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[TARGETED MESSAGES] 준비상황을 재고해야 할 시점 - 라뎃츠키 장군

by 煌錦笑年 2015. 10. 29.


만반의 준비상황에 놓여 있으라..

맨 앞줄에 서서 혼돈의 상황을 차분하게 안내하는 가이드의 역할을 담당하게 될 것.

더 설명 할 시간 같은 것은 이후로 없음.

아울러 이 내용을 읽는 여러분들은 자신이 누구인지 이해하게 될 것.

Time to recheck your preparation
By General Radetsky
Oct 30, 2015 - 8:17:56 PM

It is thru one of our newer telepaths who wishes to remain unknown.  I suggested yesterday on the forum its time to RECHECK your supplies as I had updating yesterday.  Things will escalate.. exponentially.  Forum thread....http://www.abundanthope.net/talkitup/showthread.php?684-PLEASE-PREPARE-FOR-THE-SHIT-TO-HIT-THE-FAN


Dear ones of Abundant Hope. I come today through this scribe to urge you to direct your full attention to matters of immediate importance on this world. At present, we foresee a number of possible scenarios occurring in the coming days that will rock the foundation of your reality. It is of prime importance that you heed strongly these words of warning, for things shall erupt in a fashion that will leave the world's population wondering what hit them.

You are urged to prepare for potential disaster scenarios. once things get rolling you will likely not have the opportunity to secure any more resources. We advise that you stock up on supplies and provisions that will last at least a few weeks time. Some of you can expect to be without access to water, food and electricity as things progress. It is therefore vital that you prepare materially, but also that you be ready to listen and act on the divine guidance that comes to you.

We repeat that you shall be the wayshowers in highly uncertain times. It will take great discernment, faith and courage on your part to provide guidance appropriately to others who are lost and overwhelmed by the period of controlled chaos. You must stand strongly in your shoes as leaders, knowing when to speak and when to bite your tongue, because the information you wish to offer would not be accepted. When considering how to move forward, look within your heart, not your head, for the answers. You who have cultivated a daily practice of communing with your higher self and guides shall find the guidance flowing easily. Our celestial helpers are stationed strategically throughout the globe and they shall serve as a support staff as events transpire. Call upon them to receive their help. You shall not be alone, but realize that nothing shall replace the divine knowing within.

It is with great joy and encouragement that we look upon ye beloved warriors of the light at this most critical phase of the game. The victory of the light is inevitable and you play no small role in the unfolding of events. We bless you for your efforts. We proudly cheer you on as the curtain opens. Be at peace dear ones, as the time is nigh for the grand show to commence and ye shall have a front row seat.
