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[유튜부] KGB 측이 공개한 외계인들 관련 내용

by 煌錦笑年 2016. 1. 10.


재미로 볼만..

그러나 외계인 침공에 관한 내용으로 해석하면 곤란하다..

이 모든 것들은 과거의 이야기들이며 전 세계적인 공포심 조장이 목적인 자들의 작품..

그러나 동시에 러시아는 미국에게 외계인 관련 정보를 공개하라고 지적해 왔으나 미국은 묵묵부답..

미국의 비밀정부 체제와 협력했던 그레이들은 미국의 아이젠하워를 접촉했던 동시에

비슷한 시기에 러시아 볼쉐비키들 역시 접촉 했었다..

걔중에 전수된 기술의 하나가 클로닝.. 이 내용은 Dr. Peter David Beter 박사의 오디오 파일로까지 이어져 나간다.

상세한 내용은 Phoenix Journal 을 참조..

KGB Agent Record of Alien Races [Leaked]

게시일: 2015. 1. 3.

This video shows a record of Alien Races from a KGB agent. 

The Whole story can be read here: http://www.markfoster.net/struc/the_a...

Could this be connected to why Russia is building ‘Noah’s Ark': DNA Databank Will Cover All Living Things? 

Read more athttp://www.inquisitr.com/1706567/russ...

I just read this article elsewhere. Just take your time to read it:

"Many people have had prophetic warnings about the coming false rapture/alien invasion, I have had several myself. From what I have seen many millions are going to fall for it when it happens.

Here is an excerpt from Linda Newkirk’s prophecy about what will happen, additional prophecies at this link…. http://revelation12.ca/?p=29

They shall come at a terrible time in the earth and at a time when many feel hopeless and in great despair, at a time when many think that they will escape such terrible times. Through vast mind control techniques, they will gain control over the minds of many! The curious and the spiritually weak will listen and many of them will obey the commands and they will willingly go and enter into these ships. And, many, who believe what is called the “early-out rapture” will believe that these ships are of Me; for their thinking is twisted and they will fall for the great mind control, which will come at them from many directions. Many televangelists will be used, and preachers will be used, as mind controlled stooges at the hands of Satan and these very evil creatures; and these preachers, and even certain prophets, will trumpet the arrival of Jesus for His people. Great lies, storms of lies, will beat down on the people; and such lies will seduce the weak, as great numbers, even millions upon millions of people the world over, will agree to enter into these ships.

Oh, the woes! Oh, the great woes! Oh the fright! Oh, the pain! Oh, the suffering! Oh, the sorrows! For, many of you will be killed straight away! You will be served up to these evil hordes as one great feast, and they will feast upon your flesh and upon your blood. For, they are not at all human, but you will see many, who are part bird and part reptile; and these are the Dragos. They will eat you alive, pecking and clawing at you and delighting in your fear as they gobble your flesh and drink your blood; for it is your life force that they wish to consume. It is your light, that they wish to devour. But, some of you, who enter into these ships, which will fill the skies, will be saved for greater horrors. For, they will invade your bodies and will take over your bodies and will use your bodies to further deceive great numbers of people. For, their ways are not your ways. They were once of high standing in the Upper Realms, but they fell! Nevertheless, they are not without certain supernatural powers. And, you will not understand their powers; but when you later see some that you have seen and known to go into these ships, appear again before your very eyes, you will delight to see once again your friends and family, only to be consumed and devoured alive, by the Drago, who has taken the body."

Below description is not included in the article above.

Unexplained aerial observations have been reported throughout history. Some were undoubtedly astronomical in nature: comets, bright meteors, one or more of the five planets that can be seen with the naked eye, planetary conjunctions, or atmospheric optical phenomena such as parhelia and lenticular clouds. An example is Halley's Comet, which was recorded first by Chinese astronomers in 240 BC and possibly as early as 467 BC. Such sightings throughout history often were treated as supernatural portents, angels, aliens extraterrestrial, extraterrestrial life or other religious omens. Some current-day Search for Extraterrestrial or UFO researchers have noticed similarities between some religious symbols in medieval paintings and UFO reports though the canonical and symbolic character of such images is documented by art historians placing more conventional religious interpretations on such images with regards to the Evidence of Extraterrestrial beings who visited Earth.
