금융 관련 기사들은 현상들을 길게 늘여 분석하여 쓰지만
현실적인 결론은 언제나 동일하다.
1. 미국엔 금이 없다.
2. FRB 는 이미 국영화 되었고 미 재무부 산하의 통제구조 상태로 들어 갔음.
3. FRB 의 이전 주인들은 현재 뿔뿔이 흩어져 도망간 상태.
4. 현행 FRB 의 금리 조종에 관한 그 어떤 내용도 ..
5. 11월 3일 자로 미 정부의 현찰이 모두 소진 되는 시점을 대비한 구라퍼갠더의 성격이 높다는 것.
6. 비상식량들 준비 되었는가를 묻게 되는데..
7. 터졌을 땐, 이미 늦었다는 것을 주의하여야 하며.
8. 달러가 멀쩡하다고 짖어 대는 자들은 돈을 날려 먹을 준비가 된 자들...
9. 쟈넷 옐런의 공식적인 발언은 존재하지 않으며.
10. 국제금융 붕괴의 파고를 대비해야만 하는 비상 시나리오가 현재 가동 중일 뿐..
11. 중동에서 카쟈르 꼭둑각시들이 어떤 형태로든 시리아 사태를 확대하려는 이유.
12. 미국의 파산..달러의 파산..? 이미 파산상태임을 인식해야 하며
13. 이 현상이 어떤 형태로 터지게 될 것인가...를 논의하는게 현명...이 마저도 늦어졌으며..
14. 미리 충분한 현금을 준비한 상태로 있어야 하고
15. 최근 엔화가 왜 그리도 떨어져 내렸는지에 대한 이해의 배후 뒷정황을 이해하는 것이 중요.
16. 가을 하늘이 마냥 푸르름에 취해서도 안되며
17. 중국은 행성에 존재하지 않는 다고 여겨졌었던 돈을 흩 뿌릴 준비상태로 들어 갔으며.
18. 이집트 시나이 페닌슐라 지역에서 추락한 러시아 민간 여객기 사고는 의도적인 테러.(댓가를 치르게 될 것)
19. 그렇다고 러시아가 달라지지 않으며
20. 제국의 가시적인 붕괴가 손 가락 10개 조차 불필요한 시점에 이르렀음을 이해하는 것이 중요..
- The Art -
Federal Reserve cries wolf on interest rates yet again
2 days ago
The Federal Reserve has once again found a convenient excuse for why they again won’t raise rates, but “may do so in December“.
Time after time in recent months, they say they will raise rates in the future — most likely to give the illusion that the economy has recovered from the 2008 crash — but then when the date for a decision arrives, they delay. The false signals have been one after another.
Cutting through all the sophisticated jargon the Fed uses when making these announcements, the reason they haven’t yet raised rates is due to the simple fact that the economy wouldn’t be able to deal with it.
They know this all too well. Yet over and over, they fake rate hikes, even though all major indicators show we are on the verge of a recession… if we are not in one already.
The problem with the Fed continuing to use this same tactic each month is that they have now become the Boy Who Cried Wolf. Their games will soon no longer work.
For seven years, the Fed has kept rates on hold at 0.25%; does that sound like an economic recovery to you? Even the sheep are beginning to question this.
Interest rates aren’t even at 1% — that’s how shaky the economy is. But don’t take my word for it: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank have both publicly warned the Fed not to hike rates even a quarter of a percent, as it could lead to a global meltdown. And that’s without even mentioning that GDP growth in the third quarter has come in below expectations.
If anything, it actually appears that the Fed may be more likely to move interest rates into negative territory, or maybe even launch another round of quantitative easing (QE).
If the Fed’s current track record is anything to go by, maybe we can even expect to see a combination of both in the coming months, especially as the economy continues to slow down and we move towards deflation.
Simply put, it’s clear that Janet Yellen has no master escape plan for our current predicament; this could very well be Houdini’s last trick before the lights go out on the current order of things.
This may be an additional reason why Senator Ted Cruz is telling Americans to protect their savings with gold. During these very uncertain economic times, it may be time to take his advice.
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Negative interest rates and QE4 is coming
September 28, 2015
From Filip Karinja, for Birch Gold Group
Despite the Federal Reserve running a zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) for 80 months straight and Quantitative Easing programs that have ballooned its balance sheet over $3.5 trillion, US GDP has struggled to reach 2%.
It’s plain for all to see: They are running out of options to keep the economy from falling, as current policy is proving to be extremely ineffective.
Bond fund manager Bill Gross came out this week saying that the Fed must bite the bullet and raise rates. Otherwise, he says, savers, retirees, 401(k)’s and funds setup for healthcare and education will continue to suffer.
As Gross points out:
“If companies can borrow close to zero, why wouldn’t they invest the proceeds in the real economy? The evidence of recent years is that they have not, instead they have plowed trillions into the financial economy as they buy back their own stock with a seemingly safe tax advantaged arbitrage.”
Simply put, the gains we have seen in recent years on Wall Street are not reflective of what’s actually happening on Main Street.
So what will the Fed do?
The central bank’s stated goal is to “conduct the nation’s monetary policy by influencing money and credit conditions in the economy in pursuit of full employment and stable prices.”
So what happens now when 1 in 3 Americans is not part of the labor force?
What happens when record low interest rates and QE programs lead to asset bubbles causing unstable pricing?
The Fed lacks the ability to achieve its own stated purpose.
Another reason cited for the need of the Federal Reserve is that it maintains the stability of the financial system and contains systemic risk that may arise in financial markets.
But looking at our present situation, there are clearly more arguments that show that the Fed is responsible for the economic mess that is brewing and is merely kicking the can down the road… at least until they can find an external excuse to blame for any economic collapse.
And this is exactly why we’re having all the talk about potentially raising rates. The reason the Fed gives for rate hike delays is always an external reason to try shift blame and responsibility, the most recent being China.
The fact is, the Fed can’t even raise rates by 0.25% without both the IMF and World Bank publicly stating that it would lead to “panic and turmoil” in the markets.
All that is left is to go negative with interest rates and launch QE on a scale never before seen – or perhaps both!
The Fed has already shown they seem content in repeating their failed actions of the past. So their solution to avoid the much needed sobering up of our ponzi economy will likely be to drink even more shots.
Central banks are doing the same globally
It’s not just the United States Federal Reserve that is doing all it can to try boost productivity; central banks around the world are engaged in lax monetary policy.
China is rapidly devaluing its currency by cutting rates in a desperate bid to stop the continued slowdown in their economy.
Europe has negative interest rates and has committed to a minimum of $1.28 trillion in QE, which is showing no signs of improving the economy.
Japan is doing the same but it goes by the name ‘Abenomics’. This policy has sunk the country into unrepayable debt as the nation’s credit rating was downgraded earlier this month from A+ to AA-.
The only real solution for the central planners to take is to put down the bottle, take a sobering look in the mirror and raise interest rates.
Yes, such a move will cause short-term problems, but the sooner we face the reality of the situation, the better.
The longer the central banks and governments keep this illusion of a recovery going by printing trillions of dollars at record low interest rates, the greater the crisis will be when reality finally sets in.
The fact is, central banks are in a “damned if they do, damned if they don’t” situation.
Backed into a corner, could the Fed take even more extreme measures in the future? And how can you take advantage of this checkmate situation?