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Awakening to Zero Point
By Ron chapman commentary on Gregg Braden
Jan 21, 2010 - 6:33:00 PM
Awakening to Zero Point
By Gregg Braden and commentary by Ron
Apr 14, 2009 - 8:37:00 AM
Ron: Just over 13 years ago Gregg Braden put out a video series called "Awakening to Zero Point.". He explains the scientific background to the coming Earth Shift to a higher vibratory level which has been going on for many years and which will culminate in Earth's Ascension along with those humans who have adapted spiritually to the higher Schumann Resonance vibratoty rate required for the Shift. Braden clearly explains the scientific factors involved and integrates them with into a perspective that shows how this process is affecting us physically. His explanation indicates how our emotional and spiritual reactions are influencing this process and why our emotional balance is important for those wishing to accompany Gaia. Although the videos were made 13 years ago the basic information is still relevant. one obvious factor that has changed is that today the Earth's Schumann Resonance is said to exceed 12 hertz whereas when he made the videos it had only increased from 7.8 to 8.8 hertz. So clearly we are approaching zero point and time seems to be speeding up because our world is vibrating almost twice as fast as it was throughout our known history.
There are four videos each being about 50 minutes long. The first two have the most detailed science in them. See:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3246068643261697998 Part 1
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6195639404227668247&hl=en Part 2
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6703843120084506634&hl=en Part 3
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=995720026852395221&hl=en Part 4
Part I talks about the Sun's magnetic field declining and being the same at both poles and at the equator. Brief mention is also made of the Photon Belt and the effects of our solar system being in it. The geometric decline in Urantia's magnetic field is then discussed with a clear indication that it is heading to zero before a magnetic pole reversal takes place. Then a thumb nail sketch of the effects of Urantia's Schumann Resonance and the fact that it has been constant at 7.8 hertz throughout recorded history BUT is now increasing at a geometric rate. This explanation goes into Part II where Braden shows that the increase in the Schumann Resonance appears to be occurring in accordance with the Fibonacci number ratios. The relevance of these physical occurrences is then explained and he shows how what is occurring now accords with the Egyptian, Tibetan and Mayan calendars and others, and with sacred prophecies and writings throughout our known history.
He then discusses the relationship between sound and form and notes that motion is a vibration; emotions are a vibration and we are vibrations. In effect the liquid crystal of our body is attempting to accommodate the coming Earth Shift (in vibration).
This involves a sacred circuit - a resonant tune between the heart, the brain and the cells of the body. Our brain respond to an electro-magnetic pulse from the HEART and transmits it to every cell in the body. The heart gets its pulse rate from the Earth and the Earth gets its Schumann Resonance rate from the Sun which gets it from the Central Sun of the Galaxy and so on. What is requires is that we tune our bodies to that resonant circuit and we do that by aligning our thoughts and emotions with heart-centred feelings of compassion.
Braden then explains the mechanics of the process whereby our thoughts and feelings create us and our world. The magic is centred in our DNA. The patterns are entrained in our DNA We have only 20 known active (amino-acid) antenna in our DNA but there are 64 antenna in all. Science hasn't figured out yet what the rest are for. Anyway, of the 64 possible antenna only 20 are turned on" right now. Moreover several "luciene" (?) antenna have different shapes although they seem to be the same amino-acids. Why so? Well apparently these antenna are switches that are turned on and off by our emotions and the emotion for fear is a long, slow wave whereas the emotion evoked by love is a much shorter, quicker vibration so that it strikes many more antenna on the DNA's double helix (as it crosses and recrosses it) than does the long, slow wave created by feelings of fear. Presumably then, love activates our DNA more often and more effectively.
So, the way you interpret and perceive emotion in your life directly affects what happens in your DNA (as more or fewer codes are turned on). Braden then discusses a HeartMath experiment that demonstrated that patterns of light align themselves along the axis of DNA. In effect DNA entrains light that is, in the presence of DNA random light particles cease their random distribution and take up a pattern in accordance with the shape of the DNA. So if the DNA is scrunched up by say, anger (a fear based emotion) the light particles will presumably be similarly unrelaxed. Moreover, when the DNA is removed from the presence of light particles they remain in the same pattern - that is, they stay entrained. This is called 'the phantom DNA effect."
This experiment is highly significant. It tells us that the stuff composing the universe - light particles - respond to our DNA!
As our world is made out of light; our emotions determine our DNA patterns and the DNA patterns then entrain light particles, our emotions determine the shape of the world around us and IN us! Our experience of emotions and feelings trip the codes in our DNA and they in turn attract the appropriate light particles which manifest in accordance with the shape of the DNA.
Thoughts and emotions are electro-magnetic. Currently magnetics prevent fantasies from manifesting quickly. [Ron: The issue is, what will happen when Urantia's magnetics decline to zero point - which is well underway now. Given that we are told that for a magnetic pole reversal to take place the planet must cease turning for a few hours and the magnetics must presumably cease to function for that period, it may be just as well that we go into stasis just before that happens.]
In Part III Braden talks about the flower of life which represents all possibilities as potential - all possibilities arise through the marriage of opposites. For instance logical mind plays a key role in our thoughts and actions but ideally the wisdom of the heart tempers the logic of the mind.
The temple of our soul is within us and cymatic images illustrate this while electronic pulses triggered by emotions and feelings turn on and off the patterns in our bodies which create images. Emotions and feeling are a gift. They allow us to experience everything. However our allowance of fear creates interference patterns which interfere with the body's attempt to match the Earth's vibration which results in imbalance.
In Part IV Braden discusses the science of chaos theory and demonstrates the Mandelbrot set which represents the boundary between order and chaos. Because life (and the universe) is holographic in nature, every emotion or action influences everything else in the cosmos. We are all connected and everything we do, think or feel feeds into the total of all that is.
This means that collective resonance can have a visible impact on our world. Braden reckons that it doesn't take many people in compassion mode to effect a change in the whole hologram. Every time you remember not to fear you become a bridge for others to follow and emulate. Compassion is the key to effecting positive change.
Braden also reckons that whatever is happening in your life, it is impossible for you to be faced with the greatest challenges until you have amassed to yourself and assimilated into your life the experiences and tools to adequately and gracefully deal with it.
Some final suggestions:
Simplicity is the key - all we have to do is BE.
What you identify with and focus on manifests.
Don't be limited by what you have learnt - be prepared to go beyond your previous experience
You must become what you want in your life. In that becoming you are then the living bridge to those things for others.
Opportunities occur through relationships so embrace them consciously and with intent.
Although these videos are some 14 years old I recommend a listen because of the scientific connections referred to. I understand that the Earth's Schumann Resonance is now above 12 hertz. Motion is vibration. Emotion is vibration. We are vibration. Arguably the body is a liquid crystal and the heart-mind is a biological computer which programs every cell in the body. In turn the heart-mind is entrained to Earth and Earth to the Sun and so on.
Some related observations:
Arguably matter does not exist. The substance of this holographic Universe is consciousness and hence behaviour not "matter" is what's important. Arguably also:
* Fear is a very slow dense vibration.
* Our strongly held beliefs and feelings help create the future.
* Information is the key to life the universe and everything. Information creates fractals (using the conscious adamantine sub-atomic particles that pervade all space) that manifest our holographic universe.
* At the sub atomic level reality behaves in accordance with the expectations of the observer.
* Particles are fluctuations of energy in a huge field of energy which constitutes all that is.
* Our body is a biological computer.
* Our physical world is structured as it is because it constitutes a tiny, tiny frequency range within an infinite field of frequency ranges.
* The act of consciousness builds the physical Universe.
* Everywhere we look, everywhere that consciousness explores with the expectation that something will BE there, that act of observation creates what we see.
* Consciousness is the programming language of the Universe
* We are consciousness conductors
* We are the ones who transmit the reality … we create reality through what we believe and feel. There are only two primary emotions - FEAR and LOVE. Those emotions create our world and us.
Because fear makes us dependent and love makes us free and independent the controllers of our world attempt to manipulate and modulate us and our environment in certain ways that create and maintain stress, fear etc so that our creation becomes not ours but there's.
NB That's why those who control our world have made special efforts to control religion, education, health care and all media but especially TV, films, videos etc - all the high visual and emotional impact stuff.
There is a need for humanity to be aware of and control conscious thoughts and emotions at all times. Humanity's vacuous attention to gibberish, shopping and trinket acquisition; and our emotional addiction to pseudo drama on TV and in our lives is the fuel on which our matrix masters feed. Our attention to slow dense vibratory acts, thoughts and things is the "juice", the nourishment on which our controllers batten, using and exploiting it for their insane purposes.