 표현하고 있는 셈 아닌가.
일종의 전달 메시지인 셈..
그러나 트럼프 이전의 미국은 모든 진실의 공개를 거부했으므로..
중국과 러시아가 대신하게 될 것..
본디 죄를 지은 놈들은 심기가 불편하거나 아예 진실을 살해하는 방식으로 가게 되므로
행성 표면의 사건들의 복잡함은 계속 이어져 나가며
행성적 교훈을 전해 주며 마음의 발달을 촉진시켜 나가게 되는 셈이다..
나무 관세음 보살..
2017: Trump Brexit and Nervous Anticipation
By Vladimir Mikheev
Jan 1, 2017 - 6:54:44 PM
December 29, 2016 ,
The next 12 months will be an extension of 2016's political earthquakes. This will come as an aftershock for some and for many others as a long-cherished opportunity to make the world a safer place through cooperation instead of confrontation. Yet nothing is written, and the scenarios for the future are as variable as ever.
Trump's much-deplored "isolationism" does not cover Russia: The conciliatory overtures from the U.S. president-elect toward Russia, backed by a telephone call and correspondence between Trump and Putin, testify to this. Source: AP------------------------------------------------
It is clear that the two defining developments of 2016, measured by any yardstick, were Brexit and Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. elections.
The year has produced a reverse trend to globalization and further integration into the European Union, and marked a watershed in the civil war in Syria, where the recapture of Aleppo by the Syrian government has given a peace settlement a chance.
Revolt against ‘United States of Europe'
If Charles de Gaulle were still alive, the founder of the Fifth Republic in France would have probably said that Britain has reneged on a short-term whimsical ambition to be part of Europe.
The 52 percent of the 72.2 percent of UK voters who backed Leave in the watershed referendum on 23 June constitutes a peculiar mix of characters, but have a universally robust motivation.
Free trade benefits, as the original driver of Britain's interest in the link-up with the continent, have thinned out while its trade deficit soared, alienating domestic-market-oriented small and medium businesses.

Many of the affluent rural areas in the country's southeast - crucially, not the cities, with London residents voting categorically against Brexit - as well as political figures who resent what they see as enforced subordination to "unelected" executives in Brussels joined the Leave camp.
Being part of a European family and abiding by common rules of co-existence and interaction turned out to be a disproportionate burden for some residents of the British Isles.
It has been noted that the "sleeping giant," as Scottish novelist Irvine Welsh once called English nationalism, has awakened. "For the real sleeping giant is not Scottish nationalism, but the English version," he wrote in one article on his website.
Basically, Brexit is a revolt against excessive EU regulations and a failure to tackle unregulated migration coupled with a fear of further concessions to the architects of the "United States of Europe," who Leavers perceive are demanding that the UK relinquish even more national sovereignty.
Ironically, Britain, which was once at the forefront of the globalization movement, has lost the enthusiasm to climb up another level.
The risks of losing out to other nations with a competitive edge and undermining one's national identity now outweigh the advantages of standardizing the Western world. As Lord Ashcroft's super-poll on Brexit underlined, "The principle that decisions about the UK should be made in the UK" inspired the Leavers.
For Russia, the sudden resurgence of "national sovereignty" in the set of values accepted by part of the British political class is a welcome sign. After all, at the core of it is the Westphalian principle of respect for national diversity and abstention from forcibly reforming other nations in one's image.
Rise of the counter-elites
The year was also marked by the mainstream media's intimidation of counter-elites with certain political affiliations, for instance the National Front (FN) in France or Alternative for Germany (AfD).
There was plenty of labeling of such parties as "ultra-right" and "populist," yet this oversimplification looks out of touch with reality.
Neither the NF nor the AfD can be vilified for threatening to mistreat illegal migrants, especially since the European Commission suggested in early December that individual nations - to dissuade asylum seekers from moving to northern countries (Germany, in particular) - should start sending migrants back to Greece, starting in March.
Populism has earned a negative connotation, though the Cambridge English Dictionary defines it as "political ideas and activities that are intended to get the support of ordinary people by giving them what they want."
Yet is not democracy (translated from Greek as the "rule of the people") intended as well to give "ordinary people... what they want"?
It's easy to agree with Jon Henley, The Guardian's European affairs correspondent, when he claims: "A wind of anxious, resentful, anti politics-as-usual change is blowing across Europe."
Counter-elites are gaining in popularity in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands. Time seems to be on their side.
Trumpeters of a new world order
International affairs face an overhaul after the U.S. political class has splintered, producing proponents of an introverted policy aimed at putting the "house back into order" (under the slogan "Make America great again") and a non-interventionist foreign policy.
Putin echoes Trump on foreign policy as Russia softens rhetoric
However, Trump's much-deplored "isolationism" does not cover Russia: The conciliatory overtures from the U.S. president-elect toward Russia, backed by a telephone call and correspondence between Trump and Putin, testify to this.
one thing is plain as the world looks toward 2017. It cannot ignore Vladimir Putin's Russia," Peter Ford professed in the Christian Science Monitor.
The effectiveness of the combination of diplomacy and force applied by Moscow in the conflict in Syria and around has helped Russia regain its former status of a power broker and mediator. Some Western political scientists have even claimed that in 2016 Russia has finally "revised" the results of the Cold War in its favor.
Notably, "of all the 2016 presidential candidates, only Donald Trump embraced a policy prescription designed to reverse the West's provocative eastward expansion, reduce tensions and test Russia's true intentions," recently wrote Robert W. Merry, contributing editor at global affairs publication The National Interest.
Yet, any "reset" on the bilateral track might come at a cost. Trump seems to have adopted classical Kissinger-style rebalancing tactics, which is expected to reverse the legacy of Ping-Pong Diplomacy between the capitalist U.S. and Communist China, begun in 1971.
Just as Nixon's administration masterly played the Chinese card against the Soviet Union, Trump's government will attempt to align with Moscow in its overtly bellicose stance toward Beijing.
It has already made Putin emphasize that relations between Russia with China surpass the level of a "strategic partnership," by doing so sending a signal to Washington that this is non-negotiable.
Nevertheless, Putin's "red line" does not inhibit rapprochement with the United States, which the Russian president has defined as the only superpower in the world."
...All in all, 2017 promises no more routine easy-riding. Trump, Brexit and the rise of counter-elites in Europe will invariably challenge the old world order, if not change it altogether.
Vladimir Mikheev is a freelance commentator for Russia Beyond The Headlines. His opinion does not reflect the position of RBTH or its staff.
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