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[KSD] Keylontic Science / Crytal Body / Radial Body / Spirit

by 煌錦笑年 2017. 1. 4.


* Keylontic Science  

* Crytal Body 

* Radial Body 

* Spirit

Keylontic Science: Uses

Last update: March 22, 2005 

Using Keylontic Science (Keylonta) the function of the human DNA imprint can be progressively restored, allowing the natural dynamics of Soul, Oversoul and Avatar level identity embodiment to commence. The morphogenetic (energetic template) imprint of the DNA is progressively expanded through drawing frequency in from the dimensional Unified Fields of Energy that surrounds the body. 

Keylontic Science can be used to correct morphogenetic field distortions that serve to block the natural process of frequency accretion and DNA/Consciousness expansion.

As the natural pattern of the morphogenetic field is restored, missing frequency accretes in the morphogenetic field, dormant aspects of the DNA & RNA come to life the "junk DNA" fragments in the cells begin to reorder and the manifest DNA expands its operational coding.

As the physical DNA expands its potentials, dormant areas of the brain slowly come to life.

The Pineal Gland begins to activate, reordering the functions of the metabolic and glandular systems. New neuro-passageways, nerve endings and brain-chemical combination develop, the body is progressively able to house higher dimensional aspects of consciousness and the embodied identity is progressively enabled to perceive and participate in action taking place in higher dimensional fields.

Eventually the cellular structure transmutes into less-dense form of matter, the chromosome number increases, and the biological carbons transmute into Silica, transforming the human biology into a more highly evolved biological form which can move through various dimensions at will. 

(The Tangible Structure of the Soul - Page 8) 

Keylontic Science has many diverse applications from communication, healing, acceleration of the genetic code and advancement of spiritual evolution to the creation of advanced technologies such as the maneuvering of time-space portals.

Keylontic Science provides the foundations of knowledge upon which mastery of matter and consciousness can be achieved.

In studding Keylons and the energetic dynamics inherent to Keylontic Science we can learn to consciously direct the path of our physical and spiritual evolution. 

Through this knowledge we can one day learn to master the contours of matter and consciousness as they apply to the simultaneously co-existing space-time fields of the 15-dimensional Matrix, within which our present existence takes place.

The basic principle is to understand the mechanics by which the elements of Keylontic Science interrelate with the components of multidimensional anatomy.

Once we are aware of our personal energetic composition, we can begin to learn how to direct our inherent energy to affect desired change within the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our existence.

(Voyagers II – Page 452, 453) 

Keylontic Science Tools:

  • The primary tools of Keylontic Science are the inter-dimensional light, sound, electro-magnetic and scalar wave spectra and the scalar fields. (standing electro-tonal wave fields)

  • Keylontic Science uses specific scalar templates to interact directly with the movement and structure of energy within morphogenetic fields (MF). The scalar templates are called Geomancies and Geomantic Codes. 

  • Working consciously with Keylontic Science Exercises and the Geomancy Control Codes (and the condensed information and cognition the Geomancies contain) expedites the process of human spiritual integration and evolution of consciousness and biology.

  • In Keylontic Science, Primary Geomancy Control Coded and multi-dimensional light, sound and scalar spectra are used to realign the human body and DNA with the identity structure of the Soul and the Higher aspects of multi-dimensional identity.

(The Tangible Structure of the Soul - Page 9) 

Crystal Body

Last update: March 22, 2005 

(Also called: Morphogenetic Field - MF or Manifestation Template or Hova Bodies) 

In relation to human beings, the 8 Hova Bodies within the anatomy of the Multi-dimensional human morphogenetic field are collectively referred to as the Crystal Body.

(The Tangible Structure of the Soul– Page 25) 

The crystalline latticework blueprint for the body and consciousness that is composed of ultra-micro particle units called Partiki. 

(Voyager I – Page 134)

One of the 6 primary elements in the Science of Keylonta.

The Crystal Body term used to refer to the multi-dimensional Keylon Code structure of a matter form or form of consciousness or energy. Represents the Keylon Code make-up contained within the personal Partiki grid of a form. 

Everything has a Crystal Body, from every small particle to the big galaxies in the cosmos. 

It sets the manifest characteristics of a form, it’s sub-atomic structure and body rhythms, the wave energy and Partiki units will move through the body and the type of conscious awareness the form will be able to embody.

The human Crystal Body encompasses 12 dimensions of identity and form, sets the structure for the bio-energetic fields and chakra system and spiritual identity – as well as setting the structure for the genetic code, physical body and conscious and unconscious minds. 

By interacting with the Crystal Body we can expand human evolutionary potential and accelerate its process.

The Crystal Body could be called the Keylon body or the Partiki Body, but the name Crystal Body gives you the right visualization of what it is and how it looks.

(The Amenti Series 1 Classes - DVD 1) 

To access our Crystal Body you cannot do it from D3. You have to do it from the dimensional frequencies bands above. That gets the Keylons to open to accept a new program of operation, so when we use Light Symbol Codes with our mind, that light is direction D4 sound. 

Our Sound in D3 is actually Light in D2. D3 sound appears like light in D2. 

That’s why when you visualize events that you would like to see happen, you visualize that in D3 and create a light signature that correspond to sound in D4 which enters into your Crystal Body and becomes part of it.

Our Crystal Body not only holds our form but also creates our holographic perception of our manifested D3 reality. Like a projector machine in a movie theater. It looks like it is separate from us but it is not. 

When you program the Crystal Body, which is called cellular memory, you imprint a signature in it. That’s where the concept of Karma comes from. Everything that is incorporated in our Crystal Body with eventually cycle out in the hologram projection created by the refraction of sound and light. 

Since our thoughts are composed of Partiki also this is why mind affects matter, we are not very good at it now but there were times in our species development many eons ago when we where more advanced, we had more DNA plugged than now that we had complete control over matter with our minds. It was nothing - it was like breathing. We have to relearn that process. And Keylontic Science is one tool that can help us move in that direction.

(The Amenti Series 1 Classes - DVD 1) 

In relation to human beings, the 8 Hova Bodies within the anatomy of the multi-dimensional human morphogenetic field are collectively referred to as the Crystal Body. 

The human Crystal Body represents an 8 level scalar grid that is composed of electro-tonal ultra-micro-particle units of consciousness called Partiki, Partika and Particum. These ultra-micro-particles form geometrically arranged Partiki Strands and Partiki Gilds that are the foundation “fabric” or template of dimensionalized light, sound and scalar waves upon which the individuated consciousness and matter substance of the physical body manifests within the varying level! s of matter density in the Time and Energy Matrices. The Crystal Body is the morphogenetic field, which forms as a crystalline structure of interwoven Partiki units due to the geometrical relationships between the light, sound and scalar waves upon which it is built. The Partiki Grids of the Crystal Body form the scalar grids of electro-tonal standing wave patterns that form the structure of the Hova Bodies, which serves to house the individuated stations of consciousness within dimensionalization. 

The term Crystal Body is used in reference to the multi-dimensional morphogenetic field, of a person, object, planet, galaxy, universe or cosmos. It contains the 8 Hova Bodies of human anatomy, their corresponding levels of mind and holds the imprint for the DNA —RNA pattern through which the biological genetic code of the physical body manifests. The Crystal Body of both biological and non-biological forms represents the geometrical template upon which particles and anti-particles group to “flesh out the form in mailer”. The Crystal Body morphogenetic field represents the causal aspect of all manifest effects, and thus it is the level of energetic reality and consciousness through which manifestation can be directly affected. Keylontic Science techniques use Geomancies (geometrical patterns of light, sound, electro-magnetism and scalar waves) as wave- guides to alter and adjust the scalar grids of the Crystal Body, to create desired beneficial effects in manifest conditions.

(The Tangible Structure of the Soul - Manual Glossary - Page 25)


Last update: March 22, 2005 

Multi-dimensional consciousness.

(See: Bio-Spiritual Evolution) 

(The Tangible Structure of the Soul - Page 8) 

Spirit - Your spiritual aspect, your higher dimensional aspects.

(The Amenti Series 1 Classes - DVD 1)

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Radial Body

Last update: December 03, 2004 

The collective body of the 5 Hova Bodies or Capsules is called the Radial Body or Trion-Meajhe Field.

All manifest forms posses a Radial Body/Trion-Meajhe Field Hova Capsule structure as part of the intrinsic 15-Dimensional anatomy.

As multidimensional Life Force Currents pass through the Meridian Lines and into each of the 5 layers of the Radial Body, the energy currents and the consciousness carried upon them project the mathematical program of the Divine Blueprint into the Trion-Meajhe Field of each of the 5 Hova Capsules of Bodies.

Within the Hova Capsule, the individualized raw Life Force Currents enter a system of 3-dimensional energy conduits or rivulets called Radis, which are the "turnstiles" between "manifest matter" and "conscious energy".

The Trion-Meajhe Field Radial Body of any manifest form represents the 5-Density "Veil" through which consciousness-as-Primal Life Force moves into and out of externalized 3-dimensional manifestation (Harmonic Universe).

The Radial Body or Trion-Meajhe Field receives, via Merkaba Field circulation, the template or "design"for its particle manifestation from the "instructions" held in the Divine Blueprint Maharic Shield and DNA Template of the Kathara Grid.

Manifestation instructions pass from the Kathara Grid to the DNA Template via Merkaba Field, then continue into the energy circulation systems (Axiom Lines, Hova Bodies, Chakras, Meridians) that deliver the instructions to the Radial Body for particulate manifestation.

In biological life forms, the Radial Body and Radis then translate the scalar-wave blueprint of the DNA Template and Kathara Grid into the polarized Ionic Particulate Mion-Dion sub-units, which accrete following the DNA Template instructions to form sub-atomic, atomic, molecular, chemical DNA, physical matter form - the vehicles of embodied consciousness.

(The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course - Page 256-257)

The Radial Body is composed of five Hova Body tissue-like capsules of pre-sound, pre-light life-force energy around and within us. 

These capsules surround each density level of our own multi-dimensional anatomy.

Although the Radial Body is described as a tissue capsule, it is a highly specific 3-dimensional structure within which manifestation of matter occurs. 

It is also the projection screen for the creation of our “holographic experience”. Distortions within our Radial Bodies create distorted holograms and thus directly determine the quality of the life we experience as manifest around us. 

The Radial Body could be thought of as the living theatre within which the consciousness held in our DNA and entire energetic structure can be experienced as a 3D hologram. It is like the holographic refraction lens that allows the hologram to move through us. 

In its original Divine Blueprint form, this Holographic Template within the Radial Body is the original God/Source thought-form construct upon which our universal structure is perpetually re-created. 


Radial Body

Last update: December 03, 2004 

The collective body of the 5 Hova Bodies or Capsules is called the Radial Body or Trion-Meajhe Field.

All manifest forms posses a Radial Body/Trion-Meajhe Field Hova Capsule structure as part of the intrinsic 15-Dimensional anatomy.

As multidimensional Life Force Currents pass through the Meridian Lines and into each of the 5 layers of the Radial Body, the energy currents and the consciousness carried upon them project the mathematical program of the Divine Blueprint into the Trion-Meajhe Field of each of the 5 Hova Capsules of Bodies.

Within the Hova Capsule, the individualized raw Life Force Currents enter a system of 3-dimensional energy conduits or rivulets called Radis, which are the "turnstiles" between "manifest matter" and "conscious energy".

The Trion-Meajhe Field Radial Body of any manifest form represents the 5-Density "Veil" through which consciousness-as-Primal Life Force moves into and out of externalized 3-dimensional manifestation (Harmonic Universe).

The Radial Body or Trion-Meajhe Field receives, via Merkaba Field circulation, the template or "design"for its particle manifestation from the "instructions" held in the Divine Blueprint Maharic Shield and DNA Template of the Kathara Grid.

Manifestation instructions pass from the Kathara Grid to the DNA Template via Merkaba Field, then continue into the energy circulation systems (Axiom Lines, Hova Bodies, Chakras, Meridians) that deliver the instructions to the Radial Body for particulate manifestation.

In biological life forms, the Radial Body and Radis then translate the scalar-wave blueprint of the DNA Template and Kathara Grid into the polarized Ionic Particulate Mion-Dion sub-units, which accrete following the DNA Template instructions to form sub-atomic, atomic, molecular, chemical DNA, physical matter form - the vehicles of embodied consciousness.

(The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course - Page 256-257)

The Radial Body is composed of five Hova Body tissue-like capsules of pre-sound, pre-light life-force energy around and within us. 

These capsules surround each density level of our own multi-dimensional anatomy.

Although the Radial Body is described as a tissue capsule, it is a highly specific 3-dimensional structure within which manifestation of matter occurs. 

It is also the projection screen for the creation of our “holographic experience”. Distortions within our Radial Bodies create distorted holograms and thus directly determine the quality of the life we experience as manifest around us. 

The Radial Body could be thought of as the living theatre within which the consciousness held in our DNA and entire energetic structure can be experienced as a 3D hologram. It is like the holographic refraction lens that allows the hologram to move through us. 

In its original Divine Blueprint form, this Holographic Template within the Radial Body is the original God/Source thought-form construct upon which our universal structure is perpetually re-created. 

